Books read in 2024

Monday, October 28, 2024

From My Journal

TODAY IS:  28 October 2024

AROUND ME:  It's quiet.  Strongheart is in the kitchen working on a trail mix that he enjoys making.  The temperatures have been on the cool side, but this week they are to be back in the 70s!  

I AM PONDERING:  the goodness of God.  Our pastor was back in the pulpit again this week...still no pain from his surgery!

AMONG MY FAVORITE THINGS: Seeing how God answers prayer. We have a young couple in our church who have been looking for a house and nothing has worked out up until a week ago.  They close on the 15th.  It's all about God's timing!

BOOKS I AM CURRENTLY ENJOYING:   Refreshment for the Soul is a collection of Richard Sibbes thoughts on different topics and is compiled as a devotional.  So, it will be an ongoing reading throughout this year.

The Soul's Conflict by Richard Sibbes  I'm making a bit of progress on this read.  While Richard Sibbes writings as a Puritan are much easier reading than some of the Puritans, I have taken my time on purpose as I've read through the pages.  It's been not only a learning experience, but also a convicting experience as well.

A Place for Weakness by Michael S.Horton  

I AM THANKFUL FOR:  so many things...a warm home, food preserved for winter, good health for my loved ones, friendships that stand the test of time.

NEVER TOO OLD TO LEARN:  that there's a need for a teachable spirit...always. 


Coconut Rice with Shrimp and Peas
Brussels Sprouts with bacon, mushrooms, and dried cranberries


Anything with the Blue Willow Pattern
(This picture is courtesy of Pinterest)

A QUOTE TO REMEMBER: "Weaknesses do not remove us from mercy but inclines Him more to us."  Richard Sibbes

TO DO LIST FOR TODAY:  Checking in on a friend who recently had knee surgery, working more on a project which partly includes doing some more Swedish Death Cleaning and rearranging things in the room.

"So teach us to number our days, 
that we may present to You a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 90:1221 


  1. I also love seeing how God answers prayers especially in unexpected ways. May you have a blissful Monday!

    1. Thanks, Friend. It has been a very good day.

  2. Blue Willow is such a lovely pattern! Very pretty.
    I'm glad to hear that your pastor is back and doing well. Prayers for your friend after knee surgery.
    I'll bet Strongheart's trail mix is very good!
    Have a blessed day.

    1. Thank you, Melanie. The majority of my Blue Willow has been auction finds.
      We are so thankful for our pastor and how God has blessed him with the recovery from this surgery. He had the surgery on a Thursday and was back in the pulpit on Sunday.
      Yes, the trail mix that Strongheart makes is really tasty. It's full of good things and no preservatives.

  3. Amen to answered prayers! I'm suddenly hungry! LOL! Great that Strongheart is comfortable in the kitchen! There are so many hubby's that are not! I hope you have a blessed day!

    1. I agree, Monica! Amen to answered prayers! Wouldn't it be fun to be in the kitchen cooking together? My husband enjoys his times in the kitchen. He doesn't do it often, but he definitely makes some things better than me. :) And I am fine with that.

  4. Here it is only 40 degrees! But the sun is shining.
    So thankful your Pastor is doing well.
    Yes, God is so good!
    I always enjoy seeing your Blue Willow dishes, because they remind me of my childhood when my mom had dishes like that.

    1. We only made it to the high 60s today instead of the 70s but they are saying that our temperature tomorrow is to be 76 degrees F. We'll see. :)
      Thank you, Mari. We had all told our pastor about what a painful surgery this shoulder surgery was going to be to recover from. He says he's still waiting to see where all that pain is. :)
      The reason that I enjoy my Blue Willow dishes so much is because that's the pattern that my grandma had when I was a kid growing up in her home. There isn't a day goes by but what I think of her.

  5. I have a Blue Willow dis set for four. I love it!
    God is truly wonderful...every day!

    1. I know...and I admire it every time you do a post with food on your Blue Willow dishes. Hope your recovery is continuing to go well, Donna.

  6. I am thankful with you for those things. Yummy looking food on that Blue Willow plate! Have a beautiful last few days in October, Dianna!

    1. Thank you, Ellen. It was a new recipe that we thoroughly enjoyed. :)

  7. God has answered lots of my prayers through the years and I am always amazed and thankful for it.

    1. I know, Bill. When we stop to think about the fact that He is a holy and righteous God and yet He takes the time to listen to us and to do what is best for us...especially when it comes to answering our prayers, it truly is amazing and gives us much to be thankful for.

  8. We're back into daytime 70s, too. What a neat answer to prayer! I am glad your pastor is doing well.

    1. Thank you, my friend. This young couple has two small children, and this move will give them more room. Our church family is thrilled with how our pastor is doing with his recovery. God is good...all the time.... God is good.

  9. Glad your Pastor is doing well and back in the pulpit once again.
    Never to old to learn - so true!!!

    1. Thank you, Karen. We are so thankful to have him back. He'd been away on vacation for the two weekends prior to his surgery. Then he had the surgery on a Thursday as an outpatient and was back last Sunday in the pulpit....and then again yesterday. God is good!

  10. Happy Monday! Interesting that Strongheart makes his trail mix. What would you say makes it unique?
    I've only had the store bought mix and I wasn't impressed.
    Blue Willow dishes are so pretty. How lovely that they remind you of a beloved grandmother.
    Since my computer trouble I am anonymous. Must figure out how to fix this. Granny Marigold

    1. Hello, Friend. Strongheart's trail mix has dried corn, sunflower seeds, almonds, dates, dried mangoes, raisins, peanuts, walnuts, dried cranberries, and dried apricots. It's really yummy.
      Yes,as you know, I was raised in a multi generational home. My grandma babysat me while my mom worked up until I started school. So any time I remember her it's always with fondness.
      Computers and blogger can both be frustrating at times.
