Monday, July 8, 2024

From My Journal

TODAY IS: July 8, 2024

AROUND ME: the birds are singing, the mourning doves are cooing, and the temperature is 64 degrees F, with a high of 92 predicted for the day.

I AM PONDERING: just how blessed we are to live in a country where we still have the freedom to meet in our houses of worship.  May we never take that for granted.

AMONG MY FAVORITE THINGS:  laughter of children playing and enjoying life.  Our little neighbor children have been away all week on vacation and I've missed hearing their laughter when they are outside playing.


  Refreshment for the Soul is a collection of Richard Sibbes thoughts on different topics and is compiled as a devotional.  So, it will be an ongoing reading throughout this year.

The Soul's Conflict  by Richard Sibbes

Abiding Presence by Ron Block

I AM THANKFUL FOR:  the few showers that we had this past weekend.  It's good to see the gardens wet now and then.   Strongheart is still having to water the tomatoes and strawberries. May the Lord see fit to give us some more.  


Apple Crisp

Cinnamon Sugar Scones

SOMETHING I REALLY ENJOY:  watching for buds turn into blooms on some of my flowers...especially the Begonias and the Stargazer Lily.  

TO DO LIST FOR TODAY:  Clean the house and more organization of the upright freezer in the mudroom. 

"So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 90:12


  1. We have so much to be thankful for!
    Your kitchen is putting out good looking food.
    We love watching the buds turn into flowers too.
    For some reason, I can't comment under my name today - this is Mari

    1. Mari, I'm so sorry to hear that you couldn't comment under your name today. I just checked my settings to see if there was anything out of order and everything is just as I have had it set. Please let me know if it continues.

  2. your desserts look so delicious! Happy Monday my friend!

  3. We're about the same, weather-wise. There is no rain in the near forecast, but we're hoping God sends some. Those scones look so good! I was just thinking about the need to organize my kitchen freezer. There are numerous bagged goods in there which tend to slide around. I have a little tray for a few of them. Some of our wildflowers have just started blooming last week. We specifically chose some that are supposed to attract humming birds, so I hope to see more of them soon.

    1. Thank you for your kind comment about the scones. Saturday was the Men's Prayer Breakfast at our church and Carroll requested that I make the scones and the apple crisp. The scones were really good. I will share the recipe at some point here on the blog. I finished up the freezer organization project this morning and I'm glad to have it done. I have a much better idea of what we have now and it's easily accessible now.

  4. Hello, my friend! I will be right over for a scone and some apple crisp!!!

    1. You would be most welcome, Billie Jo. :) xx

  5. Oh those scones look wonderful.
    Yes, I agree, what a blessing it is to be able to go to church. :)

  6. Apple Crisp and scones....two of my favourite sweets. I hope you get more much needed rain soon. We also need some. With the hot temperatures and our sandy soil everything dries out fast. Have a wonderful week.

    1. I made both of them for hubby to take to the men's prayer meeting on Saturday. He didn't bring anything home but empty containers. 😊.

  7. Oh but those scones look so yummy. I need to add making some scones to my (very loosely written in my head) to do list! Morning temperatures in the 60s also sound quite delightful! Enjoy...and have a wonderful week ahead!

    1. Thank you so much, Jennifer. The one missing in the picture was delicious. 😋😋. It's such a a good and easy recipe.

  8. I enjoyed reading from your journal today. We all have so much to be thankful for! We had a few off and on showers yesterday for the first time in a while. My plants were very happy! Your apple crisp looks delicious! And you scones look wonderful! I've attempted to make scones twice and they didn't turn out very well. I do love a good scone with a cup of coffee or tea. Hope you have a great week.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Julia. much to be thankful for. I will post the recipe for the scones at some point. They are easy. The key to good scones is to not overwork the dough.

  9. It is so sweet to hear the birds in the morning. That crisp looks delicious and the scones. Happy new week to you dear lady!

    1. Hearing the birds in the morning is one of my favorite things.

  10. Watching the buds open... beautiful.
    Every morning I go exploring in the garden with my coffee cup...
    and the birds sing so wonderfully.
    Your cinnamon sugar scones look great. I still need something for my afternoon coffee, my little pieces of cake have been eaten.
    Happy day to you.

    1. Those morning strolls through the our gardens are special times, yes? It's a peaceful part of the day for me. Thank you for your kind words regarding the scones. Wishing you a wonderful day, Viola. xx

  11. So many Blessings! I'm also much have we been given!
    Love the scone recipe!!

    1. Yes, Donna, we certainly have been given much to be thankful for. xx

  12. Dianna, I always enjoy your spirit of Thankfulness in your posts! You inspire me so very much!
    Your scones look delicious!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Monica.

      Scones were yummy

  13. The sugar scones look very good. I'm so glad you are having showers over there. Send some my way!

    1. We need rain so badly. Everything is turning brown and Carroll has to water the garden.
