Books read in 2024

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Where in the World Have I Been?

 I want to begin this post by saying how much I appreciate those who have checked in with me to see if everything was okay since I'd not posted for a while.  Your kindness is so appreciated.

I thought that I would take today to give a brief update and to share some blessings that the Lord brought our way over the last two weeks.  

If you read yesterday's post, you will probably realize that we spent some time in Maine.  We actually left home on June 4 and flew from Pittsburgh PA to Boston MA, where our son and oldest granddaughter met us.  Our granddaughter attends college at Northeastern University in Boston and our son lives about two and a half hours from Boston.  He didn't want us to have to try making connecting flights(which was so kind of him) and insisted that we fly into Boston nonstop from Pittsburgh.  

Our primary reason for making the trip when we did was to celebrate our youngest granddaughter's highschool graduation.  We are so proud of her as she has faced many challenges, but she always proves that through God's grace, she can do hard things.

The graduate had requested to have a cook-out after graduation.  Several of the people that were invited were unable to attend because of having other graduations to attend that day as well.  But her grandfather in Maine, as well as a dear lady from her church and Strongheart and I were there...along with her sister and parents, of course.  (And of course, I had my eyes closed when the picture was taken.  Oh's a memory, right?)

The graduation was on June 7 and then on June 9 during fellowship time, her church honored her as their only graduate this year.  That was such a blessing.  The church presented her with gifts, but an even bigger blessing was watching people of all ages coming up to her to wish her well.  She definitely came away from church that day feeling genuinely loved.

We were there for eight LOTS of fun was had.  And I will share more about it over the next few days.

Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing our joy with us!  I've had a lot to catch up on around here since returning but I will be around to visit very soon!


  1. Such wonderful photos! I'm so glad you were able to be there for her and that her church honored her like they did. Welcome back!

    1. Thank you, my friend. It truly was a blessing to be there for this special time in her life. I was thankful also that we could be at church with her that Sunday. Just watching people of that large congregation and of all ages come up to her and sincerely wish her well was such a blessing. It's good to be back.

  2. Even with the eyes closed it's a nice photo. I really liked hearing about the people from church wishing her well. What a blessing to be a part of a loving church family.

    1. Thank you, Mari. Yes, it truly is a blessing to be a part of a loving church family. It's a fairly large congregation and it was such a blessing to watch as people of all ages come up to her and express their love for her. xx

  3. Congratulations to your graduate! So sweet to see her hard work, perservance and accomplishment recognized and honored like it was!! And so glad you were able to get away for some fun and good family time! Isn't that a blessing!? Have a blessed week:)

    1. Hello dear Jennifer. I think you and I were both gone about the same time. Thank you for your kind words. We are definitely proud of our girl's hard work and her perseverance in her studies. It was so good to be with family and enjoy being in the same room with each other.

  4. What a sweet time with your family. Congratulations to your granddaughter! I'm so glad her church honored her as well. (My eyes are closed in too many photos!)

    1. Thank you, Barbara, for your kind words. Seeing her church honor her was such a blessing for us. She loves the Lord and as I watched people of all ages come up to her to wish her well I realized that she has a precious testimony before the folks there. Such a blessing.

  5. Just wonderful, the memories that you made! So much to celebrate and to be grateful for. I am so glad that your granddaughter's church family showered her with love and affection. She will never forget that, as long as she lives. I look forward to more tales of your travels! xoxo

    1. Hello Jenny! Isn't God kind to give us minds that can remember so that we can tuck away memories to pull out any time we want? We are thankful for family, for our girl, and for the church she is a part of. xx

  6. Your granddaughter has good reason to feel proud - graduating from school and being congratulated by loving people, including those of her church!

    1. Yes, she does, Duta. Thank you for your kind words. xx

  7. You must be so proud of her. This is such a special time in her life.

    1. Oh, Lauren, we are very proud of her. She's been accepted at a community college close home with a major in Human Services. She loves people so her major is a good fit for her. Hope you have a wonderful week! xx

  8. Having that special mention at church and all the people from the congregation that wanted to wish your granddaughter well is a blessing that is beyond words. So happy for her 💗 ( and you)

    1. Thank you, my friend, for your kind words. xx

  9. What a sweet blessing for your granddaughter and you as well. That's great that her church honored her accomplishment, too. Looking forward to hearing more about your trip. What a special kindness for your son to honor you with in your travels. Very thoughtful.

    1. Thank you, Ellen. I agree with you regarding our son. He is so thoughtful like that. xx

  10. such a wonderful trip and it is glorious you were with family!! Congrats on the graduate!!

    1. It had been two years since we had seen them so it was definitely a joy to have this time.
