Books read in 2024

Monday, November 27, 2023

From My Journal

 TODAY IS:  27 November 2023

AROUND ME:  It's a rainy Monday morning and the beginning of a busy week for us.  

I AM PONDERING:  this article and this article.

AMONG MY FAVORITE THINGS:  Good food and fellowship with loved ones.

BOOKS I AM CURRENTLY ENJOYINGgilead by Marilynne Robinson.  This was part of a birthday gift from our son and daughter-in-law.  I'm enjoying the story line so far.  It's a collection of letters that a father (who is the third generation of his father's side who is in the pastorate), who appears to be dying, is writing for his young son.  I'm only on page 36 so I don't have a lot of information past that at this point.

I AM THANKFUL FOR the seasons of the year that God gives us so graciously.  We've had the HOPE of spring, the JOY of warmth and sunshine in summer, the inkling of His GLORY in the beautiful colors of autumn and now we are moving on to the AMAZEMENT of winter.  It can be so bleak but it can also be cozy.  

NEVER TOO OLD TO LEARN:  something new from Scripture.  One of the things I enjoy about God's Word is that I can read it time and time again and each time, the Holy Spirit, in His kindness, shows me something new that I had missed when I read before.

FROM THE KITCHEN: Turkey Soup and cornbread

SOMETHING I REALLY ENJOY:  This yellow cactus that my cousin started for me several years ago had its first bloom open up on Thanksgiving morning to greet me.


You can find this here

TO DO LIST FOR TODAY: sheets, towels, dental appointment, plant care.  My Monday schedule doesn't vary much.

"So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 90:12


  1. Hello! Your thoughts on the seasons are absolutely beautiful!

    1. Thank you, Billie Jo, for your kind words. xx

  2. I'm having turkey soup tonight too! Gotta use those leftovers. I do love your format here. I meant to do it as well today and then forgot and did something else. I guess I'll start next week! Blessings to you and Strongheart.

    1. I made our turkey soup this morning and we had some for lunch and we will have more for dinner. That will finish off our turkey. I plan to put the recipe up for it tomorrow.

      Thank you for your kind words regarding the format for my From My Journal.

  3. Our daughter-in-law told me a couple of days ago that there were more in the series and I planned to look them up. When I saw your comment I checked them out and I will definitely be getting the other three at some point. Thank you for your recommendation.

  4. I read that book a few years ago with mixed emotions. Parts of it are lovely. I disagreed with some of the theology, though. :-) I understand it's written primarily for the story rather than being a theology textbook. But I still lime accuracy. :-) I'm eager to hear your thoughts on it.

    I so agree about still learning new things in Scripture even after multiple rereadings. It's good to be reminded of old lessons, but every now and then a new aspect will emerge from a familiar passage.

    1. I've only gotten to page 36 so far, so now I'm intrigued to keep reading more. :) You have made me curious.

      Yes...being reminded of old lessons is as good as seeing something new that emerges when reading Scripture. I'm on Chapter 8 in the Grumbler's Guide to Giving Thanks and that's what it talks about a lot in that chapter...remembering.

  5. Your views on the four seasons are quite accurate.
    Turkey meat and soup are my very favorite food.
    Lovely yellow cactus bloom to greet you on Thanksgiving morning!

    1. Thank you, Duta, for your kind words regarding my post today. It's always good to see you when you visit. :)

  6. Love the quote.
    I'm happy to live in a place that has all 4 seasons. :)

    1. Thank you, Karen. I like that quote too. There was a time in my life when it seemed as though I was in great need of that reminder. I actually have a wooden "primitive type" plate on top of the fridge that says those exact words.

      I enjoy being where there are four distinct seasons, too.

  7. A warm greeting to you Dianna.
    I always look forward to the snow in winter - we don't usually have much of it where I live - and so when it comes I enjoy it to the fullest... it snows today... and I do I take a lot of walks in the forest... so wonderful.
    For lunch I have leftover guinea fowl - so good - and in the late afternoon I go to an English course with friends.
    It's nice to read about your plans... I wish you a happy, successful week - successful in the sense that you accomplish what you set out to do.

    1. Hello Viola! Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving such kind words. We actually had snow when we woke up this morning, but just enough to cover the ground...nothing like what your blog pictured earlier. I enjoy the snow but I'm not a fan of cold, which also comes along with the snow. :)

  8. If you read the book Lila, then the book Gilead will make a lot more sense.

    1. Oh... okay. This was a gift from my son and daughter -in-law for my birthday.
