Books read in 2024

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Peace Like a River - a book review


Peace Like a River by Leif Enger was a National Bestseller and I understand why.  It encompasses some adventure, some tragedy, and some healing.  

It's narrated by 11 year old Reuben Land and tells the story of his family which consists of his dad Jeremiah, his older brother Davy, and his younger sister Swede for the majority of the book.  Reuben's mother left the family when his dad, who had been in medical school, gave it all up.  Jeremiah raised his three children by himself.

There was an altercation when Reuben's older brother Davy shot, partly in self-defense, two bullies who had entered the Land home during the middle of the night to do harm to the Land family as a result of a fight that Jeremiah had broken up in the locker room of the school where he'd been a janitor.  Davy, who  showed no remorse for what he'd done, becomes a fugitive of the law.  The majority of the rest of the novel is about the family, the FBI, and local authorities trying to locate Davy.

Along the way, the Lord intervenes in their lives through a woman named Roxanna Cawley who provides shelter for the family when a major snow storm hits the area.  Jeremiah does end up marrying Roxanna to the children's delight.  She was the mother that they had never really known when it came to the way she cared for them.

I don't believe this book was presented as a Christian novel, but there's definitely a strong Christian sense to its theme.  I don't agree with some of the emphasises placed on some things, but I read this book for pure pleasure and I don't have to agree with everything that it talks about in order to enjoy the book.

I would highly recommend the book.  Leif Enger is definitely a wonderful storyteller.


  1. I mentioned to you that I had read this some years ago, but couldn't remember much about it. I do remember thinking the author was a good storyteller and planning to look up more of his books, but never did. Thank you for reminding me of him!

  2. This sounds like an intriguing book, Dianna! I'm with you - I don't agree with everything in the books I come across either, but that doesn't negate the things that I do agree with and learn from. Thanks for sharing about this one!

    1. It really was a good read. Glad you understand, my friend, where I am coming from when it comes to agreeing with everything in a book. There's much to be learned if we are interested.

  3. This sounds like a good book. I'll keep this one in mind.

    1. You are welcome, my friend. I know you would enjoy it.

  4. The book has a happy end - and I like that. Your review is of great value in understanding the plot and its characters.

  5. This sounds interesting. I agree that you don't have to agree with everything in a book to enjoy it.

    1. Thanks, Friend. It really was a good read.
