Books read in 2024

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Kindness Brings Conviction

When I think of the opposite of kindness two words immediately come to mind...pride and self-righteousness.  What I am sharing here today is a prime example of both on my part.

I have much to learn as I seek to learn about kindess  (my "One Word" for 2024) as the Lord points out things to me in every day circumstances.

He did just that very thing on a recent shopping expedition.

I was in pain and tired and we had finally finished our shopping in a large store.  I was definitely ready to head to the cash registers, get checked out and move on to the next item on our agenda for the day.

As God would have it (because He had a kindness lesson to teach me), when we got to the registers there were only three registers open with actual cashiers.  

I saw the direction that Strongheart was headed and I also saw that there were definitely some gender issues going on in that lane.  Immediately, I asked him if we could just go to another register.

Again, as God would have it, the other two lanes had several people lined up, whereas the line where Strongheart was headed only had one person in front of us.

The person in front of us was a sweet little white haired lady who was the personification of kindness.  I am sure she was just as aware of the cashier's identity as I was, but she continued being her sweet self. 

When her transaction was complete and she had all of her purchases in her cart, she turned to the cashier and said, "Now, you just have a wonderful day."

And right then and there, the Holy Spirit used that woman's kindness to this person to bring conviction on my heart and spirit.  Do I agree with the lifestyle of this cashier?  NO!  Do I live in a fallen world?  Yes!  Do I profess to follow Christ?  Yes! 

 Then I accept the fact that living in a fallen world, these things will happen.  It doesn't mean that I have to like it, but it does mean that because I follow Christ that I still extend kindness.


  1. God is always ready to teach us lessons if we are just aware. And our fallen world gives us lots of opportunities to learn.

    1. Yes, He is, my friend. The conviction of the Holy Spirit definitely makes one aware. xx

  2. Your post gave me chills! I pray that next time this happens to me I will exhibit kindness. Thank you Dianna!

    1. May God be praised, Monica. Conviction is hard at the time because it humbles us and reminds us of just who God is and who we are, but, oh, my friend, in the end, it's so worth it in the restoration of our relationship with Christ. xx

  3. Wow, what a moment. Good for you for having a soft heart and listening. And thank you for sharing.

    1. I will be the first to admit, Mari, that I don't always have a soft and listening heart but the conviction was so strong that day that there was no denying it. I constantly pray that God would give me a teachable spirit. xx

  4. There is a cashier like this at a store near here. I look for this person whenever I am in the store and say a little prayer silently. I wonder how many people God sends this person's way. These cashiers see hundreds of us each day. We can love all we meet.

    1. Sandi, thank you so much for your insight about wondering how many people God sends this person's way. In His sovereignty I can easily see that happening. I will continue to do as you do and say a prayer silently. We don't always shop in that particular store now, but I know that things like that aren't related to just one store. xx

  5. I appreciate your sensitivity to the Holy Spirit's leading and lessons. This makes me think of Romans 5:8: "God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." He loved us when we were His enemies, or at least aloof and disinterested. Some years ago I ran into a sales associate in a toy store whose appearance just screamed worldliness, who, if the topic of Christianity came up, probably would have been opposed. I asked God to help me see past that to his soul's need. I don't always do that, I am ashamed to say. I don't always know what to say, so I often try to avoid encounters with people that seem strongly opposed to views I hold dear. But I am convicted that in the few minutes we encounter them, I need to show them kindness.

    1. Thank you, Barbara, for your kind words...may God be glorified through it. "see past that to his soul's need"...such wise thinking and thank you for sharing that. I can remember doing that one time years ago at a thrift store and when my focus was where it needed to be the clerk and I had such a sweet conversation at the register. xx

  6. We as Christians should show kindness to all. Just because we don't agree is no reason to not be kind. Thank you for the reminder. :)

    1. I agree, Karen. I need the reminder just like everyone else, my friend. xx

  7. Kindness is always the best path. I'm not surprised you chose it, Dianna. When I see others who are different than me, I have to remind myself how different I must seem to them too. I'm thankful we're all worthy of love. Thank you for rippling your kindness into the world, friend!

    1. Well, to God be the glory for the work He did in my heart. I like your reminder to yourself that you seem different to those others. I will remember that... and, yes, my friend, we are all worthy of love.
