Books read in 2024

Monday, August 26, 2024

From My Journal

 TODAY IS: August 25, 2024

AROUND ME: Summer temps are back, as I knew they would be, but we certainly did enjoy those several days in a row when the highs were in the 60s and 70s, with the lows in 40s and 50s.  One night it got down to 38..




These little guys make me smile as they stand around on the desk.
I love clowns...but not the mad kind.
These came from various Etsy shopsover the years.


  Refreshment for the Soul is a collection of Richard Sibbes thoughts on different topics and is compiled as a devotional.  So, it will be an ongoing reading throughout this year.

The Soul's Conflict  by Richard Sibbes

I AM THANKFUL FOR: my hard working husband.  I think he could easily compete with the Energizer Bunny.    

FROM THE KITCHEN: I tried a new pancake recipe last week that is gluten free.  It turned out really well...nice and fluffy pancakes.

SOMETHING I REALLY ENJOY: Living in the present so I can enjoy the blessings in my every day life.

TO DO LIST FOR TODAY:  Washing down the porch and putting out autumn decor.

"So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 91:12


  1. Hard working husbands are such a blessing!! Have a great new week!

    1. Ack...oops. That should be a ! not a ?

    2. Yes, Ellen, they certainly are. I know you have one too. xx

    3. Yes, Sandi, it certainly is true! Glad to see you out and about in the blogging world. I've been checking your blog frequently and have been missing you. xx

  2. We're having the same kinds of temperatures--cooler than usual the last week or so, but back to summer highs this week. Because it still feels like summer, I like to wait til mid-September to put out autumn decor.

    You're one of the few people I know who actually likes clowns. :-)

    It's a blessing to have a hard-working husband--I have one, as well.

    1. I think we only got up to 87 today and the humidity wasn't as bad as before. Tomorrow it's supposed to reach 96. I washed down the siding on the porch today and the water felt good! But tomorrow with that high I will be staying indoors. Carroll thinks I'm silly because I enjoy washing down the porch...I tell him, "I'm just playing in the water! What's not to love?" lol

      Yes, my friend, we both definitely have hard working husbands.

  3. Cute clowns! I'm not fond of the mad clowns either! Our temps are up again this week and then back down at the weekend. The humidity is up as well. I'm not ready to put up any autumn decor yet. I usually do that towards the end of September. I need to get more this year. Have a lovely week, my friend.

    1. Thank you, my friend! I looked again recently on Etsy for some more to add to my collection, but the ones I found were all either way too big, or very dark and mean looking. I like happy clowns. :) I think our temps are supposed to go back down over the weekend also. I guess it's that time of the year. As it turned out, I didn't get my autumn decor out today. I normally wait until September 1, but this year, for whatever reason, I'm just ready to enjoy the color. Autumn is my favorite season of the year and the spring.

  4. I always like your pondering lines.
    Lucky you, for having a hard working husband! May he always be healthy and well!

    1. Thank you, Duta. I do a lot of pondering some days.
      And thank you for your kind wishes regarding my husband for him to always be healthy and well.

  5. Clowns make me think of Bozo the clown. He had a tv show when I was a kid. Living in the present is the way to live but sometimes it can be a challenge. Have a nice day.

    1. I remember that show too Bill. :)

    2. Yes, how could we forget dear Bozo! He was my kind of clown. Funny story...our daughter was almost four years old when her brother was born and the peditrician asked her during one of her check-ups what she was going to name the baby. She told him, "Bozo of course!" The doctor chuckled and said, "No, I mean what are you really going to call the baby?" And she insistently said, "I told you...Bozo!"
      And, yes, living in the present can sometimes be challenging, Bill. I agree, but when we are able to do so we see many things we would have missed otherwise.
      Wishing you a wonderful remainder to your week.

  6. Carroll is such a blessing. :). The clowns are cute!

    1. Awww...Karen, thank you so much for your kind words regarding Carroll. I passed along your sincere words to him. :)
      I'm glad you like the clowns.

  7. Yes, a hard working husband is such a blessing. The verse you shared is also a blessing.

    1. You have a hard working husband, too, my friend. I love that verse, but I have to say that I don't always reflect it.

  8. You've started putting out Autumn decor? That makes me happy because I have all mine out but hesitated to admit it because I was sure others would think I was way too early. But then, I'm always early with decorating for Christmas too💗. Have a wonderful week.

    1. Yes! In you, I have found my people! I love's my favorite season of the year and normally, I would wait until September 1 to put out the decor, but for some reason, this year I just want to see those beautiful colors. It may have something to do with the incredible hot and dry summer we've had.

  9. I'm SO ready for Fall! Can't wait to see your decorations!

  10. Even though summer is back I am thinking about fall and planning to decorate my house the beginning of September no matter the temperature.

    1. You are my kind of people...but then, we already knew that.😉

  11. Enjoyed your journal even though I am a day behind. Yes, looks like summer is back here as well. We will be near 102 today. Stay cool my friend! :)

    1. I can't imagine how hot 102 is. I will take my 85. :)
