Books read in 2024

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

 God's Glory Displayed

Our autumn color has come in spurts this year due to the flucuating temperatures and the way God has chosen to give us rain.  However, it did not stop us from searching out a bit of color.  Unfortunately, both drives we have taken to peep at the leaves it has been rather rainy.  

One of my favorite places to visit is Cathedral State Park.  It's about an hour's drive from us but it is one of the few places that still has some virgin Hemlocks growing in it.  

We took a picnic lunch, which we ended up eating in our vehicle because it had rained the day prior and everything was still wet, and had a nice drive there.  Since the hiking trails were still too muddy to go exploring, we settled for walking the road that goes through the park back to a private farm.

Here's a picture of my Strong Heart as he is walking ahead of me towards the private farm.

And one that he took of me before I realized what he was doing. 😀

I love this water fountain...
...and the slide...

...and the swing set...

But my most favorite thing from this particular day was as we were leaving and going up the steps, I looked down and saw these leaves...

It was in these leaves in particular that I saw God's handiwork. These leaves from the Birch trees look as if someone actually took a paintbrush and painted each leaf.  His creation is so amazing.

A few days ago we took a second ride that took us to a higher elevation than the previous one.  As a matter of fact, it took us up so high that we were in the clouds because of the drizzling rain.  But there was a bit more color.

Even though I don't have a lot of pictures of mountainsides covered in color to share, this will give you an idea of what it looks like around the area where we live.

When you lie down, you will not be afraid;
When you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.
Proverbs 3:24




  1. Lovely photos! The colors are just beginning here at the foothills. Your photo of the misty view reminds me of the top of Clingman's Dome. It usually looks like that there. Love the look here. Very restful.

    1. Thank you so much, Melanie, for your kind words. The trip to where that misty view was taken was quite the trip! ~wink~

      I find this to be a much more calming space now. As much as I love the apple blossom photo of Carroll's, it being tiled like earlier it was just too busy.

  2. Look at you! A whole post with pictures even. :) Makes me happy.
    Anyway, your photos are beautiful. I'm glad you had such a nice day. Good for Strong Heart for sneaking that pic of you. Bob does that too sometimes.
    The photo of the birch leaves really is beautiful. God is such an amazing artist.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Mari. I had fun doing the post. I still have some work to do when it comes to making the pictures larger, but I am enjoying the learning experience.
      Yes, God truly is an amazing artist. I could have stood there and viewed those Birch leaves for a very long time.

  3. Oh, you are back!!! I am so happy to see you here again! I love these photos of the autumn leaves and such beauty! We were in NC and GA earlier this month, but it was still too soon to see any real fall color. Thank you for sharing it with us! God's masterpieces in His wonderful creation!! Welcome back!

    1. Thank you so much! The leaves have turned a lot more since our drive last week and earlier this week.

  4. Such beautiful colours! I just love the beauty of autumn. ~ Lauren

    1. Thank you, Lauren. Autumn and spring are my two favorite seasons of the year.

  5. Looks like a lovely place to visit, despite the rain!

    1. We live less than 15 minutes from a state park while this one pictured above is closer to an hour or a little more, but it's still my favorite one. Of couse, we have to watch out for the bear. There is that. :)
