Books read in 2024

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Worrying vs Trusting God

Which is easier to do...worrying about a situation or trusting God for the outcome?  I think worrying may come more "natural" to our flesh than initially trusting God.

Which is the most beneficial to us...worrying about a situation or trusting God for the outcome?  Seeing as how worrying has been proven to cause multiple health issues, trusting God is definitely the most beneficial for us physically, but it is also the most beneficial for us emotionally.

I have a very recent incident in my life to share that demonstrates my point.

In July of 2011 I had a fall that broke my left femur and my right wrist.  I required surgery for having a rod put in my leg and because my wrist was broken and I would be unable to use a walker with a cast on the wrist, I had to have plates and pins put in my wrist.  

I've grown accustomed to life with metal in my body...until...I knew I was going to need to go through security in order to fly to Maine.  I have flown several times after 9/11 so I knew about the scanners but all of those times were long before I needed the rod, plates and pins.  

I thought it would be no problem...I would just call the office of the surgeon who did the surgery and ask for them to give me a card that I could present to TSA when I was checking through security.  But when I called, the lady in Medical Records told me that they no longer give out those cards because TSA quit accepting them. 

Oh great!  That's when the worrying began. 

But of course I didn't actually call it worrying.  I found myself asking people I knew  were faithful to pray to please pray for me as I was "concerned" about the situation.  You sounds much more spiritual to use the word concerned rather than just admitting that I was worrying and asking God to forgive me.

I realize now that when I worry it is really a form of fear and that it shows a lack of trust in God.  But at the time that I was going through it none of it really registered as such.  

People would ask me if I was excited about the trip and the worry or fear would always surface.  I didn't even begin to think about packing until less than 24 hours before we were to leave home.  I had allowed the fear to keep me from seeing things I was leaving undone.  It was crazy...because now as I look back at it all what was it that I was worried about?  That I would set off the scanner and people would stare at me while my leg and wrist were scanned separately?  Yes...I didn't want to be noticed.  

Everything I worried about or feared never happened! 

I know that several people were praying for me and I so appreciate each one,  because God had the victory.  Once I was home and had a day to rest up a bit, I began thinking about it all...truly pondering how I had allowed myself to be taken in by worry and fear rather than trusting God.  I thought about how it was because I didn't want to be singled be noticed and have people wonder what I did or was trying to do that would cause the scanner to set off the alarm.  

And then I took it a step a Christian, if I allowed that much worry or fear to drive me to the state of almost being paralyzed by it, how would I react under persecution for the cause of Christ?  I know how I would want to react...because the Bible tells me that I am an alien here on true residence is in Heaven with Christ...but would I?

I'm thinking it's time to give up worrying and starting to do more trusting in our Sovereign God who makes no mistakes.  It's time to remember that HE is the One with the plan.  It's time to remember that whatever He allows to come my way is because He knows it's good for me...all through the process of my growing in Him.


  1. I am constantly working on this, and I hope in time I can switch my brain to trusting!

  2. It's been my experience that worry and anxiety aren't conquered in a single session with the Lord. I have to continually remind myself of these truths.
