Books read in 2024

Monday, March 11, 2024

From My Journal

 TODAY IS:  March 11, 2024

AROUND ME: last Monday our temps were in the, the wind continues to howl as it has for the last 24 hours and our current temperature is 30 F.  Our home sits down in a bit of a valley so the wind basically blows over us, but it has been wild and is to continue to blow until around noon today.  The positive is that once it does quit blowing wildly, we will enjoy the silence!  There's always something to be thankful for, yes?

I AM PONDERING: how the Holy Spirit works in our lives.  I was feeling a bit discouraged yesterday morning and as I sat down to write out a daily Scripture I was blessed to find encouragement in 1 Peter 5:10.  May God be praised!



The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment by Jeremiah Burroughs,  I read a small section in this book before falling asleep each night.  I've read this book several times now, as I try to make it a practice to read it once a year.

  Refreshment for the Soul is a collection of Richard Sibbes thoughts on different topics and is compiled as a devotional.  So, it will be an ongoing reading throughout this year.

Becoming Mrs. Lewis by Patti Callahan...I'm not even up to page 100 yet, but so far, this book has been an enlightening read.  I'm learning things that I didn't know about Joy Davidman or William Gresham.  Perhaps it's just that I was introduced to them much later in life...anyway, I've found this historical novel interesting enough to continue reading.  I've already seen a softer side of Jack (C.S. Lewis) that I had not imagined before starting the read.  There will be a book review of it at some point.

I AM THANKFUL FOR: living in an area of our country where there are four distinctive seasons.  Currently, it's a combination though of winter and spring.  We've been having beautiful spring days with warmer temperatures and no need of a fire in the woodstove.  Yesterday morning we had rain, cold temperatures, strong winds and snow!  Yes!  ❄❄❄!  At one point, it was like a blizzard.  Then it all stopped...except for the wind.

NEVER TOO OLD TO LEARN   just how much God loves His children!  


Butternut Squash, Sweet Potato, and Apple Soup
(Recipe coming later this week!)

SOMETHING I REALLY ENJOY:  preparing our home for our guests.  I will be doing some of that this week for our grandson's visit!

A Quote to Remember: 

TO DO LIST FOR TODAY Laundry, make some cookies for the freezer in preparation for our grandson's visit.

"So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 90:12


  1. I love four seasons as well but the unexpected snow threw me off!! Glad you were temporarily discouraged and found hope!!

    1. I know! The good thing about snows this time of year though is that they never last long.

  2. God is so good. We know that, but it's so wonderful when we get those little reminders of His love when we need them.
    We also got wind, cold and snow yesterday. Nicer weather ahead though.
    Glad you are enjoying Becoming Mrs Lewis.

    1. Yes, Mari...those little reminders of His love when we need them are definitely wonderful. I think of those as Jesus' I love you's. :)

      I started that book on Sunday but hadn't read much of it. Yesterday and today I've devoured it. Almost have those 384 pages done.

  3. The weather here has been up and down as well but thankfully, no snow! How wonderful that your grandson is coming for a visit. He'll really enjoy those cookies. I've found so many scriptures this week to encourage me and give me comfort. God's name be praised.

    1. I'm so glad to hear how the Scriptures have encouraged you this week, my friend. No one loves us like HE does. xx

  4. Our change of seasons in the spring is always back and forth for a few weeks. We didn't have snow this weekend, thankfully, but we were down in the 20s last last. It seemed much colder after several days in the 50s-to-70s.

    How fun that your grandson is coming for a visit!

    It's such a blessing when the Holy Spirit brings a Scripture to our eyes or memory that just fits what we need at the moment.

    I'm looking forward to hearing what you think of Becoming Mrs. Lewis. I had mixed emotions but did enjoy learning more about Joy and seeing more of Lewis' personality.

    1. I agree, Barbara! When the Holy Spirit brings a Scripture to our eyes or memory right when we need it, it truly is a blessing.

      Since my email to you (at which time I was only on like page 84) I have only about 40 pages of that book to finish! I've spent yesterday and today reading. It will be a hard review to do in some ways and a delight in others.

  5. I'm usually scared of winds and storms.
    Love the quote (Proverb 35-6) on trusting God and acknowledge Him.
    Enjoy Dianna, your upcoming grandson's visit!

    1. I was more scared of wind more when we lived in our previous home because it sat high upon a hill. With us being here in a valley, the wind kind of just blows right over us...but there's still the noise of it.

      In 2011 when I fell and broke my left femur and my right wrist, those Scripture verses were ones I would cling to. He can always be trusted.

  6. How exciting to be expecting guests! I hope you have a lovely visit...and that spring will have returned! We enjoy all four seasons here but, like you, the weather is struggling to decide which season it is in!! I am curious about the Mrs. Lewis now and will look forward to your well as your soup recipe! I LOVE squash soup. Squash in general:) Thank you so much for stopping by my blog earlier and, especially, for praying for my friend. She so needs all the prayers. I appreciate it!! Have a beautiful week!!

    1. Thank you, Jennifer. We are looking forward to having our grandson here. He will arrive next Wednesday night late, as he will be leaving directly after work. But we will have Thursday and Friday with him.

      The soup recipe will be forthcoming tomorrow! :) Butternut is my very favorite of the winter squash so my husband always plants an abundance of it in his garden. Then if I find that we haven't used them all up over the winter, I go ahead and process them into puree and put them in the freezer. I often use it in place of pumpkin in recipes if our pumpkin crop didn't do well.

      I hope that your friend doesn't have to remain in the nursing home for rehab for very long. In 2011 I fell and broke my left femur and my right wrist. I was in the hospital for a week after surgery and then spent two weeks in a local nursing home for rehab. The facility I was in was really clean and the staff was so kind, but even in the best of conditions, I was determined I was getting out in two weeks. :)

  7. LD.....You have hollyhocks coming up next to your beautiful crocus.

    1. Yes, we do, L.D.! You are observant. That particular one that you noticed is a beautiful creamy peach color. We have a couple of others as well, but they aren't as big as the one in the picture with the Crocus as they were planted a year or two later.

  8. I too am thankful to live in a place with all four seasons!
    The crocus is beautiful.
    Love the Proverbs verses.

    1. Yes, Karen, we are blessed to live where there are four seasons. There's always something to look forward to...and to enjoy each one for what they provide for us.

      Thank you for your comment about the Crocus. For some reason those are larger than the others. They must be a bit of a different variety.

  9. How nice to anticipate your grandson's visit. Sounds like you had to batten down the hatches! I, too, so enjoy having 4 seasons. Monday got completely away from me. Happy Tuesday to you!!

    1. We are looking forward to our grandson coming for a visit. He is a blessing.

      The winds have now died down to just an occassional burst. The quiet has been so nice. ;)

  10. It is so encouraging to know that when I come back online I can find you here. Proclaiming the goodness of God! Thank you Dianna! I have sold my farm and am settling into somewhat of a new routine in life. Keep me in your prayers as I am still feeling a bit lost. LOL! I too live where the seasons can't really make up their mind who should come/stay! :) Have a blessed day!

    1. Monica! I'm so glad to see that you are back online. I've often wondered if everything went through okay with the sale of your farm. I'm glad you have that off your shoulders now. Looking forward to staying in touch! And thank you for your kind words. xx

  11. Everything will be lovely for your grandson. I love preparing for guests too. Joy Davidman was quite a character! xoxo

    1. Yes, she was. Theirs was quite the love story.

  12. I’m sure you will have a wonderful time when he visits!

    1. We are really looking forward to it, Lauren.
