Books read in 2024

Monday, November 13, 2023

From My Journal


TODAY IS:  13 November 2023

AROUND ME:  Music is playing softly, the rain has stopped and the flowering pear tree outside the window is still full of beautiful hues of yellow and orange.

I AM PONDERING How rich God's Word He so profoundly makes His salvation clear from beginning to end.  Our study Wednesday night was SO rich as we studied a bit deeper on Christ's I AM the Door and Shepherd in John 10.  Psalm 23 expounds on it so beautifully.  A few verses I have enjoyed studying further in relation to the same subject at our pastor's encouragement are Genesis 49:24, Psalm 80:1, Jeremiah 23, Ezekiel 34:1-10.  

AMONG MY FAVORITE THINGS:  A good book on a rainy day along with a cup of tea in a favorite mug.

BOOKS I AM CURRENTLY ENJOYING I am still reading Name Above All Names by Alistair Begg and Sinclair Ferguson and The Grumbler's Guide to Giving Thanks by Dustin Crowe.  So far in Name Above All Names, I've read about Jesus Christ, the Seed of Woman, Jesus Christ, the Prophet and Jesus Christ, the Great High Priest.  Such a rich study.  And it will take me a while to finish The Grumbler's Guide to Giving Thanks because I am taking it slow and doing the "homework" at the end of each chapter.  The Lord is using this study to get me to dig deeper into His Word and find a deeper meaning of true thanksgiving.  

I AM THANKFUL FOR: for my husband who loves me unconditonally and is always there to help me with whatever needs to be done.

NEVER TOO OLD TO LEARN:  I have one crocheting project going but it will soon be finished.  I would like to learn a new pattern.

FROM THE KITCHEN:  The menu for today will be White Bean Chopped Salad...a recipe from my anti-inflammatory cookbook.  For supper the plan is Veggie Supreme Pizza, another recipe from my anti-inflammatory cookbook.



TO DO LIST FOR TODAY:  Launder the bed linens and towels, plant care and washing down the front of the kitchen cabinets with Murphy's Oil Soap.

Be sure to come back tomorrow for a post about something that I was gifted!


  1. God's word is indeed rich! It's all we need for our Handbook for life. Your crockery is so pretty! I love the blues. I just discovered a new tea from Tazo called Cinnamon Spice. It is so good on these chilly days!

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Melanie. I would love to own that piece of crockery. It's from my Crockery board on Pinterest. I've been a bit discouraged when it comes to teas of late. All of the yummy fall blends are mostly black teas...which I can't do because of the caffeine. We have some Hot Cinnamon Spice from Harney Teas that Carroll really enjoys.

  2. Oooh - I really like that Spurgeon quote.
    So thankful for my husband as well.
    We are having chicken noodle soup for supper, tastes good on these Autumn days.
    Hope you have a good day!

    1. Yes... the quote is one with food for thought. Your chicken noodle soup sounds really good. I made a Creamy Bacon and Mushroom Soup last night for supper and we had the rest of it today for lunch. It's really good.

  3. Lovely quote and I agree a good book on a rainy day is delightful.

    1. Good books and yarn ....what else could we want for a rainy day, yes? Have a wonderful week.

  4. I enjoy this Monday format for a post. When all my travel journaling is done, I might embrace it. Digging deep is so good. Reading great books from trusted authors is the best. Love the quote by one of my favorite dead preachers, Spurgeon. Have a wonderful week, Dianna! Got your message...

    1. Thank you, Ellen. You are more than welcome to use the format. I watched an interview of Alistair Begg this afternoon. He has such a wonderful way of putting people at ease. And I appreciate the way he approaches the Word of God. Yesterday I watched John MacArthur being interviewed by Ben Shaprio.

  5. What are you crocheting? I’m currently crocheting a toy giraffe (a requested gift for Christmas) for my favourite little girl.

    1. Hi Lauren! I'm crocheting a baby afghan. I had bought yarn early this spring to make a baby afghan and some how I managed to purchase enough for three! I've already given two away and will just put this third one away for the next time I need a gift for a newborn. I'd love to see your toy giraffe when you finish it. I'm sure your favourite little girl will enjoy it immensely at Christmas.

  6. Murphys Oil Soap brings back memories of my mom and our home when I young. I absolutely love the smell for that reason. Thanks for the memory!

    1. You are welcome. We have the same memory from childhood. I think it makes everything smell fresh and clean.

  7. That is a great quote!!
    Such a pretty crock. I have a small collection of Mini Row Pottery.

    1. I wasn't familiar with Mini Rowe Pottery, so I looked it up. Oh my! It's gorgeous.
