Books read in 2024

Monday, May 27, 2024

From My Journal

 TODAY IS: May 27, 2024

AROUND ME: the temperatures are cool after the thunderstorms and rain of last evening and night.  It feels delightful!

I AM PONDERING: the goodness of God in His provision for faithful godly men who can lead us when our pastor is  away.  



  Refreshment for the Soul is a collection of Richard Sibbes thoughts on different topics and is compiled as a devotional.  So, it will be an ongoing reading throughout this year.

The Soul's Conflict  by Richard Sibbes

I AM THANKFUL FOR: the Lord's watchcare over some family members who have been very ill.


From farm to table...
more to come later in the week concerning the mushrooms.


A project that I've been working on regarding my
One Word 2024.
More to come at a later time regarding this as well.

TO DO LIST FOR TODAY Laundry and working a bit in the perennial beds.

"So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 90:12


  1. The thunderstorms last night were fierce but what a pretty morning! The air feels and smells so fresh:) Have not seen much of the sun this morning but it is going to be a beautiful day - I can just feel it! LOL I hope you enjoy your Memorial Day Monday!! And, yes, may He teach us to number our days!!

    1. Yes, Jennifer, we also had a pretty morning. We've had a few showers off and on throughout the day but overall it has been lovely...cooler temperatures!

  2. Our siberian iris are blooming too. They are one of my favorites!
    I'm anxious to hear more about the mushrooms.
    Praying for your family!

    1. The Siberian Iris are so delicate looking...I really enjoy them.
      I have the mushroom posts ready to go. I ended up doing it in two parts so that it wasn't such a long post. The first one goes up tomorrow. I hope you will enjoy it!
      Thank you for your prayers for our family! ;)

  3. I'm excited to see how you're doing with your kindess journal. I'm interested to hear about those mushrooms. I'm praying for your family's illness. Have a blessed day.

    1. Hello my friend. I have a really good start on the Kindness journal...really, the only reason I stopped was because I ran out of some of the supplies that I need. Of course, it will be an ongoing work in progress throughout the remainder of the year. Mushroom news starts tomorrow! Thank you for your prayers for our family.

  4. I cant wait to hear about those mushrooms... hmmm. And that looks like a journal for your word... that intrigues me too! Have a great day in those flower beds!

    1. The first of the two part mushroom posts will be up tomorrow, Monica. I hope you will enjoyit. I am enjoying working on my KIndness journal.

  5. We also had a thunderstorm and a lot of rain last night. We have another chance of rain this afternoon followed by late afternoon sunshine. We are planning to grill for dinner, so the weather should be nice by then. Im excited to hear more about those mushrooms! Praying and believing God for healing and comfort for your family members who have been ill. Enjoy your day!

    1. I hope all went well weather wise for your grilling for dinner this evening, Julia. If you tune back in tomorrow, the first of the two posts will be up. The second one will come live on Wednesday. I ended up breaking it up into two parts so that it wouldn't be so long and bore everyone. :) Thank you so much for praying and believing God for healing and comfort for our family members who have been ill. I spoke with our son tonight and they are all on the mend now. To God be the glory.

  6. Hello! I am cozy inside today. The rain is coming, and that is ok with me! I have a pasta salad with cherry tomatoes, avocado, red onion, and fresh basil in the fridge, and Steve is grilling some hotdogs later for dinner. I think I may sneak i a nap! Have a cozy day, my friend.

    1. Your pasta salad sounds delicious, Billie Jo...and hotdogs being grilled...I sounds perfect! Especially if you were able to sneak in that nap (which I hope you did)! We had a beautiful day...mostly sunshine, with a few showers here and there, but nothing serious. Hubby was outside most of the day so we know that there wasn't much rain. Thanks so much for stopping by. xx

  7. We had some pretty strong thunderstorms, too, with hail for a bit. Thankfully the power never went off, though it flickered. I'll be interested to hear about your kindness journal!

    1. I hope the hail didn't damage anything there at your property, Barbara. We've had some good winds today and it wasn't as humid as it has been so with a mix of sunshine and rain it's been almost perfect!
      The kindness journal post should become available on Thursday. I'm hoping to make time tomorrow to get that post ready. Thank you for stopping by...and I hope you and your family were able to spend time together today.

  8. Thank you So much for the visit! I really am enjoying perusing through your post, as well. Glad you enjoyed my post...I try to be a good girl but sometimes...memories pop up (Vietnam) and I still find it hard to be forgiving. Maybe one day or maybe never but I know God is a loving God...(thank God! lolol)
    That Iris is so delicate! Very pretty...
    Hope you come back again...I know I'll be a constant visitor, here!

    1. Donna! Welcome to Joyful in His Presence! Thank you for coming for a visit. No need for apologies when it comes to Vietnam. As I mentioned before over at your blog, I lost someone very dear and close to me as a result of that war. He died protecting and saving a fellow soldier and it is sad. But ultimately he did what he wanted to do...and it was not part of God's plan for our lives to become one.
      I love the Siberian Iris...for the very reason you delicate it is.
      I added the link to your blog under my "places I enjoy visiting" page at the top of the blog after I visited you, yes, I will definitely be back!

  9. Teach us to number our days...Amen.

  10. so many cliffhangers in the post! I love your journal page blogs :)

    1. 😊. I'm so glad that you enjoy the journal page blogs. 🥰
