Books read in 2024

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Kindness ~ a Discussion

 The prompt from Lisa for our One Word post for the month of August was to choose three people with whom you could discuss whatever your One Word for 2024 is.  She gave us a few sample questions that we could ask the people we chose.  I found these questions to be helpful because it gives a well rounded concept of the word.

You may remember if you've been reading here this year that my One Word for 2024 is Kindness.  It came about as I was reading Romans 12 at the end of last year.  That chapter deals a lot with pride versus humility.  When I thought about what the opposite of pride was I immediately thought of Kindness...and that's what I have pursued these last eight months!  

What I found in my conversations with these people that I chose to help me with this prompt is that their answers were quite similar!  

Here's a bit of a summation in my own words of what the others had to share with me.

Kindness can be described as putting others before ourselves, which can lead us to being patient, a good listener, not being judgmental.  Looking to Scripture we could easily define kindness as doing unto others and you would have them do unto you. (Matthew 7:12).  

Therefore, the definition for the opposite of kindness would be self-exaltation...putting oneself above others.  It would include things such as being rude to a person, or judgmental, or just plain ignoring them.

These last eight months since I have been pursuing Kindness I have found myself noticing "kindness" everywhere.  I see it in people's smiles, in people opening doors for me (as well as my doing the same for others), giving assistance when someone needs it...general courtesy coming through to our fellow man.  As one friend said, "hopefully, kindness is an automatic thing with me, but there are those times..."  I get that.  Here again...the answers to the questions that I asked these friends have been so close to being identical.  Another one responded when asked how frequently they thought about kindness, responded that they thought about it most often when they had been unkind.

Kindness shows up most in our daily lives as we interact with others.  My interaction with others is rather limited on a daily basis, so for me, kindness shows up the most in my marriage relationship with my husband.  I can choose to treat him with kindness as well as speak to him with kind other words, not be a Grump!  And also, I don't think that the interaction necessairly has to be with humans.  If we have pets, then our kindness stretches to them as well.  But aside from the everyday happenings in the home, when I am out and about I find many ways to be kind to those that the Lord puts in my path.

The last question that I asked these ladies was "any suggestions for how I can better practice kindness?"  There was one answer that really stood out to me and I think it's a great way to end this blog post.

"Remember to live in the present and to focus on the fact that we live for an audience of One to Whom we will give account."


  1. Very good post!! Kindness....the best thing we can offer of ourselves..

    1. Thanks so much, shug, for your kind words. ;)

  2. To be honest I would say I think about kindness when I feel I was unkind to someone. Which thank the Lord isn't often. I am not generally an unkind person but I should try to be more kind more often to more people.
    Thank you for giving me this to consider! Have a blessed day!

    1. Next week, Monica, I think we are going to go a bit deeper with the meaning of kindness. I think it will be fun! xx

  3. I, too, tend to think about kindness when I have been unkind or someone has been either unkind or especially kind to me. Or when I am reading passages of Scripture that speak of it. It should be a hallmark of our interactions. And, I agree, it should be shown most at home, where it's probably the easiest to slip into unkindness. I don't tend to gripe at my husband (out loud), but sometimes I'd rather be lost in my own thoughts than to talk. But since he has retired, I'm his main person to talk with. :) I remind myself that my main ministry is supposed to be to him.

    1. Yes, Barbara, it truly should be a hallmark of our interactions. Well said regarding the home and where our main ministry is supposed to be. xx

  4. Your adventure with kindness has been interesting and It's gotten me thinking. I'm glad you were able to get perspectives from others as well. I'm excited to learn more of how kindness is working in your life.

  5. That last answer is a good one to be sure. It is so good to be reminded that we are ambassadors for our King!

    1. Yes, it is, Ellen. And sometimes that is easy to forget. Thanks so much for stopping by. xx

  6. That last sentence sums it up well. It is nice to know that there is a lot of kindness going around in this turned upside down world.

    1. We certainly are living in an upside down world at this time, Karen. All the more reason to keep that last sentence in focus, yes? You are a blessing. xx

  7. Hi Dianna. Great advice! The last sentence says it all!

    1. Yes, it does, Julia. I hope you are well. Prayers continue for you daily. xx

    2. Dianna, your thoughtful prayers are so much appreciated. This year hasn't been the easiest with losing my mom - not only was she my mom, but also a best friend. It's God who's getting me through this that is for sure. He gives me so much comfort, peace and strength.🙏

    3. Julia, I truly understand. Our Father is the One who got me through my mom's passing as well. In the moment when arrangements needed to be made and everything taken care of, I was the one that my brothers leaned on. But once the funeral was over and the day to day life without her became a challenge. I am so thankful to the Lord for His lovingkindness and mercy and grace to me during those many months following. xx

  8. As others have said....that last sentence sums it up very well.
    BTW I enjoyed the last post, making grape juice. I can imagine how good it tastes.

    1. Thank you, Friend. I truly is a summation (and reminder) of kindness and why it is something that we should practice.

      Glad that you enjoyed the grape juice post! We are going to be some more the first part of next week. It will be the end of the grapes and not nearly as much as we did the last time.

  9. This....."Remember to live in the present and to focus on the fact that we live for an audience of One to Whom we will give account." pure gold!!

    1. I agree, Barb H. Thank you so much for stopping by.

  10. Kindness is a great WOTY, Dianna. Sowing kindness benefits everyone.

    1. Thanks so much, Lisa. And thank you for stopping by.

  11. Isn't it funny how we often find what we are looking for! I love that as you've pursued kindness yourself, you've also found it in others. I already knew you to be a kind person, but reading your interactions this year just solidifies it.

    And who harder to practice our words with (sometimes) than our spouses! :)

    1. Lisa, thank you for your words of kindness and support throughout this adventure during the year. I don't know when I have enjoyed a One Word year more than this one.
