Books read in 2024

Thursday, October 19, 2023

 What a Huge Blessing Looks Like

A friend of ours came to Strong Heart at church one Sunday and told him that his father-in-law was having a large tree cut down on a rental property and that if Strong Heart would be interested in the firewood, he was welcome to it.

Since we heat primarily with wood heat, Strong Heart was happy to accept the generous offer.  He spent countless days and hours, along with the help of our friend, cutting, splitting, and hauling home 17 loads of firewood.

Curious as to what it looks like, all stacked up?

 The Lord's acts of mercy indeed do not end, 

for His compassions do not fail.

They are new every morning;

Great is Your faithfulness.

Lamentations 3:22-23 


  1. Oh, I just saw your comment on my blog and thought I'd check and see if just maybe you were back to writing again, and here you are!! Hooray! I do hope you will come back for good!! I always enjoyed our warm and friendly communications back when you were blogging regularly! Oh, I love that pile of wood! Now that is impressive! I wonder how long it will last? So happy to see you back. Now I must go check out previous posts to see what I've missed!! Welcome back, Dianna!!!

    1. Pam, you are so kind. Thank you for your encouragement. Yes, I am back...just started this week. It's as if I found a part of me that I didn't know was missing.

  2. WOW - that is a huge pile of wood - and yes a huge blessing!! What a job but think about all the warm mornings and cozy evenings they will provide!!:)

    1. Jennifer, what a blessing to have you visit with me. Thank you so much for stopping by. I have been over to your blog and enjoyed reading there... especially your testimony about how your ashes were turned into beauty. We serve such a gracious God. It truly is all about Him and not us.

  3. Wow, that thing is large! In the wintertime and on warm summer evenings, I really enjoy making a fire with wood. I really want to be able to perform this activity once more.

    You can check out my new post here:

    Thank you

    1. Melody, thank you so much for stopping by. We have two sources of heat, but our preferred method is using our wood burner. Nothing quite as warm as wood heat.

  4. 17 loads of firewood makes a mighty big woodpile! It was so thoughtful of your friend to think of you when he knew that a big tree was coming down. Have a lovely weekend,
    Granny Marigold

    1. Yes, Granny Marigold, you are so right...especially when the 17 loads is on an 8 foot bed of a truck. It certainly was kind of our friend to make the offer. His father-in-law has now passed away, but he certainly left a legacy of being kind to others and having a generous heart behind him. Thanks so much for stopping by!

  5. What a blessing! That's a lot of wood. God cares for us in many ways - including keeping us warm.

    1. It truly is a blessing, Mari. We have other firewood in a separate pile, but it certainly is wonderful to know that we also have this one...especially as we age and not knowing how long Strong Heart will be able to continue to cut our firewood.

  6. that is a lot of wood and hopefully it will last you a very long time.

    1. Hello Karen. 😊. It's good to "see" you again. Yes, it is a lot of wood and it should last us several years once we begin using it.

  7. That's alotta wood!

    Welcome back to blogging.

    1. Thank you, Sandi. It's good to be back! Yes it is...17 loads on the back of an 8' bed of a pick-up.

  8. Wow, what a blessing!

  9. Wow that is a lot of wood. That should last awhile!!

    1. Hi Karen! It surely is. We are so thankful to the Lord for His provision.

  10. That is a great stack of wood! What a wonderful gift from your friend. PtL! Tomorrow morning Dear and our son are going to cut down some trees for firewood.

    1. We are so blessed to have been thought of by our friends. The gentleman who had the tree cut down has since gone home to be with the Lord. All of that wood came from one tree.

  11. My husband's folks used primarily wood heat, too. They were allowed to cut wood in the South Hills near their home, and made a day of it with a picnic lunch. They had wood stacked around three sides of their yard before each winter. I'm not sure how much they went through in a season. But I know an offer like that would have been a huge blessing to them.

    1. It certainly was for us, too, Barbara. We count it as a blessing from God. And not only the firewood, but the help of our friend in the cutting and loading was such a huge help for Strongheart.
