Books read in 2024

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Strongheart's Scroll Work

 For those of you who have known me for a while, you may remember that Strongheart enjoys working with his scroll saw.  He started several years ago on a scroll saw that my cousin had given us.  That wore out and we bought a new one.  He used that for several years and it wore out too.  Last year he purchased another new one.  He puts it to good use...always thinking of people he can encourage with a piece of his handiwork.

Two years ago I started doing the anti-inflammatory diet to help deal with the fibromyalgia that I was diagnosed with almost 20 years ago.  The diet helped to reduce the inflammation so much that I was basically pain free.  

As a matter of fact, I was doing so much better that I asked my Nurse Practioner what she thought about me trying to get off the prescription medication I'd been on for many years for fibromyalgia.  She said she knew that I could do it. She gave me a schedule for how to pare it down and I was successful because of God's grace in being able to come completely off the medication.

During that time, Strongheart was so supportive of me.  The first two pictures are of his creations he made just for me because he knew that they would help me through a rough time.  

This is a bowl shaped basket that he made for me and he's made several of these now and passed them on to friends.

This basket is so unique.  It's one of my favorites that he's made.  A neighbor of ours ordered all of her Christmas gifts last year through Strongheart.  This was one of her favorites.

This is a small tray he made for me.  I love the simplicity of it .  He's made me a couple of larger trays as well.  All are treasures to me!

"How great is Your goodness, which You have stored up for those who fear You..."
Psalm 31:19


  1. So happy to hear that the anti-inflammatory diet has helped you! I had a food intolerance test that helped me to get the inflammation down in my body. They couldn't figure out why I hurt all over. Food is a big source of so many of our problems.
    I love these items! Wonderful Christmas gifts for sure! Thank you for sharing them! :)

    1. Thank you, Monica. Yes, food is a big source of so many of our problems. Thank you for your kind words regarding my husband's crafts. He does beautiful work. :)

  2. Praise the Lord for your improvement through diet and being able to get off medication. That is wonderful. Your hubby's wood work is amazing. Love each piece!!

    1. I thank Him every day for His continued grace that helps me remain faithful to this way of eating. In 2018 when I started seeing my NP, I was on five prescription I'm not on any! God is so good! Thank you for your kind words regarding my husband's handiwork. He enjoys his hobby!

  3. I'm so happy for you and how well you're doing on that diet.
    Strongheart is so talented. I love his work!

    1. Thank you, Mari. In addition to getting off the medication, I also lost 30 pounds. This summer when I was so busy with canning and gardening I decided to try re-introducing some of the foods into my diet. All that accomplished was that I gained a few of those pounds back and ended up feeling miserable again. I've been back on the diet for about six weeks and I'm feeling good again and the pounds are starting to come back off again.
      Thank you for your kind words regarding Strongheart's work. He enjoys working with the wood. Does Bob still do his woodcrafting?

    2. He sure does! He is only working 2 days a week now so is spending more time in his shop!

    3. Yay! Have you any of his latest creations that you can share with us?

  4. That is great news that you could get off the medication!!
    Carroll does beautiful work. He is a true artist.
    The first Bible verse is my life verse!! :)

    1. God is good, Karen! I couldn't have done it without Him. Thank you for your kind words regarding Carroll's work. Your life verse is very special to me because of how God used it in my life when I was starting the journey of going off the medication.

  5. Wow! Carroll's work is totally amazing. My SIL does some woodworking; he would love seeing Carroll's shop. Congrats on changing your diet and not needing your medicine anymore. That is quite a lot of discipline! I need to explore anti-inflammatory diets myself to see if it would help my joint pain.

    1. Hey Lisa. Thank you for your kind words regarding Carroll's work. He loves doing it and I think it shows in his finished product.
      Thank you for your kindness regarding my dietary changes. I have to give God the praise for giving me the strength. Painful joints would definitely profit from an anti-inflammatory diet. I purchased my book from Amazon. It's The Anti-inflammatory Meal Prep book by Ginger Hultin. She has six weeks worth of meal plans (breakfast, lunch and dinner) plus the shopping lists for each week. That's what made it easier for me.

  6. Well done on the diet! I’m so glad you found it helps your condition. I love the beautiful woodworking your husband does. Such a wonderful talent that he uses to glorify God.

    1. Thank you, Lauren. It's my way of eating now and after two and a half years I know it works!

      Thank you for your kind words regarding Carroll's woodworking. Yes, using it to glory God.

  7. Your husband does such beautiful work. What lovely and meaningful gifts.

    I'm so glad the anti-inflammatory diet worked so well for you! I just went to look up the book you mentioned and found the Kindle version was currently free for Prime members! I got it and am eager to look it over.

    1. Thank you for your kind words regarding Carroll's woodworking. He certainly enjoys it.

      Well done in getting the book. I hope you will find it helpful for you. Using the information in it has certainly been a life changer for me. But I couldn't have done it without the Lord's strength.
