Books read in 2024

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Food Preservation Finished for the Year!

Those of you who have followed my blogs in the past know that my husband puts out a large garden each summer.  You also know how I enjoy preserving that food for our use over the next year.  It's something we have always done since we were married.  We both grew up in homes where gardening and preserving were essential to provide food for the family.  I guess you could say that it just comes naturally for us.

This year has been no different than the past 51 years of our marriage.  Some have asked why we do it and we think to ourselves, "Why wouldn't we?"  :)

When I took inventory of what we still had on the shelves in the spring, before Strong Heart ordered his seeds, I discovered that we had plenty of the staples that we depend on such as several types of canned beans, applesauce, tomatoes in different forms and such.  I really enjoyed what canning I did this year because it was all what I call the "fun stuff".

I made a LOT of different types of jams...blueberry, currant, and gooseberry.  Unfortunately, I didn't take pictures of any of them.

I also canned 30 quarts of pickled beets, which I did not photograph.

I only did 4 quarts of tomato juice because I still had a good bit left from previous years.  I guess I didn't make enough chili and soups last year. :)

Then I did just five pints of diced tomatoes, which apparently I didn't photograph either.

Strong Heart and I did 25 quarts of corn for the freezer...again, no picture. 

Then there was 15 pints of pizza sauce...only photographed five of them here.  The half of a pint you see also pictured was used that evening for making pizza!

I froze 7 pints of Lima picture.  Can you tell that I haven't been blogging for a while?  Otherwise,  I would have had pictures of everything! l0l

Also had 12 pintsof salsa that I made.

And 10 quarts of spaghetti sauce

And the last of the "tried and true" things that I have done before was 14 quarts of apple pie filling, which I neglected to photograph.

Then it got really fun!  I tried some things that I hadn't done before, such as....

6 pints of Corn Relish

7 pints of Pickled Carrots

9 pints of Spiced Apples

 6 pints of Spiced Pears

6 half pint jars of apple butter that I did in the crock pot

My last endeavor was freezing 9 pints of pumpkin puree.  

By the time that the first of September comes around I am usually wishing for the end.  This year was no exception to that, but I have to admit that once the preserving is finished, I actually miss having it to do.

Then God said, "Behold, I have given to you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth,
 and every tree which has the fruit of the tree yielding seed;
 it shall be food for you.

Genesis 1:29 
Legacy Standard Bible


  1. This all looks so delicious! And that brilliant red. ❤️

    1. Thank you so much, Sandi. Those tomatoes were so pretty and red and we enjoyed many of them on sandwiches througout the summer.

  2. You have to feel very accomplished! My mom always canned pickled beets - yum! I love all the fun things you did.
    The Dr who is in charge of our office has a huge garden and I can't believe all the things she cans. Her summer is very busy!

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Mari. I love being a part of the provision for the food on the table. I know I could go to the store and buy it, but I enjoy what I do and I also know what is in my food. The doctor in charge of your office must truly enjoy gardening and canning.

  3. What a blessing to have a garden and be able to store up its bounty! I had an aunt in upstate NY who had a big garden and canned all summer long.

    1. It truly is a blessing, Melanie. And one that I enjoy being able to do.

  4. What an impressive amount of preserving you have done! I must admit to becoming quite lazy in my old age but I used to do a lot. In fact when I look back at what I accomplished with 5 young children I can hardly believe the energy I must have had.
    Your store cupboard must be full to bursting!
    Granny Marigold

    1. Thank you, Granny Marigold. It will be interesting to see how much longer I can continue to do it. As long as I am able I will be happy to do it because I enjoy it so much. I truly relate to your comment about wondering how you accomplished so much when you were raising five young children and the energy you used to have. We had Covid last fall and I've noticed a huge decline in my energy level.

  5. That sure is a lot of work but it all looks so good.
    We can't even grow anything!! :)

    1. Thank you. It is a lot of work, but I enjoy it.... especially years like this one when it's all fun stuff. 😊. Do you still have a good many deer? If our backyard wasn't fenced in it would be hard for us to grow anything.

  6. That settles it, I'm a sluggard, LOL! I'm happy to report our kids here in Colville garden and preserve and freeze dry, too. Good for you for your efforts to put to good use your produce!!

    1. you aren't. I'm sure your kids in colville share their bounty with you and that's a blessing! Thank you for your kind words.

  7. I have always admired your industriousness in this but have no desire to do the same. :-)

    1. LOL...I understand that it isn't for everyone. It's like second nature for me.
