Books read in 2024

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

A Fiestaware Journey

 The week that our son and daughter-in-law were here, Fiestaware was having their annual "Tent Sale".  The one closest to us was in Flatwoods, WV and that's only a little over one and a half hours away from us.  Since it is our daughter-in-law's everyday dish pattern, we thought it would be fun to take a ride and see what they had to offer.

Strongheart and I had been to the outlet before, but never during the time that they were having a tent sale.  As it turned out, at this particular location they weren't having the sale in an actual tent, but rather had HUGE bins of items outside on the sidewalk as well as in the back room.  

All of the items that they had as part of the tent sale were seconds of course, but one really had to look hard to find why an item was considered a second.  Our son and daughter-in-law and Strongheart and I had fun going through everything and making choices.

This was one of my purchases. 
The lighting wasn't the best when I took the picture, but the color of this water pitcher is actually cobalt blue, which is a very dark blue.

The battery on my camera was dying so I didn't get out everything else I purchased but they included a bread tray, a loaf pan, and a creamer (which I use as a syrup pitcher), a platter, along with this water pitcher.  The grand total for all came to $32.

We had packed a lunch to take with us because we hadn't anticipated getting back as early as we did.  Who wants to take a picnic lunch home to eat?  Not us!

Our daughter-in-law had commented how we drive by one of our state parks that is just 15 minutes down the road from us, but we never stop, so on the way back Strongheart asked if anyone was interested in stopping at Cooper's Rock State Park to have our picnic lunch and to scout around a bit.  Of course, we were all for it!  Such a nice day.


  1. This sounds like a fun day! I have a friend who used to have family that lived near one of the places where they have these sales. She bought me some pieces one year when she was visiting. They each have a tiny flaw, as you said you have to look to find them. But they've been going strong for about 20 years now. It's a good product.
    Lunch at the State Park sounds perfect!

    1. it truly was a fun day, Mari. How neat that your friend bought you some pieces during a tent sale. I wonder how far from me she lives?
      We had fun at the state park. We walked out to the overlook because our daughter-in-law kept saying that she wanted to stand on the rock there! She did and Carroll took a picture of she and our son. And lunch is always fun when you can eat it at a picnic table surrounded by beautiful scenery.

    2. You'll have to share that pic sometime!

  2. You find the most interesting things. That pitcher is very unique. A picnic lunch at a state park would be a lovely place to eat and explore. I'm glad you all had such a nice day!

    1. I love that style of pitcher. I actually have one in the Lapis blue color, but I have only ever used it for display purposes. This one will be used as our water pitcher.
      Thank you, Friend. We had a wonderful day. :)

  3. I love Fiestaware! Once upon a time I had a set of orange. sounds like you had a great visit!

    1. Monica, our daughter-in-law's everyday dishes are Fiestaware's Cobalt blue and Lapis blue. The contrast is beautiful. She bought it all at a tent sale one summer and paid like $1 a plate for the dinner plates. The prices are crazy at the tent sales. Your orange sounds so upbeat and cheerful!

  4. I love fiestaware and have a 12 plate dinner set that we bought 10 years ago?? I cannot remember. I love them so much, so cheerful!

    1. How neat! Do you have mixed colors in your set or are they all the same color?

  5. It sounds like you had an enjoyable outing with your family. Fiestaware is so pretty! I remember my mom having it in turquoise and a coral/peach color. She loved it! Your blue pitcher is so lovely. Cobalt blue is such a pretty color. Hope you are having a wonderful October day!

    1. We did have an enjoyable day, Julia. Making memories is always fun in our family. The color combination that your mom had of the Fiestaware sounds so pretty. Thought about you today, as I tried another recipe out of the vegetable book! It warmed up, so I did something other than the soup I had told you. Ni will post a picture next Monday.

  6. We had a nice time at Coopers Rock not too long ago.
    As you probably remember I have a Fiesta collection of the the 6 original colors. Mine are old ones and we use them every day too.

    1. Did you find the WV swing when you were at Cooper's Rock? I'm not sure how recently they installed it. When I was a kid, that's where we went for picnics.

      I did remember your Fiestaware and thought of you when we were there that day. I have to agree with you...I like the older original colors more than the newer ones.

  7. Sounds a nice excursion and Fiestaware is popular.

    All the best Jan

    1. Yes, it was a fun day, Jan. I have a few pieces of Fiestaware...mostly serving pieces.

  8. What a fun day. Fiestaware tent sale? I haven't heard of that. Sounds like a good day.
    And LOVE that state park!

    1. It truly was, Willow. They do the tent sale once a year and there are three different locations. We went to the one in Flatwoods because it was the closest to us.

      We enjoy our state parks. This one in particular is only about 10-15 minutes up the road from us.

  9. We were visiting Cooper Rock today, also. I was on the swing!!!!! Such a gorgeous day at a beautiful park.

    1. Hello Anonymous...wish I knew who you are so we could chat... especially if you are from this area. Our daughter in law enjoyed the swing that day too! Hope you will visit the blog again and leave your name.

    2. Haha. I just realized I can answer on here. I enjoy reading so many blogs on here and have even considered starting one but for now I just like to read what’s going on and I get so much info from recipes to books to movies, etc. We live in the northern panhandle of WV. Moundsville which is below Wheeling which is about an hour south of Pittsburgh. My husband and I had such a nice time at Coopers Rock. Such a glorious day!!! I always enjoy your uplifting blog! Ty

    3. I forgot to give my name. I know it comes up anonymous. My name is Brenda Winters and I am on fb.

    4. Hello Brenda! It is so nice to "meet" you! We are in a small community about 10 minutes south of Bruceton not far at all from Cooper's Rock. It's always nice to meet another West Virginian. I'm so glad that you enjoyed Cooper's Rock the day you visited there.

      Thank you for your kind words regarding my blog. It is something that I enjoy doing and try to keep a regular schedule of Monday-Friday, but some weeks that are exceptionally busy, I only post on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

      If you ever come our way again, please let me know via my email address that is found in my profile and perhaps we could meet up somewhere close by.

      Have a wonderful rest of the week!

  10. Cobalt blue is one of my favorite colors in all the world. Your pitcher is gorgeous. And having a fall picnic in a state park sounds pretty glorious! xoxo

  11. I love the pitcher and how fun to get it on sale. Such a good idea to picnic in the park on your way home.

    1. Thanks, Judee. The picture of the pitcher doesn't show its true color, which is cobalt blue, but I have always loved the shape of Fiestaware pitchers.
