Books read in 2024

Monday, April 29, 2024

From My Journal

 TODAY ISApril 29, 2024

AROUND ME: the birds are singing, the sun is shining and it promises to be a beautiful day!

I AM PONDERING: how quickly times passes, filling my days with labors of love around our home and doing them as unto the Lord.


This is a 67 piece set of The Friendly Village by
Johnson Brothers of England 
that I recently picked up at an auction.
It turned out to be a complete service for 8,
plus 6 serving bowls, three platters, tea pot, sugar, creamer, and the
three tiered plate.
Since the scenes are all winter scenes of different spots in the village, 
I won't be putting them out in the hutch until around Thanksgiving.


  Refreshment for the Soul is a collection of Richard Sibbes thoughts on different topics and is compiled as a devotional.  So, it will be an ongoing reading throughout this year.

The Soul's Conflict  by Richard Sibbes

Peace Like a River by Leif Enger

I AM THANKFUL FOR: the Lord's provision of a second vehicle. 


I gave these a try because they are gluten free and then I went a step further and after we each had one I wrapped them individually and put them in the freezer so we aren't as tempted to eat them all at once.  
Turns out that they are just as good frozen as they are fresh.
When they are frozen they taste like fudge!

SOMETHING I REALLY ENJOYThe children at church.  They certainly brighten ones day!  I had a nice long chat with a little 5 1/2 year old boy after our morning service yesterday.  He is quite the conversationalist and I loved every minute of it!


TO DO LIST FOR TODAY Laundry, general straightening of the house after the weekend and the busy week we had last week while we were car shopping.

"So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 90:12


  1. Your new china set is beautiful! It's amazing that so many pieces have lasted. I visited my sister this past weekend and her four year old talked so much like an adult it was kind of weird! LOL! They are growing up too fast these days! UGH! Car shopping! I'll be praying for you! Have a blessed week!

    1. Hello Monica! Thank you for stopping by. I agree that it is amazing that the dinnerware has lasted with so many pieces still in tact! There were a few (like mugs) that were obviously used as everyday ware because the stains were impossible to get well as some of the cereal bowls, but for the most part, everything was in great shape! The little guy that I was talking with Sunday is five and a half...his dad is a doctor and his mom was a teacher. Both he and his brother have obviously had a lot of time spent with them by adults and I enjoyed conversing with him so much! We did find a car last Friday...and for that I am so thankful for.

  2. boy did you score on those plates! I am home after visiting the grands and I am recovering!! I lost sleep, lol. Always love seeing you here on your space.

    1. I know! Right? If I were to tell you how much I paid for them you may hesitate to believe me. It was ridiculous! It's why I love auctions! Grands are the best ever but they do take a bit of energy, yes? Have a wonderful remainder to your week, my friend. And thank you for your kind words. xx

  3. I am always amazed at your auction purchases! I'm always drawn to Johnson Brothers dishes. Sounds like a sweet conversation with the little one at church. We have overnight company arriving today. They have never been here and will be staying for two nights. Getting all my ducks in a row. Have a wonderful end to April, Dianna!

    1. We enjoy going to auctions...particularly this auctioneer's. He's a Mennonite and he's honest. The same day that I was able to obtain the Johnson Brothers dishes for a little bit of nothing, I was also able to spend $1 for 7 biscuit tins of various sizes. When I was washing them up, I decided to do some research on them. As it turns $1 investment gave me biscuit tins that are currently selling for around $90 total. I like to buy old tins like that because I use them to give away baked goodies in, with the tin being part of the gift. Have a wonderful time with your overnight company, Ellen!

  4. It's good to see you back! We like a lot of the King Arthur gluten-free mixes. What a nice purchase from the auction! That meme about planting a seed is so true. The boy at church sounds a lot like my youngest was as a boy. He loved going up to anyone at church and talking.

    1. Thank you, my friend. It's good to be back. My posting will be a bit scattered for a bit, but eventually I will get back to regular posting. Currently, the plan is to do MWF. I would appreciate knowing which of the King Arthur gluten-free mixes you have tried. I think they do a great job with everything they make. When it comes to their specialty flours (like all purpose and bread) I buy them at a Mennonite bulk food store because it's cheaper that way, plus I don't have shipping to pay. Yes, little Elijah also reminds me of our son when he was young. Even as a teenager, if you couldn't find him anywhere, just find the elderly gentlemen at church and that's where he'd be chatting away with them.

    2. I've used their cake mixes and brownie mix, as well as using their "measure for measure" flour in place of regular flour. With GF cake mixes, I often add more water than it calls for and a dollop of sour cream or a pudding cup, if I have one on hand.

      I've used a GF pie crust mix, but I don't remember if it was King Arthur or not. It was ok, but more like a shortbread texture than a flaky crust. But it was much better than frozen GF pie crusts we've tried. The last time we had pie, though, I used Schar gluten free frozen puff pastry for the crust, and it was wonderful.

    3. Barbara, thank you for sharing this information with me. I used the KA measure for measure this evening to make pizza crust with and it tasted good, but it was a bit like you described as shortbread texture. I love Schar products! But I didn't realize that they made frozen puff pastry. I've gleaned a lot of helpful information from your reply. Thank you again! xx

  5. Your dishes are just beautiful! They will be the perfect addition to Thanksgiving!
    Putting your brownies in the freezer as occasional snacks is a good idea. If they taste like fudge when frozen, even better. I've heard good things about King Arthur brands. I think they make almond flour as well.
    LIttle ones are so much fun! There's a lot of wisdom there if you listen!

    1. Thank you for your kind words regarding the dishes, my friend. I love them. Yes, King Arthur makes a variety of flours. Their 1 for 1 flour is really good. I like it better than Bob's Red Mill...especially for substituting that flour for regular flour. You are so right about a lot of wisdom from little ones if you are willing to listen. This little guy is such a delight!

  6. Oh my favorite set of dishes! I have a teapot, sugar and creamer and mugs in the Friendly Village…love them. Perfect quote Dianna and one I will be writing down.

    1. Hello Tina! I'm usually a blue and white dishes person, but the Friendly Village pattern is so beautiful that I couldn't help but love it! Glad you enjoyed the quote.
