Books read in 2024

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Just a Little Note


I want to take a few minutes to thank each one who takes time out of your day to stop by and say hello.

Your comments encourage my heart.

It's one of the things I love about the world of blogging...
getting to know people from far and wide...
many from the U.S. and others from countries I only dream of visiting.

There have been several new people who have dropped by and to those folks I want to say welcome. 
 Even though I consider myself an introvert, I always enjoy meeting new people.

My mother was one who always encouraged my brothers and myself to treat everyone the same, regardless of their station in life or the fact that they were from a different culture.

She taught us this by her example.

She worked in a research lab at WVU and was in contact with students from all over the world. 
 She was never hesitant to bring them home
 or help them with whatever needs they had..

.especially those who were setting up housekeeping for the first time in a new country, where many things were unfamiliar to them.

I just wanted to take time to say thank you and to mention,
 for the sake of those who are new here,
that when you leave a comment, 
I always reply here under your comment.

I think it's a personal thing for each blogger,
but when I started blogging many years ago I just felt that, because blogging 
was such a personal thing for me,
 if someone took the time to leave kind words for me that the least I could do was respond.

It's more than just common courtesy on my part.
It's a way that I get to know each of you better.

May you find encouragement here with each visit.


  1. It's always a pleasure to come visit here. I forget that you comment back. I need to remember to check back. Have a blessed day.

  2. Thank you for all the encouraging words that you leave for me at my blog! You are a blessing in my life! There is always a positive post here and I can count on it to lift me up when I might be feeling blue. I too am an introvert and even sometimes have to force myself into the blogger world.
    I hope you are having a blessed week! :)

    1. Monica dear, thank you for your kind words. May God receive the glory for any encouragement you receive here. You are a blessing to me.

  3. You had a wonderful example in your mom and I can see you learned well from her.
    It's such a blessing to meet people from all over through blogging, and even better to get to know them and share life. I so appreciate you and the way we can support and pray for each other.

    1. Mari, I, too, am thankful for the way God has brought us together that we can support and pray for one another all through the years...even when I wasn't blogging. Thank you for your kind words regarding my mom. She was a special lady.

  4. Hi Dianna, I'm so happy to have met you here in blogland! Your blog is always such a peaceful and encouraging one to visit. I appreciate that you take the time to reply to comments. And I always appreciate the kind and encouraging comments you leave over on my blog. I also appreciate your prayers! Thank you. I hope you are having a wonderful week!

    1. Dear Julia you are a blessing and I thank you kindly for your words of encouragement. May all the praise go to our Father. Praying for you is a privilege. I have often said that praying for someone Is not only a privilege but also the greatest gift we can give to someone.

  5. You're always so positive and encouraging. I enjoy the comments on my blog but simply don't find time to respond to each one.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, my friend. I does take a good bit of time and I understand completely. xx

  6. I enjoyed the new things about you and your mother in this post. I keep going back and forth about replying to each comment. It seems in the 'new world' of blogging with fewer bloggers out there it would be best to go ahead and reply. :)

    1. Thank you, Ellen. My mom was such a huge influence in my life. I think that the decision about whether to reply to comments or not is such a personal thing for each of us...and what season of life we are in. It can be time consuming, but for me, it's the interaction that I enjoy.

  7. what a lovely posting!! I love the community that is built from blogging. I have known some people for decades???? almost!!

    1. Well, thank you, Friend! I also enjoy the blogging community. You and I go back a long way. I have been blogging off and on since 2008. I don't remember exactly when it was that you and I connected, but I am certainly thankful that we did! You have no idea how many times your comments have encouraged me, dear Karen. xx

  8. Being positive and encouraging is truly a blessing to have today in this crazy world. There's lots of negativity out there. Hope your having a wonderful day.

    1. Yes, Bill, these are definitely times when we need to encourage one another. Hope your day is going well.

  9. Yes, she certainly was. I miss her being here but I am thankful for her example.

    Thank you for your kind words, my friend.

  10. Learning from another's example is every bit as powerful as learning from experience! Both are exceptionally thorough teachers. I appreciate you, Dianna! xoxo

    1. Thank you, Jenny. I am thankful for the mom that the Lord blessed me with because I learned so much from her about so many things. xx
