Books read in 2024

Monday, March 4, 2024

From My Journal

 TODAY IS: March 4, 2024

AROUND ME: the geese have flown over sounding their lonely honking, the birds are singing, and our temperataures are to be in the 70s today!

I AM PONDERING: the many, many ways that Jesus appears in the Old Testament.  It's been a joy in my daily Bible reading to find Him, as I did today in Joshua.


 I read this book over the weekend and now I  am sad...not because the book was disappointing...far from it.  But because it is the last of the books that this author has written.  Interesting sidenote.  I posted a picture of it on Instagram and tagged Michele.  She responded today and told me that this was the very first book that she wrote.  Oh my...if you like page turners when it comes to your reading material, you should definitely read some of Michele's books.


The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment by Jeremiah Burroughs,  I read a small section in this book before falling asleep each night.  I've read this book several times now, as I try to make it a practice to read it once a year.

  Refreshment for the Soul is a collection of Richard Sibbes thoughts on different topics and is compiled as a devotional.  So, it will be an ongoing reading throughout this year.

Becoming Mrs. Lewis by Patti Callahan

I AM THANKFUL FORmy husband.  Tomorrow will make 52 years of marriage that we are privileged to celebrate!  Life just gets better and better with this man!

NEVER TOO OLD TO LEARN  SO...last week I shared that I was going to try making yogurt using the yogurt setting on my bread machine and a few of you said that you would be interested in hearing how it went.  Not good.  It was actually the second time that I had tried it and even using the purchased yogurt starter packets as opposed to the bit of store yogurt before, the results were the same.  Know what  I did?  I ordered a regular yogurt maker!  It is supposed to be delivered today.  It's just like the one I had before and I know that it works!  :)


Almond Flour Muffins
(You can find the recipe here in case you missed it last week)

SOMETHING I REALLY ENJOY:  I really enjoy it when our grandchildren call.  Our grandson called us over the weekend.  It seems that he has a few days off coming up a bit later this month and he was wondering if he could come for a visit!  We are surely looking forward to the time with him.


TO DO LIST FOR TODAY Laundry, make some birthday preparations for's also Strongheart's birthday!

"So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 90:12


  1. That book does sound good. I read Becoming Mrs Lewis several years ago.
    I hope your yogurt maker gives great results!
    52 years! We are at 42 and we are all so blessed.
    Happy Birthday to Strongheart!

    1. The yogurt maker did actually come today, so I will be trying it out this week at some point.

      Yes, my friend, we are blessed. 42 years is a milestone.

      I ordered my first photo book from Mix Book today. Looking forward to receiving it. They upload pictures quickly and the website is definitely user friendly. Thank you for the recommendation.

  2. I will have to look up that book by Michele. I've only read one of hers--The Space Between Words--but loved it.

    Happy anniversary, and happy birthday to your husband! It's a good week for birthdays--Jim's is Wednesday! Bu we're celebrating Thursday due to Bible study and Timothy's kid's club at church Wednesday.

    How fun to have your grandson coming for a visit.

    I'll look forward to what you think about Becoming Mrs. Lewis by Patti Callahan. I had mixed emotions about it.

    1. Barbara, you would enjoy all of her books if you enjoyed Space between Words. Her ministry to missionary kids keeps her busy so don't know if she will write any more or not.

      Happy Birthday to Jim on Wednesday! Carroll has a sister whose birthday is today.

      We are really looking forward to having Josh here. We feel blessed that he still wants to come visit us.

      Becoming Mrs. Lewis has been on my shelf forever. It will be one I review for the TBR challenge. The main reason I bought it was because I saw an interview someone did with Patti Callahan on PBS and I thought it would be an interesting read. I'll let you know when I do a review.

  3. Wow, a birthday and an anniversary. Happy 52nd anniversary to the two of you. That is a great milestone to thank the Lord for. How sweet...a phone call from a grandchild. Something to look forward to. Sounds like a peaceful weekend being able to finish a page turner! Happy new week filled with celebrations for you!

    1. We are blessed for sure. It was a good weekend... relaxing and reading. What's not to live, right? 😊

  4. Happy Birthday to your husband! Congrats on your 52 years of happy marriage! Enjoy your grandson's visit!

    1. Thank you, Duta, for the well wishes. We are looking forward to having our grandson here. He was born in Mexico City and lived the first seven years of his life there. He lives in the States now, is a paralegal for a large law firm and is 25 . We feel blessed that he still wants to come spend time with Grampa and Gramma.

  5. I enjoyed "Once Upon a Wardrobe" my Patti Callahan. I've put a hold in my library for "Becoming Mrs. Lewis". Only a 26 week wait! LOL
    I understand how disappointing it can feel to read the last book by a favorite author with no more to read. I feel that with Jan Karon who I hear is writing another book but it won't be about Mitford.
    I came across an article once about finding Jesus in every book of the Bible. Such a blessing to discover.
    Blessings to you and Strongheart tomorrow!

    1. Oh my... twenty six weeks is a long time! I hope you like the book once it's your turn.

      I don't know that Michele will write any more books. She is kept so busy with her ministry for MKs and she travels a lot.

      Thank you for the well wishes for us. Can you guess where he's taking me for lunch? You have been there before.😉

  6. Happy Anniversary! What a blessing you two are to each other. And thank you for the muffin recipe. Looks and sounds delicious!

    1. Thank you for your kind words, my friend. You are welcome for the recipe.

  7. Happy Anniversary. You caught up to us. :)

    1. Yes! It just took a couple of months. 😊

  8. Happy anniversary to you two love birds!! May you have many more blessed years together :)

  9. Oh how wonderful, 52 years! A belated but no less sincere congratulations to you both. TG and I will celebrate 45 years in June. I am planning to buy a new dress for that, hahaha! Here's hoping that your new yogurt machine is all you want it to be, and then some! Time with your grandchildren is always welcome and precious. Hebrews 11:1 is one of my favorite verses! xoxo

    1. Yes, it doesn't seem possible that it has been that long! And I absolutely agree...your 45th anniversary coming up in June certainly is cause for you to have a new dress. We always look forward to any time that we are able to have with our grandchildren, as they all live away from us. We will have our grandson here this month and then in June we will be with both our granddaughters in Maine. Ahhh...the meaning of faith in Hebrews 1:1 is precious.
