Books read in 2024

Friday, December 8, 2023

Be Encouraged

This week's "Be Encouraged" post is a bit different than they have been, but I trust that you will still find it to be encouraging AND thought provoking.

Each Friday Ligonier Ministries has a $5 sale and I recently took advantage of that by ordering a few books.  One of them was by one of my "far away mentors"  R. C. Sproul.  

For those of you who may not know him, you can read about him here.

In Are These the Last Days? Dr. Sproul expounds on the Olivet Discourse found in Matthew 24, all dealing with the disciples asking Jesus how they will know and what the signs will be of the last days.  It's a good read and will perhaps cause you to delve into the Word to give reason for what you believe.  But for me, the very last paragraph of the book, found on page 53, is both an encouragement and a challenge of sorts.  I trust that it will be the same for you, the reader.

"So the obvious question is, What will you be doing when He comes?  Will He find you faithful? Not casually or occasionally, but all the time?  Christ has bought us for Himself, and He has given us a task to perform whether we can physically see Him or not.  May He find us faithful when He comes."

"His master said to him, well done, good and faithful slave.  You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master."

Matthew 25:23 LSB


  1. We love R.C.! Greg is reading his book on Holiness right now. Yes, challenging. I want to gaze at Christ more and more in His Word. Thank you, Dianna.

    1. Ellen, that book on the holiness of God was such a game changer for me. We hear much about His holiness at our church and I am so thankful for that. It certainly puts in perspective just who God is AND who we are. Have a wonderful weekend, my friend.

  2. I'm not familiar with this author but maybe I should look for those books. Granny M

    1. The one on the holiness of God by R. C. Sproul is really good. Both of them are, but the one on holiness was a tremendous blessing in my life.

  3. I like RC Sproul and I bet that book will be interesting.
    Thanks for the card - it came today. Ours should come to you soon. I mailed them yesterday.

    1. Yes, Mari, it is. I appreciate that there's no date setting in it. 😊. I really miss Dr. Sproul. I'm thankful for the Internet where I can still listen to his teaching and sermons and that we can still read his books, but I miss seeing him.
      You are welcome for the card. 😊

  4. I've heard of him but haven't read any books.
