Books read in 2024

Monday, November 20, 2023

From My Journal

 TODAY IS:  20 November 2023

AROUND ME:  The clock is ticking away, the refrigerator is humming, and Strongheart just left for the first day of deer hunting season.

I AM PONDERING:  this article and this article

AMONG MY FAVORITE THINGS:  Connecting with friends and family through letters, emails, or phone.  It's always special.

BOOKS I AM CURRENTLY ENJOYING Logic on Fire which is a combination of a book which includes four sermons and also a 3 disc documentary on the life of Martyn Lloyd-Jones.  Excellent!

I AM THANKFUL FOR Jesus who loved me and gave Himself for me.  Galatians 2:20

NEVER TOO OLD TO LEARN:  The names of the different types of Woodpeckers that come to our backyard to enjoy some suet.  

FROM THE KITCHEN:  I'm thinking along the lines of steak, baked sweet potato, and green beans.  I want a good hardy meal for Strongheart this evening since he'll be out in the woods all day.  (And it's currently 27 degrees F).

SOMETHING I REALLY ENJOY:  More blue and white.

You can find this here

A QUOTE TO REMEMBER:  "When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything." 
G.K. Chesteron

TO DO LIST FOR TODAY: sheets, towels, organize the pantry.

"So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 90:12


  1. I like connecting with loved ones in all the ways available to us today. I found both those articles very interesting, too. I used to have a bird book to look up the birds that came by, but I found it easier to just Google a description and find suggestions of the type of bird I was seeing.

    1. I found the first link very informative and the second link was just SO precious. Those were the two links from Laudable Linkage that I got to over the weekend. I hear ya when it comes to just googling the description of a bird. :) We also have a bird identification book from the Audubon Society but it takes a bit longer to find the identification of the bird in it....small print and all, you know. :)

  2. We love bird watching too. It’s always fun to learn more about the birds in our garden!

    1. I find it fun to learn about the different birds also, Lauren.

  3. a lovely list! I love my woodpeckers (red belly and downy) Hope you have a nice thanksgiving.

    1. Thank you, Karen. We have the same types of woodpeckers as you and I love watching them.

  4. There is always something new to learn.
    Great quote!

    1. Yes, there is, Karen. I found that quote in my reading this past week.

  5. Hello! Thanks for sharing part of your day, my friend.

  6. When I was quite young, my moms dishes were blue and white. I remember looking at all the little scenes in it. Good memories.
    Good quote - thought provoking!
    Those articles! I really enjoyed the one by the former muslim, and then I read the In the Middle, and was in tears by the time I got to the end. Thank you so much for sharing them!

    1. That's special about the memories you have of your mom's dishes. I like Chesterton. People from his generation had more than just surface thoughts and I appreciate that. I'm really glad that you read the articles that I linked to. I enjoyed them both... and I was definitely in tears when reading the second one. Thank you for stopping by, Mari, and letting me know what you enjoyed.

    2. So, I sent the link to that article to Bob, and he was also teary after reading it. So good!

    3. I'm so glad that you both enjoyed it.

  7. I've enjoyed a devotional by Martin Lloyd Jones the last couple of years. Hope Strongheart gets a dear!

    1. I'm sure the devotional is quite good. We are enjoying the DVDs and the short book that goes along with the documentary. Thank you. He said he saw several deer today but they were all does. He is staying home tomorrow because it's supposed to rain all day.

  8. You're fortunate to have woodpeckers come to your back yard. So far we've only had Northern Flickers come and we enjoy seeing those.
    I hope you had a lovely day all to yourself. And I hope Strongheart gets his deer ( and stays safe while hunting).

    Have a Blessed Thanksgiving ❤❤❤
    Granny M

    1. Thank you, Granny M. I'm sorry I'm just now seeing this. We had a lovely Thanksgiving.

  9. brrrr! Good luck hunting! sounds like a great meal to have after a long cold day.
    My grandmother loved to sit and watch the birds in the backyard. We kept feeders and she would share with us any new birds that came around that particular day.
    Hope you have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving!

  10. I've been trying to whittle my to-do list to 3 main things each day (and "main" can also mean small, ha). I love seeing these glimpses into your journal. I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving, friend!

    1. I hear ya, my friend. Some days small is very good for me. Thank you for the wishes. I hope you have a good Thanksgiving as well, Lisa. xx

  11. Thank you for the link to the Story at Normandy. It was wonderful.

    1. You are so welcome, Sandi. I was in tears through the majority of it.

  12. That biscuit jar is so pretty! I can see why it would catch your eye. I do enjoy reading your journal here.

    1. Thank you, Melanie. It's a Pinterest board pin...but it is lovely.
