Books read in 2024

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

God's High Calling for Women - a book review


God's High Calling for Women by John MacArthur is one that I read because this is one of my favorite topics.  Every couple has their times in marriage where there are struggles, and ours hasn't been any different, but I find that there is so much freedom in living in the role that God has created for me as a woman.  As I read this book by John MacArthur he emphasized the very same things that I have come to hold so dear. 

 The book is an indepth study of 1 Timothy 2:9-15.  It is Paul's instructions to Timothy about the problems that women were causing, due to false teaching, at the church in Ephesus.  

As a bit of background, Paul had given much of his ministry to laboring in Ephesus, teaching the Believers there about God's order of things.  Not long after moving on from Ephesus, false teachers came into the body of the Ephesian church and Paul saw things that needed corrected.  Much of it had to do with the false teaching that had allowed women to be in places of preaching and leadership that was against God's design for the order of home and church.  

Perhaps the best way to review this book is to share some of John MacArthur's words.

In Chapter 4, page 71, we find, "A tendency of women to be occupied with the adornment is only a manifestation of the carnality of their hearts-dressing to flaunt wealth, to attract lust and sexual desire, and to express a spirit of insubordination to one's husband."

In the same chapter and page we find women's attitudes being highlighted.  "Women are to present themselves then in modesty and humbleness of heart, deomonstrating total control over their passion and appearing in such a way that draws attention to their godliness and virtue."

Chapter 4, page 72 we find a woman's testimony being spoken about. "If they make a profession of godliness, they should support that with good works.  So their deeds should demonstrate that profession of godliness they bear."

In dealing with the matter of women's role in the church, the book gives a background of what the Jewish and pagan cultures were like which brought Paul to make the statement in verse 11, "Let women learn".  Women were basically looked upon as second-class citizens and they were not allowed to be educated, so Paul is saying, "Let women learn".  But he then goes on to say "in quietness and in all submission."  I felt MacArthur did a great job in going into depth about why this is to be.  

Other topics that are addressed have to do with the woman not teaching in a public worship service because it usurps the authority of men.  He gives so many scriptural reasons to back this up.  

I found this book to be extremely good in the way that MacArthur gives cultural background information and backs up everything with Scripture...which anyone who follows MacArthur knows, he always does!  

One thing that I found thought provoking because for some reason I have missed this entirely is how God created Adam first and then Eve...which set the order for how God made the roles for men and women.  I've had a lot of teaching in my years of being a Christian about the roles of men and women, but this was the first time that it was studied by taking us back to Genesis.  I'm so thankful!


  1. This teaching is much needed. I am still learning, or rather un-learning, after all these years.

    1. It's a process of learning for all of us, Sandi. It's sad that there isn't more preaching on the subject.

  2. I so appreciate the teaching of John MacArthur and how he doesn't back down when it comes to the truth of the Bible. There is so much peace that we can have if we as women understand our wonderful roles and not fight for what is not in our realm of responsibility. Thanks for the review.

    1. " not fight for what is not in our realm of responsibility"...Ellen, those words are so true. We had excellent teaching in my early years as a Christian on this matter, both by preaching from the pulpit and by example of my pastor's wife. What a blessing it has been to have been introduced to it early on in my Christian walk rather than fighting it.

  3. This teaching is so rarely taught now and it needs to be. I really appreciate the referral to Adam and Eve. I never heard that before either.
    This does not make either sex more important and following God's plan is always what works best!

    1. I think this book was really good because MacArthur does such an excellent job of backing up what he says with Scripture. It was definitely worth a read.

  4. I love how John MacArthur teaches directly from the Bible. No opinions - just scripture. Books like this are needed today.

  5. I recently read this book as well.
