Books read in 2024

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

The Things Memories Are Made Of

 Anyone who has read here for any length of time knows the love and admiration that I have for my grandparents and that my parents, my two brothers and myself lived in the same home with my paternal grandparents.  I thought it would be fun to share a bit with you about the home I grew up in.

This eight room brick farm house was built in 1886 from bricks made there on the property.  This is what the front of the house looked like when I was growing up there.  Eventually, all of the pine trees were cut down because they became so full that they blocked the walkway.

I have always enjoyed this picture that was taken from my grandparents bedroom looking out onto the front porch.

This is a side view of the house and part of my brother's vegetable garden.  
When we were kids growing up that space was our grandma's flower garden.
She was still working in it when she was in her 90s.

This is an aerial shot of the main area around the house that was taken many years after I'd grown up.  In the foreground (if you click and enlarge the picture) you can barely see the foundation of the original barn that I remember as a kid.  It was a bank barn and I loved that place!  My brothers and I would have fun climbing up the ladder up to the hay mow.  So fun.

The little building to the left of the picture was the original milk house for the bank barn.  It was made of cinder blocks and is where the milk cans were washed up and prepared for delivery to the milk plant.  The building on the right was the old garage before it was taken down.  It had an attic to it and I loved to go up there and snoop around when I was little.

I can't remember exactly how old I was when the farm went "modern" but I was still fairly young.  My grandfather and dad were the first ones in that area to actually have electric milkers.  When they were in the bank barn the milking was all done by hand.  But with building the new barn, silo and building on the right for parking farm machinery, came electric milkers, an actual milking parlor and the big milk storage tank that someone from the dairy plant would come in their big tanker truck and pick up all of our milk.

This picture of Daddy and Grandpap is one that was taken by a photographer for the Dominion Post, the Morgantown newspaper.  There was an article about the modernization of dairy farming done about our farm at this time.  I loved to go down there in the milking parlor because it was always so nice and cool.  I was such a tomboy and would much prefer being with Daddy and Grandpap over being cooped up in the house.

Here the cows are being brought in for milking by my dad on a horse.  
When I started junior high and through high school, that became my job.
Every day after school I would come home, change my clothes and head out to the pasture to bring them in for the evening milking.
I loved it!

And here's the man who is responsible for all of these wonderful memories that I carry with me today.  This was taken probably months before he died of a heart attack.  He was such a hard worker and I dearly loved him.  
He was all crippled up with rheumatism, but he never complained.
I have lots of stories to share about growing up with him and Grandma,
but I will save those for another day.

Thank you so much for allowing me to share with you what some of my most precious memories were made from.


  1. wow that farm house is a dream house!! I love looking at old photos and when my gram was alive she would tell me stories about the photos. I have written down most of those stories to the best of my ability in various notebooks.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Karen. How wonderful that you have written down so many of the stories that your gram told you when you were growing up as you looked at pictures with her. I have a lot of stories too, but they are written on my heart rather than on paper and my kids have heard them many times over and I know they will be passed down from generation to generation.

  2. It's so much fun to see memories of your past. I treasure all the memories I have of my grandparents. The milking reminds me of my Aunt Laura and Uncle Tom's farm. They had a big dairy herd and I'd go down to watch them be milked. I was always fascinated with farm life but I don't think I would have enjoyed it as a way of life.

    1. Thank you, Melanie. I would have loved to have visited your Aunt Laura and Uncle Tom's dairy farm. I know you have shared with me before about them and they sound like such a lovely and hard working couple. I loved farm life.

  3. What fun memories! It's neat to have a place like that to look back on.

  4. Awww Diana! I love seeing this. It's so fun seeing your childhood. How special that your grandparents were there with you. All my grandparents but one had passed by the time I was 4, so I don't have those memories.
    I do remember watching the milking and going to the milk house. Ours was also very cool. I remember crawling in the hay loft and jumping into the hay. Another memory is baling twine. Dad would let us have it and hang on the side of the silo so we could braid long pieces of it.
    Such good memories of a simpler time in life. Of course it was simpler to me, but those farmers and their wives worked very hard!

    1. Thank you so much, Mari. You were the inspiration for my actually searching those pictures out. I had procrastanated long enough. I truly was blessed to live in that multi-generational home. People tell me how much I am like my grandma and I know that has to do with the fact that she and Grandpap looked after me while my mom worked when I was young. I enjoyed hearing about your times as well...crawling into the hay loft and jumping in the hay. Such fun! And you are quite was simpler times for you and me but the farmers and their wives worked very hard!

  5. I absolutely loved this, my friend. What a beautiful home and homestead! I can imagine the memories you have!

    1. Awww...Billie Jo, thank you so much. I'm glad that you enjoyed your visit here today. As time goes on, I will share some more of those memories...little by little. xx

  6. What a great place to grow up with an extended family!!
    Loved all the photos.

    1. Thank you, Karen. It truly was a great place to grow up...and especially with extended family. And the older I get, the more I realize all of the blessings that came from that time of my life.

  7. What a lovely post. You have so many wonderful memories.

    1. Thank you, Lauren. I do have many many wonderful memories from my childhood growing up on the farm.

  8. What a wonderful place to grow up Dianna, and what memories you must have. Such wonderful photos…. love the farmhouse.

    1. It truly was, Tina. I'm so thankful for the photos that were taken down through the years and kept.

  9. What a treasure to see this home, Dianna! I have many memories of my grandparents' houses, but I wish I had more.
