Books read in 2024

Monday, December 4, 2023

From My Journal

  TODAY IS: 4 December 2023

AROUND ME:  Although it isn't raining at the moment, we are predicted to have another rainy Monday! :)  It's all good.  We did our shopping the middle of last week, the house is decorated for Christmas, and we can just sit inside and enjoy the coziness that a rainy day brings with it.

I AM PONDERING:  this article by Jacob Crouch on Dead Orthodoxy.  It's so worth a read!

AMONG MY FAVORITE THINGS:  A day of shopping with my sweet husband.

BOOKS I AM CURRENTLY ENJOYING: I finished The Grumbler's Guide to Giving Thanks by Dustin Crowe.  What a wonderful book! 

gilead by Marilynne Robinson.  I've had a slow start to getting super interested in this book, but now that I'm further in, I'm enjoying it.  I've found places that make me tear up because of the tenderness with which this man is writing to his son and then there are times when I have to chuckle...especially when he shares stories of his parents and his grandparents.  

I'm also currently reading Sticks and Stones by Susan Meissner.  This is a sequel to Widows and Orphans that I read previously.  Rachel is a lawyer and while I enjoyed the first book, this second one is moving at a faster pace and is filled with suspense.  

How Does God Change Us?  by Dane C. Ortlund is the "condensed version" of Deeper by the same author.  I already have Deeper...real change for real sinners and it is an excellent book.  Both of these are put out through Union Publishing (Union School of Theology where Michael Reeves is President and Professor of Theology in the UK). 

 Last but definitely not least is Heaven and Nature Sing by Hannah Anderson.  It's an Advent devotional and I am thoroughly enjoying it.  I've read several of Hannah's books and none have ever disappointed.

I AM THANKFUL FOR memories that take my heart and mind back to times spent with loved ones who are no longer with us.  I put up our little Christmas tree last week and with the exception of three ornaments, the tree is totally decorated with my grandma's Christmas ornaments...the old Shiny Brights by Christoper Radko. 

I also put out the nativity that my dear mother and I worked on painting.  I'd commented to her one time that I would love to one day own a Lenox nativity and before I knew it, she had found a source where we could paint and have fired one that, in my humble opinion, is just as beautiful as the Lenox one.  Plus I have the memories of the two of us sitting at my kitchen table late into the night working on it.  My brother recently gave me the manger that Mother had always that made it even more special.  The runner that is pictured was a Christmas gift to me that my oldest granddaughter made.

God is so kind to give us memories!

NEVER TOO OLD TO LEARN:  Joy to the World wasn't written as a Christmas hymn primarily.  The birth of Christ certainly is much to cause heaven and nature to sing, but the focus behind the hymn actually has to do with Christ's second coming. An aspect that I have enjoyed focusing on during this Advent season is because we have the opportunity to think on His first coming, as a babe in a manger Who came to die and bring us redemption,  we also who believe are able to look ahead at the Advent of His second coming!  As the hymn says, "Joy to the world, the Savior reigns!"  What a glorious time that will be.

FROM THE KITCHEN: Chicken Soup...I feel a cold coming on.

SOMETHING I REALLY ENJOY:  We met with some friends for lunch last week.  They surprised us with this beautiful decoration.  I know the picture won't do it justice, but it is so pretty in person with the lights inside the glass.

A QUOTE TO REMEMBER:  "When meaningful reflection rather than mindless ritural describes our thanksgiving, we know God in deeper ways."  Dustin Crowe

TO DO LIST FOR TODAY:  Launder the bed linens, plant care, work on labeling and making cloth lid covers for the jars of jam I made for our church family.  I want to take them to church on Sunday to make certain everyone has opportunity to have some.  With the holidays some will be traveling.

"So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 90:12


  1. Good morning! It is rainy here as well, and I so enjoyed reading your post as I snuggled by the tree. Your tree is lovely, and your Nativity? Absolutely beautiful! The fact that you and your mother made it together makes it even more special. I love your thought that "God is so kind to give us memories." So true! Have a cozy afternoon.

    1. Hello Friend! As it turns out, we did not receive either the rain or the snow that was forecast for us today! We did have some sunshine and wind though. Thank you so much for your kind words regarding my tree and nativity, Billie Jo. I've really enjoyed them both. Have a wonderful remainder of your week! xx

  2. I decided to read Heaven and Nature Sing again this year, too.

    I loved Gentle and Lowly by Dane Ortlund. I need to explore some of his other books.

    What fun memories! Especially of painting the Nativity set with your mom.

    1. I wondered the other day what you decided on reading for Advent. I am really enjoying Heaven and Nature Sing!

      Dane Ortlund is one of my favorite authors...and Michael Reeves also.

      Have a wonderful week, Barbara!

  3. our company left on Friday and I am getting back into the groove of regular living until they return Christmas time. I loved having them here but I am also loving the silence :)

    1. I understand, Karen. When we are used to being just two of us and then having a number of people in our home for an extended period of time does make a difference. I'm not sure who coined the phrase, "Silence is golden", but I think they may have been on to something. ~wink~

  4. How wonderful Christmas memories are...and how nice to have all those shiny brights for your tree! Thanks for the book suggestions/ideas. I don't want to read fun Christmas romance books!!? Have a wonderful week ahead!

    1. Hello Jennifer. Those shiny brights are probably between 70-80 years old and my grandma enjoyed them so much when she had her tree. You are welcome for the book suggestions. I think fun Christmas romance books are like the majority of Christmas movies...they all have the same ideas repeated over and over again.

    2. WOW - 80 year old ornaments! I know such treasures should be used and enjoyed...but I know I would be nervous:)

    3. They are definitely cherished, and one day they will be passed on to one of our kids, but for now I intend to enjoy them for as many Christmas seasons the Lord blessed me with.

  5. So interesting to hear about Joy to the World. :)
    Your little tree is so pretty with your moms ornaments

    1. Thank you, Karen. I'm glad you enjoyed hearing about Joy to the World. And thank you for your kind words regarding my tree. It would make Grandma happy to see that I am using her ornaments.

  6. Those sentimental decorations are so special! I love the tree and the Nativity.
    I got the Thanksgiving book after you mentioned it, but haven't started reading it yet - I will soon though!
    I never knew that about Joy to the World. So interesting!

    1. Thank you, Mari. I have really enjoyed both the nativity and the tree this year. Having Mother's manger this year has made something that was already special to me even more so.

      I know you will enjoy the Grumbler's Guide to Giving Thanks when you are able to start it. I took my time with it and worked my way through each chapter and did the work at the end of each one. At the very back of the book there is a 30 day challenge on reading Scriptures every day to learn more of God's character. That's where I am at now, but the book itself is finished.

      I know...I didn't either until recently learn about Joy to the World's history. I was amazed when I pulled up the lyrics to it earlier and found it to be obvious that it was written about His second coming but I hadn't thought of it in that way before...I guess because we have always sung it at Christmas.

  7. Your Shiny Bright tree is gorgeous!! I was telling one of my sons about Christoper Radco just the other day.
    The nativity is so special...a true treasure.
    Now I'm off to read the article on dead orthodoxy.
    I hope your week is peaceful, Granny M

    1. Thank you, Granny M! It's always fun to meet someone who knows about Christopher Radko. :) I actually learned about him and the history behind how his ornaments are made through a YouTuber that I watch. She has one tree that she does each year that has all Christopher Radko ornaments, but she only collects the snowmen. Her husband has given her one every year for Christmas since they were married. Here's a link to this years if you would care to see her ornaments.

      My mother and I had a lot of fun doing the Nativity together. We sat at my kitchen table and had to bring in a lamp so we could see better but it was fun and the memories from that time come through each time I look at the Nativity.

      Hope you enjoy the article by Jacob Crouse on Dead Orthodoxy.

  8. Such a cozy post! I do love your tree and the ornaments. My daughter in law loves to collect vintage ornaments and she's found several at our local thrift store Christmas section. I'm currently reading a Hannah Anderson book now too - Made for More. I definitely want to read more of hers. Have a blessed day.

    1. Thank you, Melanie. Thrift stores are a great way to collect vintage ornaments. My problem is that I seldom go to thrift stores. :) Glad you are enjoying Hannah Anderson's book...she is truly a gifted writer.

  9. What a lovely memory to treasure of painting the nativity with your mother. Very sweet.

    1. Thank you, Lauren. It certainly makes for a sweet time each year when I bring out the Nativity.

  10. Greg is always ready to explain to people that Joy to the World is about The second coming of Jesus. :) You are reading a lot of good books. I started a good Advent devotional this week from our kids' church. That is wonderful to have Christmas decor from your grandmother and mother to enjoy. Great keepsakes filled with memories. I'm done with our Christmas cards now so I can concentrate on getting our Christmas decor out. Enjoy the rest of this week!

    1. When I read the lyrics to Joy to the World it was so easy to understand that it was written about His Second Coming. Glad you found an Advent devotional that you are enjoying. Thanks for stopping by, Ellen. Have a wonderful remainder to your week!

  11. We badly need rain, but so far we've only got a few drops. Very frustrating.
    Lucky you! Usually husbands dislike shopping with or without the wife.
    The tree with your grandma's ornaments, looks lovely!

    1. We had periods without rain this summer. I'm sorry that you are in need of rain right now.
      I know....I guess I have a special guy because he is so patient when we shop.
      Thank you for your kind words, Duta, regarding my Christmas tree. Have a great weekend.
