Books read in 2024

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Meaningful Links

 I've been thinking lately on some things pertaining to Scripture and its application to our daily lives.  

In the process, I came across this post by Tim Challies that I found rather thought provoking.  Are You a "Yeah, But..." Christian? explores just how literally we take what God says in His Word when He tells us to love our enemies (among many other things).  I found it an article definitely worth reading.

Another thought provoking post that I found this week is one that I found at Homeward Bound.  This is a blog that I have started following just since I returned to blogging.

When I was blogging before in prior years I was part of a Bible memory group, Hide His Word, which was lead by Lisa, whom I have known for many years now.  When I quit blogging I didn't stay up with it as much and I have missed that.  The group now meets on Facebook, but since I am no longer on Facebook I have been trying to do something on my own.  When I read here today I was led to a list of Kindle deals and saw one on Scripture memory that sounded really good.  I'm currently reading it on the Kindle Cloud and it's really good.  Memorizing Scripture: The Basics, Blessings and Benefits of Meditating on God's Word looks to be a very helpful tool and is currently on sale for a VERY good price!

My friend Melanie of Simple Amazing Grace blog sent me this link to a YouTube video.  It's a podcast interview that Alisa Childers did with Joni Eareckson Tada on her 50 years of suffering.  It's a very real glimpse into just a fraction of the pain that Joni lives with and a very touching testimony.

If you enjoy viewing links consider visiting another blogging friend, Barbara at Stray Thoughts blog on Saturdays.  She does a post each weekend titled Laudable Linkage where she shares a lot of different links to meaningful articles she has read over the week.  As a matter of fact, it was through reading her Laudable Linkage that I was introduced to Tim Challies.

I hope the time you have spent here today has been a blessing for you!

"But his delight is in the law of Yahweh, and in His law he meditates day and night"

Psalm 1:2


  1. We love memorising scripture. I admit, the children often memorise entire chapters while I’m still working on it. It’s amazing how quickly they learn.

    1. Yes, those young minds are like sponges. I would love to be able to spend time with your children, my friend.

  2. Thanks so much for the mention. :) I just got the book on memorization, too. It's nice the Kindle version is on sale for $2.99! I read the author's blog occasionally, when Tim Challies links to her, and so far everything I have seen from her has been solid.

    Have you read Alisa Childer's book titled Another Gospel? It is excellent. I'll have to watch the YouTube interview with Joni.

  3. Thank you for sharing these links! I haven't had time to do much reading lately with Thanksgiving preparations underway for this Sunday. I hope to get back to it soon. Only been doing my daily Bible reading. Hope you have a wonderful day!

    1. I thought you might be busy since you hadn't been by. I hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving celebration on Sunday with your family.

  4. Thank you for these links, Dianna. I've been following Challies for years but lost touch with Lisa Notes. I appreciate getting connected again.

    1. You are welcome, Ellen. I watched a really good podcast that Alisa Childers did with Challies earlier this week. It was so good. Lisa was one of the first people that I "met" when I started blogging all those years ago. The Lord arranged circumstances in such a manner that we became friends outside of blogging. She's a dear. I'm glad that you have reconnected with her.
