Books read in 2024

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Heaven and Nature Sing ~ a book review


Heaven and Nature Sing by Hannah Anderson is an Advent devotional.  I knew I would enjoy this book because I have read several of this author's works and have enjoyed and learned much with each one.  Heaven and Nature Sing was no exception.  

Reading an Advent devotional is such a wonderful way to prepare our hearts for the Christmas season with meditating on Christ's first coming.  I've read a variety of them but this one is definitely just what it says...a devotional or reflection.  

Hannah Anderson is a pastor's wife in a rural church in Virginia.  Her pastor husband, Nathan, does the art work in each of her books.  The illustrations are beautifully done and fit perfectly with each day's reflection.

The thing that I enjoy so much about this author is her giftedness of being able to take nature and combine it with lessons from daily living to bring out the meaning of Scripture.  All of her books are filled with Scripture and once again, this one was no exception.

I thoroughly enjoyed using this as my Advent devotional this year and would highly recommend it as a good source of encouragement for anyone. 


  1. Beautiful! For advent this year I read the Reed of God which was interesting. Advent is one of my favorite church seasons.

  2. As you know, I loved this book, too. I read it in December 2022. I considered reading it again last year but wasn't sure whether to do that or read something different. I am so glad I read this again. Though I remembered several parts, there was much I had forgotten. This book set me off into reading Hannah's other books. I've gotten to all but the two newest. God has given her an unusual wisdom and skill into weaving together insights from nature and Scriptural truths.

    1. I totally agree, my friend. It's a gift He has imparted to her.

  3. That sounds like a lovely book Dianna. Thank you for sharing ☺️

  4. We read Comfort & Joy by Matt Searles this past December. It was a nice add-on to our normal Bible Reading.

    1. That sounds like a good Advent reading too, Lauren. I'll have to look into that for next year. Thank you for mentioning it.

  5. Sure sounds like a great read.

  6. This sounds like one that I would like. I may have to get it now, because I'm not good at remembering after a year!
    I've just finished the Thankful book. It's not long, but I found it was better for me to read in small bits so I could take it in.

    1. I understand about ordering now instead of waiting until a year from now. :-)
      I understand what you are saying about The Grumbler's Guide to Giving Thanks. That's what I did too...and then I did the challenge in the back as well as starting a gratitude journal. It definitely has made a difference for me.

  7. Love the illustration on the cover. Glad it was a good and meaningful one for Advent!
