Books read in 2024

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Let's Go for a Train Ride!

Our daughter had been able to ride The Potomac Eagle train when she was still in public school as part of a field trip at the end of the school year one year.  It's a lovely scenic ride up the South Branch of the Potomac River in Hampshire County WV.  However, we took our children out of public school to homeschool them before our son had the opportunity to ride the train.

Then one summer we took his two daughters to ride the train when they were here with us.  Our daughter, son-in-law had taken their son (our grandson) to ride the train one summer. leaving our son and daughter-in-law as the only ones in the family who hadn't ridden the train.

It's something that I have always wanted to do for them, but it just hadn't worked out for any of the times they came to visit.  Then Covid happened and that changed a lot of things.  When our son and daughter-in-law were here recently it was the first time he'd been able to be here for two and a half years.  When he'd called to work out the details of their visit, I told Strongheart that this would be the perfect time to see to it that our son and daughter-in-law had that train ride.  We ordered the tickets and told him we had a surprise for them when they came.  Finally, just the night before he came, he guessed what the surprise was, and he was ecstatic!  

Tuesday of the week that they were here, we hopped in the car and made a few stops along the way...Sam Beachy and Sons was our first stop for some apple cider.  Next stop was at Springs Store, which is a Mennonite bulk food store.  Our son and daughter-in-law had so much fun in this store because they couldn't believe how inexpensive the prices were.  They took several things home from here.  Our trip continued to Romney WV and the home of Strongheart's one sister.  Our son had expressed a desire to stop and visit with her because she used to babysit him when he was a little guy before he started school.  That was fun.  Finally, it was time to depart to the train station to begin our adventure.  The rest of the post will be pictures.

Here we are on the observation car.
The weather was absolutely perfect that day and was definitely the place to ride.

This was the view that we were looking for.
The excursion we took was a trip up the trough.
There are places that can only be reached in this area by boat
 because there are no roads.

It was at this point that the train changed tracks, and we went back to the station.
The trip was three hours total.

After leaving the station we went to our favorite restaurant in that area.  It was such a wonderful way to end a wonderful day.  After a delicious meal, we got back in the car and drove the two hours back home.


  1. What a full trip you had Dianna! I love these scenic trips that I get to see through someone else's lens. A few ladies that I follow have been on trips to Europe recently and seeing their pictures has been a treat. You have shared God's Country and it is beautiful. Thank you! What a nice looking family you have! Blessings to you my friend! :)

    1. Monica dear, thank you for your kind words. This time with our son and daughter in law was definitely a gift from the Lord. xx

  2. Oh Diana, what a very special day you had with your son and DIL. So many great stops and then that train ride to fulfill the longing you had for your son to experience what you all had experienced. How sweet that the timing was just right. Loved all the photos, especially the ones of you all! Love your sons smile and countenance! Blessings.

    1. Dear Ellen, thank you for your heartfelt words you have left for me.

  3. I love the photos of all of you! What a wonderful treat to do this together. Just looking at this makes me so happy for you. More wonderful memories!

    1. Thank you, my friend. I know you understand what it meant to me.

  4. Lovely photographs from your trip.

    All the best Jan

  5. Glad you all enjoyed that fun trip.

  6. How awesome that everything worked out so well. So many memories were created by your great idea AND the weather was perfect. I love seeing you and your Dh and your son and DIL.
    I have never traveled on a train in my life. I think th

    1. Thank you, Friend, for your kind words. It was definitely a fun day. xx

    2. You may have wondered at the abrupt end to my comment. What happened is that my computer froze up. Got that fixed today.

    3. Thank you for letting me know. I was wondering, but I didn't want to say anything. :) xx

  7. what a beautiful outing and a great way to spend the day together with family!!

    1. Thank you, Karen. It truly was a special day for us as family.

  8. What a lovely surprise for your son! You all look like you're having a good time. The whole day sounded wonderful!

    1. Thank you, my friend. We truly did have a wonderful day together.

  9. What a wonderful family excursion! And all the more special for the story behind it. I would guess your son probably enjoyed it much more now than he would have as a schoolboy.

    1. It really was a lot of fun, Barbara. At one point on the train, I asked our son if he was happy. He said, "yes, are you happy?" My response was, "Seeing you happy makes me happy." And you are right...he definitely appreciated it more now than he would have when he was a schoolboy.

  10. What lovely pictures of you and your family! It looks like you all had such a wonderful day together. I'm so glad your son and his wife were able to visit with you last week. The bright, blue sky against the green trees and the water is stunning in the last photo!

    1. Thank you, Julia, for your kind words. We definitely had a wonderful day together. The whole time that they were here was wonderful, but this day was especially wonderful. It was definitely a wonderful day weather wise. The only thing that could have been better is if there had been more color in the trees. But we did see 9 Bald Eagles that day, with one of them being a juvenile.

  11. What a wonderful surprise and treat - for all of you!! I should look into doing something like that (I don't think it would be too far from me). I know my husband would really enjoy it! Thanks for sharing. I love that last photo of all four of you - smiles all around!!

    1. Jennifer, I've only been on one other train in our beautiful state. That was Cass Railroad. It is really nice too, but I think the Potomac Eagle in Romney is so special to us because that's where we raised our family. Our son was only two years old when we moved there. We did the three-hour trip that they refer to as "The Trough" and it was lovely.

  12. What a perfect day for that train ride. Now I want to take my husband on that trip. He loves trains.

    1. We really enjoyed our day, Willow. It's an area where we raised our family and so it had a really special meaning for our son.
