Books read in 2024

Friday, October 20, 2023

 Sweet Memories

I grew up in a multi-generational household, with my paternal grandparents living in the downstairs of a 1886 brick farmhouse and my parents, siblings and myself living in the upstairs.  It was such a wonderful childhood.

My grandmother was such a positive influence in my life and so many people today tell me that I remind them of her.  It was through her that I was first exposed to baking and having my very own rolling pin.  She was also were I learned to love flowers and enjoy caring for them.

The farm was sold earlier this year and my youngest brother, who still lived there on the farm, called me to ask if there was anything I would like to have.  I asked for Grandma's old Christmas ornaments and he was happy to give them to me.

As I mentioned before, Grandma was a huge influence on me when it came to baking.  We used to go to a State Park close by every year and on one of those trips she bought me a child's baking set which included the small rolling pin.  When she made cookies or pie, she would always give me my own piece of dough and let me do whatever I wanted to with it.  When my brother asked me if there was anything else I would like to have I asked him if he still had the big stoneware bowl that Grandma used to mix up her doughs in and he said he did.  He also gladly gave it to me.

These are things that bring back such sweet memories every time I look at them.  I see the bowl every day and while I obviously see the Christmas ornaments only once a year, I am certainly looking forward to decorating the tree with them this year.

Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above,
coming down from the Father of lights,
with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.
James 1:17 NASB


  1. Dianna, I read your nice comment on my blog post, crossed my fingers and clicked on your name, hoping you were back. This is such a good post. I loved reading about your grandmother. Those Christmas ornaments are beautiful and that big old heavy bowl...I remember one shaped just like yours but it was green. How sweet of your brother. He sounds like a good man. I was so happy to see your sweet picture in one of your recent posts. Yes, I'm still making bonnets and aprons...sell a few here and there and do a few craft shows. I signed up to sell at the farmers market but don't get there every Saturday. Remember Madison, my granddaughter who went to West Virginia University. She married a guy from Harper's Ferry and is now teaching school there. Her husband is a dentist. My daughter Andee and son-in-law bought a house in Hedgesville and are living there now. Andee says West Virginia is the most wonderful place she has ever lived. Sorry for making this so long. Hope you don't mind. Welcome back! Love, Melba

    1. Of course I don't mind your long comment. I'm happy to hear from you. It's wonderful hearing about Andee and her family. Could we convince you and Poppy to move to WV? Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by and visit with me. That Bob Evans restaurant where we met is now a Mexican restaurant.

  2. It was so kind of your brother to ask you and share things willingly. Both of these are such special things, and will bless you everytime you see or use them!

    1. It truly was, Mari. He's a great guy like that...both of my brothers are really super good guys.

  3. What wonderful memories. That bowl looks like it’s a fantastic size! I’m sure your grandchildren have wonderful childhood memories of time with you as well. ~ Lauren

    1. Yes, Lauren, that bowl is HUGE. Grandma used it to mix up everything but I definitely remember it as her bowl she used to mix up her bread that she made every week. Thank you for your kind words regarding my grandchildren and their memories of times with me.

  4. Momentos of family are so precious to me too. I have lots of things from my grandmother including her school bell when she taught a one-room school in Kansas. I have books of hers and things I'll cherish forever. I love the look of the mixing bowl. It reminds me of the one that belonged to Jan Karon's grandmother on display in the Mitford Museum.

    1. Thank you for stopping by, Melanie. I have a lot of other things also that belonged to my grandmother and I cherish them because they are all things that she personally gave to me over the years.

  5. Hi Dianna, Didn't realize that was you leaving comments on my blog. Went to see who it was and what a happy surprise to see you blogging again. Welcome back.
    What lovely memories of your grandmother!!!
    A treasure to have her ornaments.

    1. Hi Karen! You just never know where I might show up. :) I have only been back for a week, but it's been a GREAT week! I've enjoyed it so much. I was so excited to have Grandma's ornaments. They are the Shiny Brights . Grandma was just 4 months shy of 100 years old when she passed, and she's been gone for close to 30 years now. She had one of the old aluminum table top Christmas treesand I remember these ornaments hanging on it. Thank you for stopping by!

  6. Dianna, I was so afraid I wouldn't be able to comment but I persisted and after 3 tries it worked. I love your reminiscences of your growing up in a multigeneration home. That's what we're doing and we're the 'oldies'. We especially enjoyed the years when the 2 grands here were tiny and through the school years. They are 14 and 20 now so things are different but we love seeing them often.
    The Christmas decorations are such a treasure; no doubt they will be passed on to the next generation in due time.
    Granny Marigold

    1. Granny Marigold, thank you for persevering to leave a comment. I'm sorry that it didn't work easily for you.

      Do you know that each time I speak of growing up in a multigenerational home that I think of you? I remember from when I was blogging before that you mentioned you had a multigenerational home and I loved that about you.
      Yes, the Christmas decorations are so special to me. They will definitely be passed down to the next generation in time. You know me well.

  7. I'm happy to have found your site again and to see some posts. How sweet to be able to enjoy these reminders of your dear grandmother. Blessings dear lady!

    1. Thank you, Ellen. It's been great being back in the world of blogging. I know how you treasure family and how much it means to me to have these reminders of my grandmother. Thank you for stopping by.

  8. I treasure my heirlooms from my mom and my gram, I love when Christmas rolls around and I put up my mother's handmade ornaments (only the sewn ones, the ones with pins I do not put up because of the cat....)

    1. I'm really looking forward to getting the Christmas tree out this year so that I can decorate it with my grandma's ornaments! They are special to me indeed.

  9. Replies

    1. Thank you, Barbara. They certainly are for many memories tied up in them.
