Books read in 2024

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Our First Snow of the Season

 We have snow!

Our first of the season!


  1. That is just hard to believe - can it really be snow season?? Is it early for you....or does it just seem that way to me!? Hope you are enjoying a snug day!

    1. Hi Jennifer! Thank you for stopping by. Yes, it is snow season here in WV. Actually, this is a little later than we normally see our first snow. There have been years when we've had snow in September. I live in the mountains. :)

  2. Wow...there it is. Time for soup!

    1. :) I know! The timing was perfect, yes? We had some more of the soup for lunch today. :)

  3. I'm glad it's there and not here. :) Especially if you enjoy it, as it sounds like you do. With balance issues, I can't get out in it. And without the proper equipment for roads, snow and ice tend to shut things down here. But it's lovely, and I do miss the days of little boys playing in in and then coming in for hot chocolate.

    1. Because we live here in the mountains of WV it's part of life for us this time of year. I was talking with a friend a little while ago and she told me that I-68 (which is how we would travel from here to Morgantown) was closed for a bit this morning due to ice. But here in our local area the roads were clear.

  4. Replies
    1. I thought of you this morning and wondered if you might have more snow than we did. Your county normally does.

  5. Us too! I was driving home from an appt and could hardly see. It was certainly not the usual first snow of the season.

    1. Oh wow. Ours was nothing like that. We had freezing rain before the snow fell because when Carroll was cleaning off the truck this morning he was able to just sweep the snow off, but there was ice underneath it that he had to scrape off. Our roads must have all been treated because the roads were clear when we drove to the next village for my doctor appointment this morning.

  6. It looks so beautiful!

    1. I always enjoy the first snow so much, regardless of whether it is a lot or just a dusting.

  7. Ugh! I am not ready for that stuff. Lol! It's pretty if you can stay home.

    1. Yes, and it doesn't bother me nearly as much now that my husband is retired and doesn't have to travel across the mountain every day to go to work.
