Books read in 2024

Monday, March 25, 2024

From My Journal

 TODAY IS:  March 25, 2024

AROUND ME: the sun is shining and the temperature today is to be in the 60s!

I AM PONDERING: the beauty of nature at this time of year.  Color is popping up everywhere around us! 

AMONG MY FAVORITE THINGS:  nourishment for my soul as I study God's Word.  He always brings joy and peace.


  Refreshment for the Soul is a collection of Richard Sibbes thoughts on different topics and is compiled as a devotional.  So, it will be an ongoing reading throughout this year.

Rebels at the Gate - Lee and McClellan on the Front Line of a Nation Divided by W. Hunter Lesser

Till We Have Faces  by C.S. Lewis

I AM THANKFUL FOR: the fun few days we had with our grandson this past week.  He is a joy to be around...always willing to do whatever we have planned, always willing to do what he can to lighten someone else's load.

NEVER TOO OLD TO LEARN about having a teachable spirit.  

FROM THE KITCHEN: I tried a new cookie recipe...Mexican Hot Chocolate Cookies.  I thought it would be something that our grandson would enjoy since he was born in Mexico City.  They were yummy. 

SOMETHING I REALLY ENJOY:    techology...when it works! 😀



TO DO LIST FOR TODAY Laundry, make the upstairs bedroom ready for our grandson's visit this week.

"So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 90:12


  1. Good morning Dianna! It's 55 and raining here. Very windy too.
    I am so thankful for the color coming back into our world.
    HAHAHA! Technology... you gotta love it! :) Glad you had a good visit with your grandson! Those cookies look wonderful!

    Hope you have a blessed day!

    1. Hello Monica. Glad you understood my comment about technology. :)
      Do you have special plans for Easter?

  2. how lovely to spend time with your grandson! Grands are the best part of being older. We are going to be up in the 60's as well and I am looking for to it, tomorrow it's supposed to rain. May you have a blessed Holy Week.

    1. Yes, Grands are the best part of being older! I totally agree.

      Thank you for your kind wishes. I trust that your Holy Week will be much blessed.

  3. I enjoy reading anything by CS Lewis. I shall explore that title! So, is another grandson coming this week, for whose visit you are preparing? How truly special that your grandson visit last week was enjoyable for everyone. My grands are the same; they enjoy doing pretty much whatever we are doing! That, and they've been trained not to complain, hahaa! Either way, it's good. When our grandson Andrew came last summer, TG asked him to operate an electric sander to get glue residue off of some brick steps we were re-covering with new indoor/outdoor carpet. I have a video of Andrew (then 11) singing at the top of his lungs while he worked. You could just hear him over the loud sander: "Noah, he built him, he built him an arkie arkie ... " Haaahaaa!!! It was so cute. We have nice weather too, although a tad chilly today. I love anything Mexican chocolate! And His Eye is on the Sparrow is one of my favorite songs, and sentiments. Happy Easter Week! He is Risen, as He said! xoxo

    1. Hello Jenny... the cookies I made are some that I made for our grandson's visit last week. His parents were missionaries in Mexico City for many years and that's where he was born. I loved reading about when your grandson Andrew came for a visit. How special it is that you got him singing while working on video.

      Yes! He is risen indeed!

  4. Those cookies look wonderful! I've been craving chocolate lately.

    1. Thank you, Friend. I go through periods like that too where I crave chocolate. Those cookies actually have molasses in them too... along with cocoa, and a touch of cayenne pepper.

  5. Hello! The cookies look delicious! Have a lovely day and enjoy the sunshune!

    1. Hello sweet friend. Thank you for your kind words about the cookies. Have a wonderful week.

  6. So nice that you got to spend time with your grandson.
    Those cookies look delicious.

    1. Thank you, Karen. We really enjoyed our time together with him.

  7. I'm so glad you had a nice visit with your grandson! Some of my favorite memories are from visiting with my grandmother.

    One of my friends used to make Mexican Hot Chocolate which had a touch of cinnamon. If the cookies tasted anything like that, I'm sure they were good!

    I'm enjoying spring popping up all over here, too. We've had another cold spell--but I know spring will settle in here soon.

    1. These Mexican hot chocolate cookies do taste like Mexican hot chocolate. They have cocoa, molasses, cinnamon and just a pinch of cayenne pepper.
      The weather here has been off and on here too. We are currently in a warming trend. 😊

  8. I was just thinking that your grandsons visit had to be coming soon! I'm so glad you had such a nice time with him, and even more that he's such a great kid and a blessing to you.
    I have a recipe for cookies called Mexican Chocolate Crinkles. They look just like these, so I wonder if they are the same.

    1. Thank you, Mari. He will be 25 this fall and is a paralegal with a large law firm. We are so proud of him.
      I'm guessing your recipe for the Mexican chocolate Crinkles is the same as this one that I made because when I took them out of the oven I thought how much they looked like a crinkle cookie.

  9. Indeed, when technology works it is a good thing. So happy to read about the good time you had with grandson!
