Books read in 2024

Monday, November 6, 2023

From My Journal


TODAY IS:  6 November 2023

AROUND ME:  The clocks have been turned back and I am enjoying the earlier time when the daylight comes peeking through the window in the morning.  I'm never a fan of the daylight ending so early in the evening at first, but as I adjust to it I find it rather cozy.

I AM PONDERING Our final lesson on the study of the Fear of God by Michael Reeves during our Sunday School lesson yesterday.  There were eight lessons total and I love that we, as Believers, have a delightful fear of God.  He is our Father and when I consider all that He has done for me in sending Jesus to pay the debt for my sin, it causes me to desire to serve Him and love Him even more with each passing day.

AMONG MY FAVORITE THINGS:  The delightful sound of hearing children giggle and enjoying life.

BOOKS I AM CURRENTLY ENJOYING:  I currently have two books going and both are so good! 


I AM THANKFUL FOR:  My heart is so thankful for a pastor who preaches and teaches the Word of God...not his thoughts, but what the Bible says.  I am also thankful for the body of Believers with whom we worship each week.

NEVER TOO OLD TO LEARN:  I'm so glad that God made us with inquisitive and curious minds.  On the way home from church yesterday Strongheart and I had a discussion about donkeys and mules as a result of my asking him what the difference is.  Now I know!

FROM THE KITCHEN:  The menu for today will be Chipotle Taco Bowls...a recipe from my anti-inflammatory cookbook.  For supper the plan is leftover meat loaf, green beans and a healthy sweet potato sugar.  It's a recipe from a Mennonite cookbook I have and it has only a bit of maple syrup and crushed pineapple in it along with the mashed sweet potatoes.



TO DO LIST FOR TODAY:  Spend time with my Lord, love my husband well, change sheets and launder them, plant care and make healthy granola bars.

"So teach us to number our days, 
that we may present to You a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 90:12


  1. behind my house in the next development there is a preschool and I love when it is recess time, their laughter and joy is a delight to listen to.

    1. I thought of you this evening when our little neighbor girl got home from school. She participates in an after school program and a friend of their family brings her home. There were giggles and squeals of delight happening next door. I loved it!

  2. Once I'm done with our travel journal I might adopt this format for my Monday post. I like it. Both those books look good, especially the Begg and Ferguson. I'm thankful with you for our pastor and church body. Those taco bowls sound yummy. Have a wonderful day!

    1. Thank you, Ellen. When I blogged before I did the Simple Woman's Daybook. I loved the routine of it. But when I checked last week I saw that the creator of that hadn't posted anything in quite a while so there was no link up for it. I would be pleased if you chose to use the format I created. I made it quite different than hers and it won't be a link up but you are certainly more than welcome to adopt it. :) The recipe for the taco bowls makes quite a bit, but they are really good. Let me know if you would like the recipe.

  3. I enjoyed reading your answers to the different "questions".
    Have a wonderful day. Granny M

    1. Thank you, Granny M! I made the prompts up myself and I really enjoyed spending time doing it. I hope your day has been good.

  4. I used to have a lamp like that--someone in my church painted it for me when I got married. The flowers were a lighter pink, though. Sadly, it got broken when our first child was pulling up using the end table the lamp was on. We didn't realize the end table was that lightweight and flimsy, and table and lamp fell over. Probably scared the poor baby, but I don't remember. :)

    I love the title of the Grumbler's Guide. :)

    I love to learn new things, too--I rejoice that my mind still takes in and processes new things.

    Our first priority in looking for a new church was a pastor like that. Thankfully, I think we found one.

    I'd be interested in the sweet potato recipe. My husband likes lower sugar and carb options to help keep his diabetes in check.

    1. How neat that you had a lamp like this at one time. I'm sorry yours got broken. Mine came from an auction that we attended. (I know that comes as a surprise, since most of my "treasures" come from the auctions we attend. :) ) It was made by one of the many glass factories in Morgantown.

      The Grumbler's Guide is one serious book! I am thoroughly enjoying it! Our pastor's wife had originally ordered it for us to study for a Woman's Bible Study, but then she had knee surgery (still recovering) and she decided to just put the books out on the book table in the back.

      I'm so glad that you feel that you have found a pastor who preaches and teaches the Word of God. They are getting harder to find.

      I will email you the sweet potato casserole. Carroll's favorite is the one with all of the brown sugar and nuts in it but we've had to change our way of eating also and this particular recipe is so easy and has so few ingredients. Since we no longer eat Irish potatoes he only grew sweet potatoes this year so we have plenty of them. :)

      Thanks for stopping by!

  5. The blue and white plate is so pretty.
    I too am thankful for a Pastor who preaches the Bible.

    1. I think so too. The picture is one I found on Pinterest and it is listed as an antique. I just love blue and white period, but that one is special.

      I remember hearing your pastor at the Valentine's Banquet that you and Ken invited Carroll and I to. That whole group seems to be such a loving group of people.

  6. I love your new format! The entire post brought me such wonderful peace! ooooH! I also love your book choices! You may have influenced my 2024 reading plan. I had breakfast at Cracker Barrel yesterday and was served on a blue and white plate similar to the one above! I would also love to have a library closet. However, with selling my place I am downsizing for tiny space living. I only have my Bible and Kindle for reading.

    1. Thank you so much, Monica, for your kind words. It was fun to come up with something of my own design. It won't be a link up but I do intend to use it on a weekly basis. I'm glad you have your Bible and Kindle for reading. My husband has a Kindle but I just prefer to have a book I can hold in my hands. It sounds as if you are really going to be downsizing. Praying for the sale of your homestead. Do you actually have a contract on it?

    2. I prefer a good old book too but since I don't have space or time to run to the library I will settle for the Kindle for now. Yes, I do have a contract. It's a USDA loan so it takes a while to get processed. Waiting and praying that nothing happens to prevent the sale. You know old farmhouses have a tough time with the inspection process.

    3. I do remember reading that now. Yes, I understand what you mean. My email address is now in my profile.

  7. It was nice to have a little light when I drove to work this morning.
    Chipotle Taco Bowls sounds very good.
    I'm so thankful for a Pastor that preaches the word too.
    I'm also thankful you are blogging again! I love catching up with you here. :)

    1. I'm glad you had some light for your commute this morning. Otherwise, I imagine you drive home in the dark from work.
      The Chipotle taco bowls are good. Next time I make the recipe I will cut it in half. It makes quite a bit for just the two of us
      Thank you, my friend, for your kind words regarding my blogging. I enjoy being in the world of blog again and reconnecting with folks. Even though you and I kept in touch in other ways, I have enjoyed the daily interaction that blogging affords us. :)

  8. I love the style of this post! Lovely.

    1. Thank you so much, Lauren. I love journaling and this came easily for me.

  9. As a rule, I don't mind the time changes and I do like it getting lighter in the morning. It's the change of the seasons and I sort of enjoy that. I'm really noticing how different I feel since I've almost eliminated sugar from my diet. If I eat too much, I immediately feel the effects!

    1. I know for myself as I grow older I enjoy the seasonal changes more and more. They each have their own uniqueness. I'm really happy that you are realizing the difference in the way you feel with less sugar.
