Books read in 2024

Thursday, July 11, 2024

The Trinitarian Devotion of John Owen - A Book Review


The Trinitarian Devotion of John Owen by Sinclair Ferguson is a fairly easy read but one that is filled with so much information and good solid theology.  It is worth noting that John Owen was someone who Sinclair Ferguson greatly admired and felt that Owen was someone who greatly influenced his own life as a Christian.

Because this book is filled with theology, as one might expect from the title, I find it a bit more challenging in doing a review of it.  I have so many pages turned down at places that spoke to me personally that it would be impossible to write a short review.  I will do my best to just state here the greatest highlights.

Discussing whether the doctrine of the Trinity had any practical relevance, Sinclair Ferguson shares, "Yet Owen believed that rather than being speculative, the doctrine of the Trinity provided the light by which everything else became clear.  Rather than being impractical, it was the most practical truth of all - for what can be more practical than knowing God in Jesus Christ and through the illuminating work of the Holy Spirit?" pg. 29

John Owen believed that "to suggest that the Trinity is an irrantional doctrine is to be guilty of making man and his reason the measure of all things." page 32  Also, "Owen did not see the Trinity as an impractical and abstract doctrine, it is for him - by necessity- the most practical of all doctrines, simply because knowing God is eternal life." page 34

That's a bit of an introduction for the book.  It contains five chapters and a conclusion in its 128 pages.  Beginning in Chapter 3 and continuing through Chapter 5 Ferguson takes us through Communion with the Father, Communion with the Son, and Communion with the Holy Spirit, as he shares Owens' insights into each area.

I personally enjoy this type of book but I have to admit that it may not be something that everyone would enjoy.  It has proven to be extremely helpful for me.


  1. This sounds interesting. The Trinity isn't something I've ever studied very deeply.

    1. It's something we hear preached and taught frequently so this was a good read for me. I appreciated Sinclair Ferguson's insights into Owens teaching

  2. Sounds like a good read. I'll put it on my list. For now I would just like to get caught up on my Chronological Bible read. I'm in Psalms... but I'm about a month behind so i need to read several days at a time to get caught up.

    1. Are you enjoying doing the Bible reading chronologically? I did that last year and really enjoyed it. I'm using a different plan this year. You have had a busy summer so far with purchasing your new home, getting it set up and then being so sick for a while. Hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend. xx

  3. Those quotes are so good. I can see why you were you turned down so many pages. I was doing the same thing with The Discipline of Grace and now we are in a class at church and reading 'Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands' by Paul Tripp and it's another book with so much to go back to. Our water heater gave up for good today so we have one on order and being delivered tomorrow. I hope that remains on schedule with Home Depot!! Happy Thursday to you!

    1. That poor book is so earmarked it isn't even funny. I'm also slowly working my way through The Soul's Conflict by Richard Sibbes. Oh my... it's SO good, but it's highlighted and underlined so much that I will use it as reference for a very long time.
      I'm so sorry to hear about your water heater. Praying it is delivered on time.

  4. This sounds like a fascinating book. It's got to be good for you to have so many turned down pages. I'm really beginning to appreciate Sinclair Ferguson.
