Books read in 2024

Monday, April 8, 2024

From My Journal

 TODAY ISApril 8, 2024

AROUND ME: it's a bit overcast this morning but outside my window I am seeing a beautiful blooming pear tree.  Its beauty makes up for it being overcast.

I AM PONDERING: the beauty of nature at this time of year.  Color is popping up everywhere around us! 

AMONG MY FAVORITE THINGS:  how the Holy Spirit works as He teaches us lessons from God's Word.  When the same Scriptures keep popping up in various places I know it's time to sit up and take notice!


  Refreshment for the Soul is a collection of Richard Sibbes thoughts on different topics and is compiled as a devotional.  So, it will be an ongoing reading throughout this year.

Rebels at the Gate - Lee and McClellan on the Front Line of a Nation Divided by W. Hunter Lesser...this is SO good.  It's about the Civil War battles that happened in my area of WV!  Strongheart and I are going through the book together so we've had some great conversations as a result of reading it together.

Till We Have Faces  by C.S. Lewis

She Who Laughs, Lasts! compiled by Ann Spangler

I AM THANKFUL FOR: the time that I had last week when visiting with one of my brothers and then talking with my other brother on the phone.


(picture courtesy of Pinterest)
There's one slight difference in our kitchen for tonight's dinner.
I'm using some of the Italian Hot Sausage that Strongheart made,
and we didn't put it in casings, 
so ours will be made with ground Hot Italian Sausage. 
I will serve it over pasta.


(photo courtesy of Pinterest)

I mean, bunnies on blue and white!
What's not to love?


(photo courtesy of Pinterest)

TO DO LIST FOR TODAY Laundry, work on cleaning out a couple of cabinets.  

"So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 90:12


  1. Good morning Dianna! I so love visiting you. No matter what you always find the Blessing in something. The overcast day but a blossoming pear tree! The Holy Spirit is so good like that! That's how I renamed my blog... My Abundant Life! from John 10:10. It just kept coming up. I guess I needed to realize just how abundant my life really is.
    Your dinner sounds yummy!
    Hope you have a blessed week!

  2. Good morning to you or is it just about afternoon where you live? We are under a sheet of fog here. I do love seeing blossoming fruit trees. Glad to read you had some good time and conversations with your brothers. I, too, love it when the Holy Spirit is moving to stop and pay attention. Dinner is going to be tasty! Happy new week to you.

    1. Hello Ellen! Thank you for stopping by and leaving such kind words. Dinner was good...Strongheart makes such good Italian sausage. That is a pasta that he normally orders when we visit one of our favorite local restaurants because it is SO good. He told me after he finished eating dinner this evening that mine was better than the restaurant's. :)

  3. I agree about the color popping up. So pretty and heartening on a cloudy day. We're supposed to get 80% eclipse totality, but it's so overcast, I don't know if we'll see anything.

    That bunny jar is so cute.

    I love that quote about reading.

    1. I didn't go outside for the eclipse, but I definitely saw the effects of it as it became darker outside for a short period of time.

      I actually thought of you when I chose the quote about reading. :)

  4. Dinner sounds delicious except I’d prefer a mild sausage as I can’t handle spicy. We’re having Polska kielbasa with sauerkraut and sliced potatoes.must be a sausage kind of night. I saw your response at Trading Ashes for Beauty and decided to check you out.

    1. Hello Cathy! Welcome to Joyful in His Presence! Your dinner sounds delicious! I love sauerkraut! Thank you so much for stopping by. I hope to see you here again soon.

  5. You've got some good books going there. I'm going to see if I can find the Civil War book. Bob loves books on that and I think he would enjoy it.
    Your bunny jar is so very cute!
    Supper looks wonderful!

    1. Mari, I checked at Thriftbooks and they have Rebels at the Gate for $5.89. Amazon also has it new, but it's at a higher price.

      I love bunnies and blue and white and when I saw that picture on Pinterest I had to post it!

      Supper did turn out good. Carroll really enjoyed it.

  6. Hello, my lovely friend. First of all, I wish I could invite my self for dinner! It sounds delicious! The blue bunny on the white pitcher is indeed beautiful. We have mostly brown and still bare here, but I see peeks of green and I know spring is here! Have a cozy evening!

    1. Hello dear Billie Jo. You would be quite welcome for dinner...there are a few leftovers. Should I save them for you? :)

      It won't be long now until you will be seeing all of the beautiful color popping up everywhere. We took a stroll through the backyard this evening and I loved seeing all of the different colors of tulips and daffodils. I also saw where I need to get busy in my one perennial flowerbed in particular. It's on the list for tomorrow.

  7. Love the bunnies! There used to be a brown bunny that visited my yard in Florida but none here. How interesting to read about Civil War history that happened near you! I've read a couple books that mention areas where I live. It really brings things to life.

    1. We have really enjoyed reading this book together each evening. We call it our history lesson. :) I have realized that some of the battles that were rather decisive were up in an area of WV where my maternal grandparents were from. So that was kind of cool.

  8. I love to talk on the phone with my sister, aunt and my kids and whenever I do it makes the day a fantastic one. Love the BUNNY!!

    1. I know..I enjoyed the time with my brothers last week...both in person and on the phone. Made my day! I love bunnies!
