Books read in 2024

Thursday, January 9, 2025


You may remember that my One Word for 2024 was kindness

 It was a way that God taught me many life lessons as I memorized Romans 12 throughout the year.

Resilience is the One Word for 2025.

There are two definitions given for resilience.

1.  "the capability of a strained body to recover its size and shape after 

deformation caused especially by compressive stress."

2.  "an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change."

In my case, we are going for definition number two,

which could be interesting considering the fact that I do not like change.

But then that's probably the exact reason that it's my One Word for this year.

I've been reading in Richard Sibbe's book,

The Soul's Conflict with Itself

and one thing that has stood out to me in the entire book...

when God allows circumstances in our lives that challenge us,

if we truly believe in His Sovereignty in our lives,

whatever He allows into our lives, we will accept quietly.

It isn't that we won't feel the challenge of the circumstances,

but we will go to Him and trust Him that it will be for our good.  

I think especially of how in Psalm 42:8 

David illustrates perfectly where our dependence should be.

I've just come through one set of circumstances where that verse is one that I have clung to.  And a close friend, in whom I had confided, commented to me about the resilience with which my husband and I had come through it.

That leads me to believe that God has much to teach me this year.

And I'm not going to shy away from it.

That was the word that stood out to me, and I am looking forward to learning new lessons. 

"By day, God will command His lovingkindness;

And by night, His song will be with me,

A prayer to the God of my life."

Psalm 42:8


  1. I'm not a fan of change either so accepting what God is doing in my life can be challenging. I'm glad your word is already showing comfort this year.

    1. Thank you, Melanie, for stopping by and sharing that life can be challenging when there is change involved. He knows best, but I, like Mari, need to remind myself of that at times.

  2. I think this is such a comforting post. Knowing that God is sovereign is such a blessing. Things can happen to and around us that are so hard, but God is in control. When I'm going through things I have to remind myself of that often, but what a comfort.
    I love that you were a testimony in the middle of your hard circumstances.

    1. I know that I draw strength and comfort both from remembering that He is sovereign. I was thinking this afternoon that it's only through His grace that I can draw that strength and comfort. He truly is ALL in ALL.

  3. God give you and us the grace to accept quietly all He will bring into our lives this year. Resilience is a strong word. Thankful for your faithfulness.

    1. Thank you, Ellen, for your encouragement. It's only through His grace that we can learn these life lessons He has to teach us. xx

  4. I am a person who avoids change as much as I can, however, in this world, things are ever changing. God is sovereign and even in the moments when life feels so chaotic, His sovereignty reminds us that He is in control. This very post reveals how strong your faith is... Blessings and prayers.

    1. Shug, thank you so much for your kind words. You are so this world, things are ever changing. He truly is in control. xx

  5. God never gives us more than we can handle, he knows us and our limits. Good word for the year.

    1. Thank you, Bill, for your encouragement. He definitely knows the areas in our lives where we need to be strengthened. I appreciate your thoughtfulness.

  6. That's a good word for all of us.
    I was going to say pretty much what Bill said.

    1. Thanks, Karen. I know my trust has to be in Him and not myself. xx

  7. I like both your 2024 word and your 2025 word.
    In often uncertain times of change we can use both, with thanks.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you, Jan. Yes, kindness is needed in these uncertain times, as well as resilience

  8. beautiful word and I'd like to think I am resilient but I resist change and try my best to be less resistant.

    1. Thank you, Karen. I understand about change. It can be a challenge.

  9. How interesting to read those definitions for resilience! It will be an exciting year for you. Such a beautiful and brave choice, just like you!

  10. Aww, Friend...I'm definitely not brave enough to be open to a word like resilience without leaning into Jesus. He is my courage! But thank you for your kind words.

  11. I pray that God gives you amazing clarity as you pursue RESLIEINCE in 2025.

    Visiting from
