Books read in 2024

Monday, June 24, 2024

From My Journal

 TODAY IS: June 24, 2024

AROUND ME: we had rain last evening for the first time in a couple of weeks.  It was glorious!  We are to have a little more this morning and the temperatures are to be a bit lower today!

I AM PONDERING:  how worry is the exact opposite of trusting God...and how it leads to needless fear.  More to come this week on the blog about a personal experience concerning just this very thing.



BOOKS I AM CURRENTLY ENJOYING my reading has slowed down quite a bit because of preparing for our trip this month, so there isn't any change in the books I've been listing other than the book by Sinclair Ferguson on the trinitarian views of John Owen.

  Refreshment for the Soul is a collection of Richard Sibbes thoughts on different topics and is compiled as a devotional.  So, it will be an ongoing reading throughout this year.

The Soul's Conflict  by Richard Sibbes

John Owen by Sinclair Ferguson

I AM THANKFUL FOR:  memories, pictures of our kids having fun, my Redeemer, God's Word, sunshine, air conditioning...just to name a few.

FROM THE KITCHEN: Strongheart picked our first strawberries of the season last week!  They are so sweet and yummy!

being able to get caught up on housework and gardening.

TO DO LIST FOR TODAY  general housework which will include washing curtains, blinds and windows. 

"So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 90:12


  1. I am in good company in the worry department if you are with me!! I work daily on accepting God's will and letting go. It's a process!!

    1. Thank you, Friend, for the reminder that it's a process! xx

  2. We had some rain last night, too, which was much needed. Fresh strawberries! Wonderful! I wish we could have one good session of prayer and Bible study about worry and conquer it once for all. But it's a continual battle to focus on God's character, presence, and love and not the circumstances or possibilities.

    1. I like the way you think when it comes to worry...once and done. I appreciate so much your encouragement. xx

  3. Glad your rain cooled things down a bit. Ferguson's book on John Owen sounds good. Happy new week to you, Dianna!

    1. I am so thankful for the cooler temperatures. I actually sat out on the porch this afternoon and read because of how nice it was. My reading material this afternoon was Ferguson's book on John Owen. It is such a good read!

  4. I know all about the worry thing. But God always shows himself faithful. I find that looking back and reminding myself of that helps when I'm worrying.
    Fresh strawberries are so good!

    1. Yes, He does, Mari...always. I think that's what frustrates me so when I give in to worry...I keep telling myself that He's "helping me to grow in my trust of Him." xx

  5. Rain and strawberries are great summer treats ! Enjoy, and don'i worry about a thing!

    1. Yes they are, Duta! These are a new variety that my husband tried this year and the strawberries are SO sweet! Yummy! Thank you for the encouragement! xx

  6. Hi Dianna. You are so right and worry is the exact opposite of trusting God. I've had to remind myself of that many times. Nothing good comes from worry and fear. Give it to God and he will take care of the rest. I've had issues in the past with giving a worry or fear to God and then taking it back. My mom would often tell me that once you've given it to God that's it and just continue to trust him. She was so wise. I love your list of things you are thankful for. I'm thankful for the same things. Delicious looking strawberries by the way. Happy Monday!

    1. Hello Julia. Thank you for sharing that you've had times of worrying rather than trusting God, or giving Him your worries only to take them back again. I keep telling myself that He is helping me to grow in this area. xx

  7. Those strawberries look wonderful. I see lots of delicious strawberry jams and desserts in the next weeks. I'm so glad you got a good rain.

    1. Thank you, GM. The strawberries are a new variety that my husband tried this year and they are so so good...and sugar needed! It was wonderful waking up this morning and seeing the garden wet.

  8. That's wonderful for your rain! I hope we get some soon. I do love strawberries. The ones in our stores have been from California lately. I hope to see the Florida ones soon. Meanwhile cheeries are in season. I love those too!

    1. The rain really cooled things down and I've even enjoyed sitting out on the porch and reading this afternoon. It's been wonderful! Cherries are great for inflammation, too! :) xx

  9. Hello, my friend! Yes. I have had my share of worry and have learned exactly what you stated. Worry is lack of trust. Thank you for reminding me. I also think Faith over Fear! Lovely post!

    1. Thank you so much, Billie Jo, for your words of encouragement. Faith over Fear sums it up beautifully. xx

  10. Oh my those strawberries sure look good.
