Books read in 2024

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Taking a Canning Break Today...


the grapes are ready to be harvested!

Later on there will be pictures of the process of turning the grapes into juice.


  1. This may show up as two comments. This is such a pretty scene. I remember picking grapes from an arbor at my Aunt Laura's farm. Big, purple ones but they had seeds. I didn't like that, but I ate them anyway. Seeds and all.

    1. Thank you, my friend. Your comment about picking and eating grapes at your Aunt Laura's farm reminded me of when Little Guy from nextdoor was over the other evening. He loved picking the big purple grapes, but when he put the first one in his mouth and realized there were seeds he said, "This has seeds! I don't like it!" He then proceeded to spit it out and then asked if he could have some rhubarb! were a polite little girl when you ate the seeds too. :) xx

  2. Good for you! You will feel very accomplished at the end of the day - and tired too!

    1. It's currently 3:58 p.m. and I just set the timer for the last canner of grape juice. I'm not too awfully tired...mainly because we tried a new process this time and it's the most fun I've ever had making grape juice! One day soon I am going to use the same process and make some raspberry juice so I can make jelly instead of always making jam. xx

  3. Oh this reminded me that my in-laws used to do this! They had a small grape arbor in their back yard and most years, made the grape juice! I'm sure Mom made jelly too. They were married on this date in 1948! Both in heaven together now. xoxo

    1. When I was growing up we used to visit my great grandmother and I always enjoyed going to her house because she had a little arbor (complete with benches) off the side yard. I loved that arbor. I will use some of the grape juice we made today for jelly making but the majority of it will go for juice to drink through the winter. xx

  4. I'm looking forward to seeing the process!

    1. Karen, I thought of you when we were working up these grapes today. I remember the post you did a few years back about visiting someone (I believe it was a relative) who had a vineyard and that they made wine as well. I will post the process next week! xx

  5. I am stopping over to visit your place, from one of my blogging friends. You have some beautiful grape vines, and it looks like you do a lot of gardening as well. We are in the nursery business and sell grapes all over the US. We visited California a couple months ago, and oh how beautiful the vineyards were. I enjoyed stopping by. Blessings for a wonderful afternoon.

    1. Hello Shug and welcome! Thank you for your kind words regarding the grape vines. My husband enjoys caring for the grape vines and he is also the one who tends that garden that you saw pictured in today's post. He loves gardening! I've always wondered what it would be like to be in the nursery business.

  6. That's a lovely photo and the promise of what is to come from those vines! Happy canning to you!

    1. Thank you Ellen. Our efforts today have produced 11 quarts of beautifully clear grape juice. I will use a quart or two for jelly and the rest we will use as grape juice through the winter. xx

  7. Hope you are enjoying your canning day! Looking forward to more pictures and learning about the process.

    1. Julia, I don't know when I've had so much fun...really and truly. I love to preserve food for the winter. I'll post the pictures next week of the process. Hope you are having a good week. xx

  8. Have fun picking grapes and making juice!

    1. I'm spoiled, Barbara. My dear husband picked the grapes and then together we stripped the pods, and I washed them and then started the process of making juice. It's never been this easy before so I've had tons of fun! xx
