Books read in 2024

Monday, April 1, 2024

From My Journal

 TODAY IS: April 1, 2024

AROUND ME: rain...LOTS of rain and fog!

I AM PONDERING: the beauty of nature at this time of year.  Color is popping up everywhere around us! 

AMONG MY FAVORITE THINGS:  nourishment for my soul as I study God's Word.  He always brings joy and peace.


  Refreshment for the Soul is a collection of Richard Sibbes thoughts on different topics and is compiled as a devotional.  So, it will be an ongoing reading throughout this year.

Rebels at the Gate - Lee and McClellan on the Front Line of a Nation Divided by W. Hunter Lesser

Till We Have Faces  by C.S. Lewis

She Who Laughs, Lasts! compiled by Ann Spangler

just finished...

To Seek and To Save (Lenten Devotion) by Sinclair Ferguson that Strongheart and I did together.

Abiding in Him by Bettie Gilbert

I AM THANKFUL FOR: the sweet fellowship with my brothers and sisters in Christ.


Best Pan Fried Cod with Tomatoes
(sorry about the messy presentation)

I tried a new fish recipe... Best Pan Fried Cod with Tomatoes.  I served it over brown rice...SO yummy.  Recipe to follow later this week.


This is one of my perennial flowerbeds.
I wish the colors were as vibrant in pictures as they are in person. 
I've really enjoyed this flowerbed this spring.  
And, yes, those are tulips and grape hyacinths in the yard,
circling the flowerbed.  That was Strongheart's addition last fall.
Since he mows the grass, I can't complain. 😀


TO DO LIST FOR TODAY Laundry, write notes of encouragement.  

"So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 90:12


  1. Good morning Dianna! you have a lot of reading going on! I'm stuck in Leviticus... LOL! Home today nursing a cold and thought I would stop by. Hope you have a blessed week!

    1. I'm so sorry that you aren't feeling your best, Monica. I will be praying for you.

  2. I've seen Ann Spangler's name pop up here and there, but I haven't read her. I love the raised flower bed.

    1. Barbara, this book is a compliation of short funny stories written by different women. Some of them are written by Ann Spangler, Liz Curtis Higgs is another contributor and several others. I've not gotten very far with it. I may do a review on it after I finish it. Not sure yet.

      Thank you for your kind words regarding the flower bed. It's the one closest to the road that people can enjoy the flowers.

  3. That's a lot of books to be reading. :)
    Your garden looks so nice surrounded with rocks. If you ever want more rocks come on over and pick them from our property. :). Seriously!

    1. :) I know. But it keeps me out of trouble. lol

      Thank you for your kind words about the flower garden. And thank you for your kind offer of the rocks. I think we are good now. :) When we first moved here, that flower bed was put together with cross ties. When we noticed that they were beginning to rot up, Carroll started gathering rocks from the fields of a friend's farm that they were trying to get rid of. I love the look of it. He also designed a walkway into the basement with some of the big rocks, as well as filled in the space between the house and deck with the larger rocks.

  4. It's raining here too. I was driving home in the rain, thinking how nice that we were having rain and the snow should be done. Then the weather report came on and predicted snow for Wednesday!
    Your flower bed is really pretty!
    I've heard of that Ann Spangler book and heard it was good.

    1. Oh, friend, I hear you...we are to have snow tomorrow night too!

      Thank you for your kind words regarding my flower bed.

  5. Your Spring flowers are so pretty especially in the rock flowerbed.
    I hope the rain and fog move on and you can enjoy warm sunshine!

    1. Thank you, GM. I enjoy that flower bed so much.
      We still have the rain and fog. It did clear off around mid afternoon yesterday (Monday) and the sun came out. But it's supposed to be like this off and on all week. Wednesday night we are supposed to get snow. :) I hope that was a bad April Fool's joke, but I have a feeling it's for real.

  6. Guarding the important.

  7. always love these postings of yours :) the flowers do look beautiful and like you I wish I could capture the vibrance of in person flower viewing. It is super rainy and gloomy here - Not a fan but at least things are greening up and growing!!

    1. Thank you, friend! I know...I keep telling myself that April showers bring May flowers...and that we need both sunshine and rain. It's just that right now, the rain seems to have preeminence over the sunshine. :)

  8. I always enjoy photos of your flower beds. You have such a nurturing way with plants. I read Ann Spangler's book "Praying the Names of God" years ago. Such a good book.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Friend. Thank you for sharing with me about Ann Spangler's book that you have read.
