Books read in 2024

Monday, July 1, 2024

From My Journal

 TODAY IS: July 1, 2024

AROUND ME: wonderfully cool temperatures predicted for today...72F.  It will be glorious after all of the high temperatures we've been experiencing with very little rain!

I AM PONDERING: how fun it is to surprise people with visits!  

AMONG MY FAVORITE THINGS:   blueberries finishing their ripening


  Refreshment for the Soul is a collection of Richard Sibbes thoughts on different topics and is compiled as a devotional.  So, it will be an ongoing reading throughout this year.

The Soul's Conflict  by Richard Sibbes

John Owen by Sinclair Ferguson ...I did make some progress in this book last week, but still not quite finished.

I AM THANKFUL FOR:  Last Thursday was one of Strongheart's sisters birthday.  She lives about two hours east of us so we surprised her with a birthday visit.  She was so tickled.  While we were in the same area we visited Strongheart's last living aunt on his dad's side of the family.  That was also a surprise visit for her.  We really enjoyed our time with her and her daughter.  Such a fun day...sharing memories of days gone by as well as making new ones.

FROM THE KITCHEN:  using lots of fresh veggies from the garden...lettuce of different varities, spinach, kale, radishes, golden beets, yellow summer squash, zuchinni, red raspberries, blueberries, gooseberries, currants.

Currant Pie fresh from the oven.

SOMETHING I REALLY ENJOY:  being able to get caught up on housework.  I was able to reach my goals for the month of June where this is concerned.  I finished on Friday by washing up all of the curtains and doing the blinds and windows on the main floor of the house. There were things I wanted to  make certain I had done in June because I know canning, freezing and making jam are in my near future. 

TO DO LIST FOR TODAY:  A quick clean of the house and begin organizing the upright freezer upstairs.

"So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 90:12


  1. We're in the mid-80s today rather than the low 90s, a bit of an improvement. How fun to be able to surprise family members with visits! I can't say I enjoy housework in itself, but I do enjoy the results. And with some of the quieter tasks, like dusting, I can listen to an audiobook at the same time.

    1. We had a pastor one time who would often to say to enjoy each thing we do...even if it's mundane tasks. I took that to heart and that coupled with Colossians 3:23 have helped me to enjoy the doing as much as the results.

  2. It's awesome that you have so many things in your garden to use up! I have one tomato plant that still only has blossoms, to actual tomatoes yet. Doing all your windows in one day is a lot of work! Hope you rested up after that!

    1. My husband loves to garden. I only take care of the windows on the ground floor...just doing the outside because I've already completed the inside.

  3. surprise visits are awesome! I'm glad you were able to see your family and spend time with them.

    1. I feel the same way about surprise visits, Karen!

  4. I can just imagine all the good things you will be making with those blueberries.
    The pie looks delicious.

    1. I hope to start making some blueberry jam at some point this week and I've already made a blueberry slab pie. We've also been enjoying them in smoothies and on our cereal in the mornings.
      Thank you for your kind words regarding the pie, Karen. It is a currant pie.

  5. Looks like you've been busy. The pie looks really good. My Grandpa had current bushes and my mom used to make current jelly. We thought it was so good!
    Glad you had such a good surprise!

    1. Thank you for your kind words about the pie. It's one of Carroll's favorites.

  6. How fortunate you are to have all those vegetables and berries. It all tastes so much better fresh from your own garden. The pie looks delicious but I must admit I've never tasted currant pie.

    1. I know. My husband puts in a lot of hard work but he enjoys gardening. Thank you for your kind words about the currant pie. It's one of my husband's favorites!

  7. Blueberries, freshly picked, are so wonderful.
    I also love baking and cooking... your cake with currants looks fantastic.
    I have blackcurrants in the garden and gooseberries and a few raspberries.
    A greeting goes to you. I wish you a happy day.

    1. Yes, they are, Viola. Thank you for the kind words regarding the currant pie. currants...ours are red. I just googled an image for the black ones. They look yummy too! Thank you so much for stopping by.

  8. Surprise visits can be fun! This post is reminding me I need to can some blueberry jam!

    1. Blueberry jam making is soon to be a project here, too. Our blueberry production is beginning to wind down...but the red raspberries are increasing. So there will be raspberry jam in the making here too. Have a wonderful July 4th, Donna.

  9. That pie looks so good! And there's nothing like fresh blueberries. I'm glad you got to go on your surprise visits last week. Have a great week.

    1. Thank you, Melanie, for your kind words regarding the pie. My pie crusts don't always turn out, but thankfully, this one did. It was Carroll's pie request and I didn't want to disappoint him.

  10. Hello, my friend! We are also getting some cooler temperatures, and are quite happy about it! Finishing housekeeping projects is always a good feeling, and then baking a delicious pie is the reward! Have a lovely holiday!

    1. Hello, Billie Jo! Today's high was in the 80s but there was a nice breeze blowing for most of the day and the humidity wasn't as bad as it was last week. Always something to be thankful for, right? :) Enjoy your time at the lake with your sweet family over the holiday! xx

  11. Dianna that currant pie looks fabulous! And so do those blueberries. Happy summer visits are so welcome and enjoyable. This morning when I walked it was only 68 degrees! That was at dawn but even later today we're not expecting to get out of the 80s. What a blessing. Happy Fourth of July! xoxo

    1. Thank you, Jenny, for your kind words regarding the pie. The blueberry crop is beginning to dwindle, but the red raspberries are beginning to increase in number. These fruits taste so good on our cereal in the mornings, as well as in smoothies. I'm glad you had some cooler temperatures and I'm glad that you are still out there every morning walking! Good for you! xx

  12. Hello Dianna. We've also enjoyed lower temperatures and lower humidity the past two days. Such a welcome relief. Your pie looks delicious! I'm loving all the fresh produce from the farmers market right now. I'm eating fresh blueberries everyday and salads most evenings with dinner. My grandmother was big into canning, freezing, and making jam. Sadly, I never thought to have her teach me. She passed away at the age of 90 years old last week. She's in heaven with her immediate family now - her husband, son, and daughter (my mom). I hope you share when you make jam. I'd love to know more about it.

  13. I love that you eat so much fresh vegetables from your garden! My parents always had a big garden and fed us such healthy food from it. I miss getting food straight from our backyard.
