Books read in 2024

Friday, January 19, 2024

Be Encouraged

 Do you ever ponder how the jobs that you find before you make a difference? Growing up the only thing that I ever wanted to be was a wife and a mom.  Those were my two goals in life.  God so graciously gave me both of those and threw in a lot of other gifts in the form of jobs as well.  Two of those were teaching teen girls in Sunday School and also teaching in the Christian school that our two children attended.

I still serve the Lord as the maker of our home.  It's one of the greatest gifts that He has given me after salvation.  I so enjoy taking care of Strongheart and caring for our home and preparing our meals. 

We moved to our current location 24 years ago in order to be here to help our parents.  My dad passed away in 1982, but my mom was still living as well as Strongheart's parents when we made the move.  It's a move that we have never regretted.  It was a joy to be able to help them.

I came across this quote by Elisabeth Elliot that I thought truly puts life and our "jobs" into perspective.

"And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him." 
Colossians 3:17


  1. what a beautiful post! I too was a wife and mother full time and look back at how much I loved it (still married and doing that lol). so many blessings!!!

    1. Thank you, Karen, for your kind words. My mom set such a good example of what a blessing it is to be a wife and mother.

  2. Thank you for the wonderful encouragement.

    1. You are welcome, Lauren. And thank you for stopping by and leaving a sweet note.

  3. Elizabeth Elliot was so full of wisdom! Being a wife and mother is a noble profession. Have a blessed weekend.

    1. Yes, Melanie, she truly was. I was cleaning out bookshelves today and as I pulled each of her books off the shelf to dust them, I could remember different lessons that the Lord taught me from each of the books.

  4. Beautiful encouragement, Dianna. I'm thinking of making a copy of that quote and putting it in our church kitchen. :)

    1. Thank you, Ellen. That would be a wonderful reminder to have that in the church kitchen.

  5. Lovely post that emphasizes the gifts God may bestow upon us.

  6. I try to remember to bloom where I am planted, in a place and in a job. Thanks for the reminder.

    1. Hello Willow! Your comment about blooming where you are planted brought back memories of my sweet mom. It was something that she used to say rather frequently. She even gave me a magnet one time with that on it...and it's still on the side of my fridge to this day. Thank you for stopping by.

  7. I think that's the way to find happiness, being content in where God wants us to be. :)

    1. Yes, Karen. Well said...being content in where God wants us to be. Been thinking about you today with all of the snow we've gotten over the last 24 hours.

  8. It's so interesting. I always wanted to be a wife and mom too, and secondary to that, I wanted to be a nurse. God blessed me with all those things.
    I've heard before that God gives you joy in doing what He wants you to do. I agree with that!
