Books read in 2024

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Abiding in Him - a book review


Abiding in Him  A Life Together in Ministry is the story of Bettie and Barry Gilbert's life together as God took them through learning what "ministry" is all about.  It was recommended to me by someone who knows the couple personally.

Both of them suffer with chronic illnesses, which is another reason that I thought the book would be helpful for me since I've dealt with a chronic illness for 20 years now.

Bettie shares how she and her husband met when they were just teens and how the Lord has led them through times of moving across the country (more than once) and developing in them the ideas that were not what we typically think of when we think "ministry".  

Theirs is an interesting story as one watches them go through times of trial with three small children and how He has cared for them through to their current ages where they are moved for one last time close to their now adult children.

There is one statement that Bettie makes that will forever remain with me as she reflected on Leviticus 17:11 about the life of a creature being in the blood.

"We are simply not aware of how thin the veil is between this life and the next one, but our Lord Jesus has the final say, and He holds our life within His hands." page 25.

While I don't necessarily agree with everything in the book, I would say it is a fairly good read.  


  1. I've not heard of them, but this sounds interesting. That quote from Bettie is so true.

    1. Yes, Barbara, it truly is. We have no idea how thin that veil really is.

  2. I've not heard of this couple. It sounds very interesting. Thanks for the review.

  3. It sounds very interesting. That quote on the veil between life and death is so thought provoking and also comforting.

    1. That one quote is what stood out to me the most out of the entire book.

  4. Thanks for the quote. Chronic illness is suffering I have not had to deal with and will pray differently for you, Dianna.

    1. Awww... thank you, Ellen, for your kindness.
