Books read in 2024

Monday, February 26, 2024

From My Journal

 TODAY IS:  February 26, 2024

AROUND ME: the geese have flown over sounding their lonely honking, the birds are singing, and the snow from the weekend is mostly melted.

I AM PONDERING: how this Lenten Rose knows when it is the Lenten season.


It never fails to bloom as soon as the Lenten season begins.


The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment by Jeremiah Burroughs,  I read a small section in this book before falling asleep each night.  I've read this book several times now, as I try to make it a practice to read it once a year.

  Refreshment for the Soul is a collection of Richard Sibbes thoughts on different topics and is compiled as a devotional.  So, it will be an ongoing reading throughout this year.

I AM THANKFUL FOR: the Truth of Scripture.

NEVER TOO OLD TO LEARN One of the reasons that I chose the particular bread machine that I did last year was because it has a yogurt function setting.  I plan to give that a go soon!


Baked Haddock, Cole Slaw and frozen corn from last year's garden.


All of the signs of spring that are popping up through the ground.
(Please excuse all of the leaves still in the flower gardens.  It's been too wet to get in there and remove them all.  But it will happen soon enough!)

A QUOTE TO REMEMBER: "Even when prospects are few and hopes are squashed and joy is waning, I have lost nothing of what I have in God."  C.H. Spurgeon

TO DO LIST FOR TODAY Laundry,  clean bathroom and mudroom

"So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 90:12


  1. Let me know how you get on with the yogurt making. We make our own yogurt and really enjoy it.

    1. I had a yogurt maker at one time and we thoroughly enjoyed it. I am hoping to try out the bread machine yogurt setting tomorrow. I will let you know.

  2. Spring is such a joyful time! We still have a little snow, but it's mostly gone.
    Bob and I have both been sick so we weren't able to be in church or Sunday school yesterday, therefore I missed discussion and any handouts... that means no extra mail for you this week. :(

    1. I'm so sorry, Mari, to hear that you and Bob have been ill. No worries about the handout. Carroll and I have been sick again too and we had to stay in yesterday too.

  3. The most important thing for me today - celebrate my birthday. It's wonderful once a year it's everyone's turn and today it's me. We took a tour to the national park, now I'm lying on the sofa and looking at my computer for a quarter of an hour and then we're off to the restaurant... nice day. Joy.
    Happy greetings to you.

    1. Happy Birthday, Viola! 🎂🎂. I hope you have had a wonderful day. Hope the trip to the restaurant was yummy.

  4. P.S. I am also very interested in how your yoghurt production is going.
    I bake our own bread and making yogurt would be a wonderful thing too.
    Hug from me

    1. I will post next week how the yogurt making went. I plan to give it a go tomorrow.

  5. I was going to say good morning but it is afternoon already on the Atlantic side of the states! I always marveled at how the Lenten Rose bloomed it's humble head just at the right time when we lived on the other side of Washington. I don't have any here. Love that quote from Spurgeon. Have a wonderful afternoon and evening!

    1. The Lenten Rose was a gift from my husband one year. I look forward to it every spring.

  6. Spring will be here before you know it! No snow here! We actually hit 70 degrees today!

    1. I'm not sure how warm it got here today, but I am pretty sure it wasn't 70,. 😊

  7. At first I thought you referred to the lovely honking of the geese, and I thought, "I've never known anyone who thought geese honks were lovely." Then I reread the sentence. :)

    We have daffodils coming up, with a few blooming already.

    Our instant pot has a yogurt setting, but I am not much into yogurt, so I have never tried it.

    Amen about the truth of Scripture!

    1. 😃 I actually could identify the honking of geese as lovely. I love that lonely sound, especially when I am able to be outside working in the gardens.

  8. I love lenten roses! When I moved from SoCal to Ohio, I left mine behind in the garden and haven't replaced them here. I'm thinking...

  9. I've never heard of making yogurt in a bread maker. I hope it works and that you'll post about the results.
    My hellebores are very skimpy this year. I wonder why and I wish I knew how to perk them up. Yours looks lovely.

    1. The bread machine I have has a yogurt setting on I really hope it works. I will post about it next week.

      I have one hellebores that's blooming and one that, even though it survived the winter and has growth, it shows no sign of blooming.

  10. Amen to all of that. Have you heard of the book How Great Thou Art, a Daily Devotional by Steve Halliday and William Travis? Henry, my mother's widower, encouraged me to get it and I have enjoyed it. And what a scrumptious meal served on that beautiful blue plate! xoxo

    1. I had not heard of the devotional book you mentioned, so I looked it up. I will definitely add it to my wish list. Thank you so much for the suggestion! Thank you for your kind words regarding the meal of Haddock, corn and cole slaw. The blue plate is Blue Willow...that particular one was made by Homer Laughlin. The majority of my "collection" is by Churchill of England, but with the exception of a few pieces from Replacements LTD, they have all come from our trips to auctions. Yeah...I'm always looking for a good deal like that. :)

  11. I am encouraged by all the signs of spring over here, it makes my heart sing!

    1. Me too. We had quite the thunderstorm during the night last night...and it reminded me of the storms we used to have when I was a kid. But then tonight...we are to have snow! Oh well, this time of the year, it isn't going to last long...I hope.

  12. Yogurt making. Boy, that brings back memories. All the best!

    1. Yeah... well, Holly, it didn't turn out so good. I'll share about it Monday. 😉
