Books read in 2024

Monday, January 22, 2024

From My Journal

 TODAY ISJanuary 22, 2024

AROUND ME: We've had our coldest night of all last night.  Our morning temperature at 6:37 is 1 degree F.  Brrr!  I'm thankful for the warmer temps that are forecast for this week.

I AM PONDERING:  God's mercy and faithfulness.  Lamentations 3:22-23 tells us that it is because of His great love that we are not consumed for His compassions do not fail...they are new every morning.  May His Name be praised!  


This is January's bulb plant of the month. 
 As you can see, the Hyacinths are almost finished,
as well as some of the Daffodils.
There are actually a couple of Crocus in bloom too in the middle.
But I have certainly enjoyed their beautiful pops of color during this time of winter.

BOOKS I AM CURRENTLY ENJOYING:  The Gospel's Power and Message by Paul Washer, The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment by Jeremiah Burroughs, A Garden to Keep by Jamie Langston Turner and continuing on with this year's devotional Refreshment for the Soul by Richard Sibbes.  

I AM THANKFUL FORA warm home on very cold days and colder nights, being able to stay at home when we have 14 inches of snow, Strongheart's insight in always preparing ahead with cutting firewood and his desire to take care of us.

NEVER TOO OLD TO LEARN"Winging it" isn't always the best policy when it comes to my making up recipes. 😀

FROM THE KITCHEN:  I want to try a new recipe this week...just haven't decided which one yet. 


The view of the woods behind our property
and watching the birds at the feeders. 

A QUOTE TO REMEMBER: "God is most glorified in me when I am most satisified in Him. " John Piper

TO DO LIST FOR TODAY Laundry, ironing, cleaning the kitchen window and washing the valances for that window.  Once that is completed then I can put all of my plants that go on the shelves in that window back that I rescued from the cold temperatures of this past week.

"So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 90:12


  1. beautiful flowers!! Winging it is my go to way of life, and most of the time it works out. I too am grateful for a warm house.

    1. We finally finished the soup tonight for dinner... the one that I "winged it". 😂

  2. It's getting warmer here - it's 22 degrees right now. However, they are now saying we are getting an ice storm tomorrow. And I have an appt for a badly needed hair cut. :(
    I love the Spring bulbs. They are so cheery!
    Your view from your window is great!

    1. I hate to hear about the predicted ice storm for you tomorrow. Our temperature got up to 37 today and Carroll was able to get a few things done outside. We are supposed to have rain late tomorrow.

  3. 14 inches is a lot of snow. Love the happy colors in that pot of flowers. Haha...on the winging it fail. :) We are warming up here but the roads are an ice rink today. So thankful for our faithful God!

    1. We live in the mountains and it snowed from Thursday morning through Sunday morning. We had a really mild winter last year so I think we got spoiled.
      Ice is so dangerous. Stay safe, my friend.

  4. We've had single-digit temperatures off and on for the past week, which has kept our almost ten inches of snow from melting. It's up to 40 degrees today, thankfully.

    Those flowers are so pretty, especially this time of year.

    I was lamenting that I hadn't filled the bird feeders before the snowfall. I just noticed Jim did some time today.

    I enjoy Jamie's books.

    That passage from Lamentations is one of my favorites.

    1. I'm sure when we were having all of the wind last week that the real feel was below zero. Some places in WV registered at -30. The flowers have really brightened up our days. I'm just starting Jamie's book but I'm enjoying it so far.

  5. We had a bit of a warm up today. 34 degrees!!

    1. Wasn't it wonderful?! I loved seeing the icicles dripping and growing smaller.

  6. We had a cold spell too, but I cannot imagine what 1 degree must feel like. Stay Cozy!

    1. Our temperatures are warming up here now and our low last night was only 28F so things are looking up! Thanks for stopping by!

  7. The flowers are beautiful and make me happy to think that spring is ahead.

    1. I have really enjoyed these pots of spring bulbs. I'm looking forward to seeing what the February pot will look like. I'll miss them after their gone for a few months until mine in the flower gardens start blooming.

  8. Your plants certainly are cheery to look at. When there's 14 inches of snow on the ground, I'd be very glad to stay home where it's warm. We didn't go below freezing last night so things are warming up here as well.

    1. Thanks, Melanie. I've certainly enjoyed the plants. I'm so glad to hear that things are warming up there. Maybe you will be able to get out and about when you need to now.

  9. Our cold spell has finally ended. We've had rain today which washed away almost the last of the ice we had. I hope you're staying warm. I love your blooming bulbs!!!

    1. I'm so glad that you are losing that ice! It's a lot worse than snow. Thank you....I have really enjoyed the blooms too!

  10. I had to bring some porch plants in when we had our recent cold spell. They're back out now and I'm hoping they'll be okay.

    1. I was finally able to put my African Violets back in the kitchen window on Monday of this week. They look happy so far.
