Books read in 2024

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Kindness Journal Project - One Word 2024

 If you have followed along here this year at all, you know that I don't normally have a One Word every year, but this year was different.  It's been such an interesting journey these last five months since I've been finding kindness and some of its synonyms.

I am such a visual person and I have a folder where I keep pictures that I've clipped from magazines and such so I decided to do a little journal using some of the things that I have found.  This will be an ongoing project for the remainder of the year, but I thought I would show you just a few of the pages from the Kindness Journal.

Nothing spectacular here.
  I just went to Michaels and bought a sketch pad.
 I wasn't sure whether to get the big one or the smaller one,
 but ended up with the larger one because I didn't want things to look crowded.

On the first page inside I typed out how I came to be partcipating in the One Word this year...
as a reminder to myself as the years go by.

I took advantage of the different blog posts that I've written over the months
by printing them out and adhering them to the pages.
I've also taken advantage of some of the pictures I've cut out and saved over the last years.

This post is just to give you an idea of how a person who isn't really very creative 
can do something special as a reminder just because she's a visual person.

How about you?  Do you consider yourself a creative person?  Are you a visual person?  

I've thoroughly enjoyed this project and look forward to adding more and more pages as I go along.


  1. Hello! This is a wonderful idea! I love it, and love how you have begun it! I am not a creative or crafty person. I wish I were!

    1. Thank you, Billie Jo. I don't consider myself very creative either...but I do love visual and this little project definitely filled that bill.

  2. This is a great idea! I am so not creative but I think I do this. Maybe next year. :)

    1. I feel the same way, Monica...I'm not creative, but this project I could do.

  3. I love this idea. I can see it would help to reinforce what you're learning as well as keep the information all together for future reference.

    1. Thank you, Barbara. The reinforcement of the One Word plus having everything together in one place truly has been good for me.

  4. Lovely idea, Dianna! It will be a treasure and reminder for you for years to come. I do think of myself as a creative person and enjoy projects like this. You and I have worked on things in the past. To me visual things just speak to me. Well done!

    1. Thank you, Melanie. I have enjoyed working on it. xx

  5. I am SO visual! lolol....Creative? Sometimes but these days, I really have to push myself.
    Happy weekend!

    1. Visual is where it's at for me, Donna! And when I think of this project, I don't really think "creative" but more of a reminder to me of what the Holy Spirit is teaching as I search for my One Word for this year.

  6. This really makes the word come alive. It's a great idea and fun to add your illustrations of photos and other things. I do not find myself as a creative person but that doesn't hold me back from trying to be creative.

    1. It truly does, Ellen. I like your way of thinking when it comes to not letting something hold you back from trying to be creative! xx

  7. This is such a great idea! Doing something like this cements these thoughts and memories into your mind and sometimes things like this remind me to do more and keep going.

    1. It truly does, Mari. I continue to be on the hunt for KINDNESS along the way so that I can add to the journal. I've truly enjoyed working on it. xx

  8. What a lovely idea.
    I don't think of myself as creative.

    1. Thank you, Karen. Sometimes I think when we think "creative" we tend to think of particular art forms. But, honestly, Friend, you are one of the most creative people I know when one takes into consideration your love of baking, knitting, and doing for others in so many ways. xx

  9. Such a great idea! I'm a visual person, but not creative or crafty. I wish I were!

    1. Thank you, Julia! I don't really consider myself "crafty", but this project was something that the Lord laid on my heart to do and I have thoroughly enjoyed it!

  10. I hate to disagree with you, my friend; you ARE quite a creative person! :) I love this idea so very much! This reminds me that I did keep a journal similar to this with my word years ago, but I'd forgotten about it. I'll have to see if I can find it. It would have been interesting to have done this every year with my words! Thank you for being so kind as to share this with us! It's beautiful in every way, Dianna, just like you.

    1. Dear Lisa... you are so kind. I will continue to share posts as I add to the journal. My intention is to do this each year that I have a One Word.

  11. I love this idea! You have inspired me! I have been making art journals for a few years but I never thought of using my oneword and printing out my blog posts. It would be a really good way to remember. So thank you. Blessings to you! I'm your neighbor at the oneword linkup.

    1. Gayle, welcome to Joyful in His Presence. It was so kind of you to stop by and leave such kind words.

  12. What a wonderful & creative way to experience your WOTY!

    1. Thank you so much, Barb. Welcome to Joyful in Your Presence and thank you for stopping by.
