Books read in 2024

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Just a few thoughts

 I've come across a few passages from the two books that I have been reading that I would like to share in this space today.

The first three come from 

I have heard a few times recently that this following quote is credited to Alistair Begg, but in this book written jointly by him and his dear friend Sinclair Ferguson, it is stated that as boys in Sunday School their teachers reminded them constantly that the Bible is a book all about Jesus.  The principle that was taught is:

"In the Old Testament Jesus is predicted.

 In the Gospels Jesus is revealed.

In the Acts of the Apostles Jesus is preached.

 In the Letters Jesus is explained.

 In the book of Revelation Jesus is expected." 


Another quote from the same book is, "As Christians we must learn to think properly, biblically.  Then we may watch CNN or BBC News, or read the New York Times, or make our way through the Wall Stree Journal without joining the ranks of the gloomy or singing in the choir of the fearful.  To be in Christ is mind stretching and life transforming.  It is a mind-altering experience to bow before the authority of what is said concerning this cosmic Christ, who reigns over all.  It changes our perspective on everything."

And one more from the same book is, "We may learn to begin the day affirming that "Christ is King, Jesus is Lord!" It is important to develop the practice of affirming central gospel truths as we waken to the new day, saying to ouorselves, "The Lord God omnipotent reigns.  This is the (whatever day it is); today the Lord God omnipotent reigns.  Yes, I saw the New York Times before I went to sleep last night.  I did look at the BBC report before I went to bed last night.  I saw all about Gaza.  I saw so much to disturb and distress.  But Christ reigns from the beginning of the day to its end - every single day of my life."  I thought that quote was so good in light of all of the news we are bombarded with during these times, whether it be fake news or real news.

And then just a few thoughts from

I have read some books about having a thankful heart that I've put back on the shelf because they were basically a one, two, three step process that focused on the outward thing we were thankful for without really taking us back to the Giver of the things.  This book does not fall into this category.  While it does have a "Put into Practice" at the end of each chapter, it builds on the previous and it always takes us back to God who is the Giver of all good things.

In Chapter Three, Thanksgiving: An Anchor Through the Storm such emotions as anxiety, discontentment and disappointment, discouragement and weakness, distance from God, and joylessness are addressed.

"A quick scroll through social media can leave us stuck in the pit of discontement...  If discontement has its list of disappointments we feel, create a separate list of what we believe to be true by faith.  Thank God for the blessing we do have, for His good and wise plan, His timing in releasing His grace and gifts, and His faithfulness in every season....When in doubt, list them out."

"Whatever you're walking through, God has not changed.  He is still our helper and strength.  By giving thanks for who He is, and reviving our weary soul by recalling God's faithfulness, thanks leads the way to trust and trust leads the way to hope." 


And then in the same chapter under A defensive and offensive weapon comes the last quote that I share today.

"By finding reasons to give thanks, we uproot lingering discontentment.  As we connect blessings to God as the source, our faith is fueled by knowing He's present and active.  By expressing thanksgiving, it allows time for gratitude to deepen and push out grumbling from our heart.  And as we reflect on God through thanksgiving, we know Him better." 

"Oh give thanks to Yahweh, for He is good, for His lovingkindness endures forever."

1 Chronicles 16:34 






  1. beautiful quotes from your books! Gratitude daily helps when there are bumps on the road of life.

    1. Yes, Karen, when we are already in the practice of recognizing our gratitude it really does it make it easier when those bumps on the road of life hit. Thanks so much for stopping by.

  2. What a powerful book! I do not often buy books (but rather borrow them, etc) but I think this is one that could use re-reading often! To think Biblically before all else...and especially the idea of starting the day affirming truth. I have been convicted about this very thing quite often lately. My first thoughts (so sadly) are often negative or critical. Why?? What a difference it would make to begin each day rehearsing truth and all His goodness! Thanks for the suggestion and review. I hope you are having a wonderful day!!

    1. Name Above All Names truly is a very good book, Jennifer. It's been a good companion to read along with The Grumbler's Guide to Giving Thanks. Thank you for stopping by and leaving such a thoughtful comment.

  3. Thank you for sharing this wisdom.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you, Karen. They both are really good books. Today I have been reading Chapter 4 in Name Above All Names which has to do with Jesus Christ, The Son of Man. It's really good.

  5. I love books that make me want to share quotes! We own Name Above All Names. I'll have to reread it. Thanks for sharing all these great quotes, Dianna!

    1. You are welcome, Ellen. Both are such godly men with much wisdom to share. It's one that I know I will read more than once.

  6. Those are great quotes!
    I just got that Thanksgiving book and have to start reading it.
    PS - the photos are beautiful.

    1. Mari, a little bit of a thumbs up on The Grumbler's Guide to Giving Thanks...The Putting into Practice section at the end of each chapter, if you choose to do them, takes some time. I forget which chapter I am on now, but I spent a good bit of time this morning with the Lord as a result of the Putting into Practice...and it was WONDERFUL!

      Thank you for your kind words about the photos. They are ones that Carroll took the fall of 2020 when we were out for a drive to see the leaves. It gives you a little idea of what the area around us looks like.

  7. Wonderful quotes and beautiful photos!

  8. These are all great. I especially like the ones about trusting that Christ is reigning even though it doesn't look like it. The last time I read through Esther, that stood out to me--even with a pagan king on the throne and an active enemy to God's people, God was still working out His will. That encourages trust that He is doing the same today.

    1. Thank you, Barbara. I thought they were worth sharing. I know what you mean about trusting Christ is reigning even though it doesn't look like it ...and doesn't that fit perfectly with our world today? I also turn to that when it comes to some things that I have prayed for for years and "see" no results and I remind myself that just because I don't physically "see" any evidence of the prayers being answered, it doesn't mean that God isn't working. My mom used to always say, "God is still on His throne!" She had such a strong faith and trust in His working regardless of whether we could see answers or not.
