Books read in 2024

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

A Book Recommendation


Our church has a book table in the vestibule that is filled with good reading material.
We can give a donation to the book fund,
or we can just take the book free of charge.

That is how I came across this book and I highly recommend it because of it's uniqueness in the author's approach to the subject of giving thanks.
It's definitely not a book that emphasizes writing down "gifts" in a journal.

There is a 30 day challenge of Scripture concentrated on thanksgiving.
There's also a putting into practice page at the end of each chapter.

The reason it appeals to me so much is because it is FULL of Scripture ...
a true look at the Biblical meaning of thanksgiving.

If you are interested you can find it HERE.

"Do all things without grumbling or disputing."
Philippians 2:14


  1. I added this one to my Amazon reading list. I don't know if I will get to it before Thanksgiving but I will try. Sounds great! Thanks Dianna!

    1. You are welcome, Monica. I think you will really enjoy it. And I wouldn't worry if you don't get to it before Thanksgiving because it really isn't so much about the Thanksgiving season as it is a deeper look at what the Bible has to say about the subject of thanksgiving.

  2. This looks like a book that would really make a person think and reflect on thankfulness.

    1. It truly is just that, Lauren. This book puts the emphasis on the Giver of all good gifts than just counting things we are thankful for.

  3. what a delightful book! I will add it to the LIST

    1. I hope you will enjoy it, Karen! I have really enjoyed it.

  4. I love the title of this. I put it on my wish list at Amazon. The title reminds me a bit of one of my favorite missionary biographies, Sometimes I Prefer to Fuss (

    1. There's a story behind why this book ended up on the book itable at church. Our pastor's wife had ordered in several copies of it with the intention of using it as a book for a women's Bible study. As it turned out, before the Bible study could happen, she required surgery and she has another surgery facing her and our pastor will need surgery at some point too. So, she put the women's Bible study on hold but she wanted the books to be used so she put them on the book table. Another good book on this topic is Jeremiah Burroughs book The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment. I will need to check out the missionary book you mentioned. Thank you!

  5. Love the title. I saw this book elsewhere, too. Thanks for your personal recommendation!

    1. You are welcome, Ellen. It's a book I know that you would enjoy...not because I think you are a grumbler, but just because of how full of Scripture it is.

  6. That looks like a good one, and perfect for this season. I've ordered it and it's supposed to come tomorrow! Thanks for the recommendation, friend!

    1. Well, you are welcome! I know you will enjoy it. It isn't your typical seven steps kinda book. 😉

  7. I used to quote that verse to my son quite often. :)

    1. Me too, Karen! And Psalm 19:14. Those were the first two verses that our son learned. :)

  8. It's great that we can get books so freely and carefree today... I really like exchanging books or buying them used. (
    A kind greeting to you. May you have a happy day. Viola

    1. Hello Viola. It's so nice to meet you! I look forward to getting to know you! I also enjoy being able to exchange books or buying them used. It helps on the budget, yes?

  9. I love books that have a "putting into practice" section! Sometimes I need that extra push to get the information off the page and into my life.

    1. I know what you mean, my friend. It takes me longer to get through the book that way, but doing reinforces the lesson.
