Books read in 2024

Monday, September 16, 2024

From My Journal

 TODAY IS: September 16, 2024

AROUND ME: Our high for today is to be 75 degrees F with the chance of a light rain.  We will be thankful for whatever rain we get.  

I AM PONDERING: "Life with God is not immunity from difficulties, but peace within difficulties." C.S. Lewis



Is there such a thing as too many books?
I think not.


  Refreshment for the Soul is a collection of Richard Sibbes thoughts on different topics and is compiled as a devotional.  So, it will be an ongoing reading throughout this year.

The Soul's Conflict by Richard Sibbes

The End of Your Life Book Club by Will Schwalbe

A Place for Weakness by Michael S. Horton

I AM THANKFUL FOR: My husband who lovingly assumes my responsibilities around the house when I am not able to.

I'm also thankful for our church and our pastor who preaches the truth of the Gospel.  Also thankful for our church family.


Apple, Pear and Walnut Crisp


TO DO LIST FOR TODAY:  Continuing to heal from a hip problem.

"So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 91:12


  1. So much to be thankful for! We had an excellent message yesterday and our ladies group starts back up on Tuesday. :)
    Praying for your hip issue!

    1. I was praying for you yesterday. I'm so glad that your ladies group starts back up tomorrow! Such wonderful news!
      Thank you for your prayers concerning my hip. I'm starting to do better but still needing to use the cane. It's not suffering by any stretch of the imagination, but it is painful and an inconvenience. ~wink~

  2. NO! There is no such thing as too many books! LOL! :)
    Thankful for hearing the Truth! AMEN!!!
    and it looks like another great recipe is on the way! Right? :)
    Praying that your hip is better soon! That is a painful thing.

    1. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who thinks that there's no such thing as too many books! :)
      Well, there is a recipe coming on Wednesday, but it isn't for that apple, pear, walnut crisp. Maybe I will post it next week, if you are interested. :)
      Thank you for your prayers regarding my hip. It isn't as painful today as it was last week, but I am still using the cane.

  3. You can never have too many books! The wall decor is so pretty. Very colorful and festive. The crisp looks very good. I'm not a fan of pears but in a crisp, I might change my mind!

    1. I agree! Never too many books...just not always enough room to put them all. lol
      Thank you for the kind words regarding the wall decor. It must have been the time of day that I took the picture because the colors aren't nearly as pretty in the picture as they are in real life. That was a gift from our daughter-in-law's mom one autumn.
      The crisp was delicious. It used maple syrup and although it called for all-purpose flour, I just substituted King Arthur's 1 for 1 flour because it's gluten free.

  4. apple pear walnut crisp sounds heavenly!!

    1. Oh, Karen, it really was yummy! Such an "autumn" dessert!

  5. That crisp looks delicious!
    I don't think I've ever come across a quotation by C S Lewis that I didn't think was right on.
    I hope you have a good week ( and that your hip gets better very soon.)

    1. Thank you, Friend! It was tasty. I know what you mean about quotes by C.S. Lewis. Thank you for the well wishes concerning my hip. Today has been a good day. I'm still using the cane, but the pain is much less, and I have been much more active today doing things around the house.

  6. Your fruit crisp looks delicious. We had a pretty cool day, just warm enough to sit on the porch in the sun.

    1. Thank you, Karen. It was really tasty. Carroll said that when he was working outside that the breeze felt good. I think our high today actually turned out to be like 77. There's definitely a change in the air.

  7. We're getting some much-needed rain today. Love that C. S. Lewis quote. No, I don't think one can have too many books. :-) We just need more space for them. That crisp looks good. I'm hoping to get my fall decor up this week.

    1. We are supposed to get some rain today, too, but not until later on. I knew you would agree about books! :)

  8. I needed to see that quote. Thank you.

  9. I'll be glad to have a piece of that apple, pear and walnut crisp, it looks delicious. You'll never have too many books, ever. :)

    1. It's a really yummy dessert. Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad that you agree that we'll never have too many books. :)

  10. Hello...hope your week of more hip healing is going well. Hopefully you will be 100 percent soon. I totally agree with your thankful list here: a good helpmeet, a pastor preaching God's word and a wonderful church family! Amen -

    1. Thank you, Jennifer. I think I'm making progress. :) I look forward to hearing about your missions trip.

  11. love the cs lewis quote!! so true! I am glad you have help when you need help it's good for your to rest and restore your battery.

  12. High of 75 sounds so delightful, Dianna! I love to see the books you're reading, and I agree that there is no such thing as too many books. :) I hope your hip is continuing to heal.
