Books read in 2024

Monday, March 18, 2024

From My Journal

 TODAY IS:  March 18, 2024

AROUND ME: after much wind Saturday and Sunday, the temperature dropped to below freezing last night and we have a dusting of snow on the ground this morning.  BUT...the songbirds are continuing to sing!

I AM PONDERING: the faithfulness of God in bringing me joy in this season of spring with the air becoming lighter and how it affects my muscles, causing me to feel limp.  Each day as I walk around the back yard and view the flower gardens and see something new blooming He strengthens my heart and spirit.  

AMONG MY FAVORITE THINGS:  when the little neighbor children come for a visit.  They came over one afternoon this past week after school and brought Strongheart and I a cherry nut Easter egg.  The little boy (5 years old) was the one who presented it to me and then he was so cute...he just stood there waiting for me to give him a hug.


  Refreshment for the Soul is a collection of Richard Sibbes thoughts on different topics and is compiled as a devotional.  So, it will be an ongoing reading throughout this year.

Inhaling Grace by Alan Fadling is written as a devotional, but I am reading it through because each chapter is only a page (two at the most) long.  So far, I am really enjoying it.

I AM THANKFUL FOR: my husband.  We've been married for so long that we know what the other is thinking.  Just one day last week he started to say, "Do you want me to?" And before he finished his sentence, I said, "No."  We looked at each other and smiled because I did indeed know exactly what he was going to ask!

I'm also very thankful for God's protection over our grandson last Thursday night when a tornado went through his town.

NEVER TOO OLD TO LEARN   about how to grow different plants.  I have the knowledge in my head now about what to do with my Amarylis from Christmas...time will tell if I had the ability to get it to continue to grow.

FROM THE KITCHEN:  a successful yogurt undertaking!  We now have seven little jars of yogurt waiting in our fridge!

SOMETHING I REALLY ENJOY:  phone calls from any of our grandchldren..  Last week, our youngest granddaughter called and talked for a long time.  

I also really enjoy blue and white...especially in the kitchen.

This photo is courtesy of Pinterest, but I love the clever way of displaying the cups and saucers.


That's how I felt when I finished reading
Becoming Mrs. Lewis last week!

TO DO LIST FOR TODAY Laundry, make the upstairs bedroom ready for our grandson's visit this week.

"So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 90:12


  1. phone calls from family is what I live for!! the neighbor children sound so delightful! We finish each other's sentences or say the same thing at the same time.


    1. I know what you mean, Karen, about the phone calls from family. It's always so good to connect. The neighborhood children are a blessing, as are their parents.

  2. beautiful journal entry Dianna! Have a blessed day!

  3. It's cold and has been snowing here too - just a dusting though.
    Bob and I are like you and Carroll in the knowing what the other will say. It can be pretty funny sometimes. :)
    I like that creative way of displaying the dishes too.

    1. We are forecast for a possible 1-3 inches of snow tonight! One thing about snows this time of the year...they never last long.
      I'm going to keep my eyes open for a basket like the one pictured and then my blue and white cups and saucers are coming out of the cupboard! :)

  4. It's chilly her as well but no snow in the forecast. Thankful for that!
    I love the tea cup and saucer arrangement in the basket. Pinterest is always fun to visit.
    Thanks be to God for your grandson's protection during the storms.
    I have "Becoming Mrs. Lewis" on hold through the ebook part of my library. It tells me I have several months to wait. Maybe I should just buy a copy!

    1. We are forecast for a possible 1-3 inches of snow tonight. Not sure that we will get it, but if we do it won't last long this time of the year.
      I agree about Pinterest being fun to visit. I don't spend a lot of time there anymore, but when I see something that catches my eye, I definitely pin it.
      Oh, friend, we are SO thankful to the Lord for His protection over our grandson last week!
      I plan to post a book review on Becoming Mrs. Lewis tomorrow. It will give you a general idea of whether or not you'd like to read it.

  5. I love that picture in my head of the little neighbors coming to give you a treat. So sweet and so special. You are a good neighbor to them. What a fun way to display those cups and saucers! Have a beautiful new week with Spring so so close!! Happy day to you, Dianna!

    1. They are sweet kids, Ellen. It will soon be my turn to go to their house with the yearly Easter cookies that I make them. We do try to be good neighbors.
      I'm keeping an eye out for a basket similiar to the one pictured above and when I find it, I want to bring out my Blue Willow cups and saucers and try for a similar display on the hutch. Have a wonderful few days away with your hubby.

  6. What a pretty way to display the cups and saucers. We're having a cold snap this week, but no snow, thankfully. How fun to have the neighbor children bring you a treat. I can remember chatting with my grandmother--sweet memories.

    1. I thought so too, Barbara...(regarding the cups and saucers) . We miss having our grandchildren around close by, so it's always a treat for us when the neighbor children come over for a visit. I treasure those times when our granddaughter gives us a call.

  7. Lovely how the your little neighbors come to visit.

    1. I think so, too, Karen. They are so much fun to have around.

  8. Great that you had success with your yogurt.
    So thankful that your grandson was safe as the tornado passed through his area.

    1. Thank you, Granny M! The taste is so much better than what we buy in the grocery store, plus it doesn't have all of the sugar in it. And we always have fruit in the freezer.
