Books read in 2024

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Mushroom Growing

 In yesterday's post about the Creamy Bacon Mushroom Soup I mentioned that a year ago Strongheart had started growing our mushrooms.  I remembered that I had taken a few pictures of the steps he went through to get the process started. 

He began by measuring and drilling holes across the log.

Next he took one of the mushroom plugs

and hammered it into the holes he had drilled.

He then took the logs into the woods and arranged them.  There normally is not much of a harvest, if any at all, the first year.  So we were very pleased that we were actually able to enjoy some this year.  He "planted" two different varities...Shitake and Lion's Mane.  The Shitake are the ones we've been enjoying.  Lion's Mane do not produce the first year so we are looking forward to being able to enjoy those this coming summer.  Mushrooms are a good anti-inflammatory food, especially the Lion's Mane, which is why he started this adventure to begin with.  

In case you aren't familiar with what a Lion's Mane mushroom looks like here is a picture from the internet.

"Every moving thing that is alive shall be food for you; as with the green plant , I give all to you."
Genesis 9:3


  1. I find this fascinating. I'll have to show this to our gardening kids who have woods on their property. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. I'll be scarce on the internet over the next few days.

    1. I'm so glad that you enjoyed it, Ellen. I wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Wow. That’s amazing! Hopefully you’ll have a big bounty of mushrooms next year.

    1. That's what we are hoping, too, Lauren. I'd love to have enough so that I could dehydrate them and can them to use during the winter months.

  3. I never knew anyone who grow mushrooms. How interesting.
    David told us about Lion's Mane - he found some here at Happy Trails!
