Books read in 2024

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Finishing Our Course with Joy - a book review


Finishing Our Course with Joy by J. I. Packer was such a blessing to read and one that I plan to keep on my bookshelf to read again and again.  As the subtitle states,  the books contents deal with "Guidance from God for Engaging with Our Aging."  

I've had this book since last fall and obtained it from the book table at our church.  Our pastor is so good to order in books and put them on the back table.  They are books that I know I can trust to benefit my growth as a Christian.  This one is no exception.

The book has a total of 99 it's a short read.  It has the sum total of four chapters.  Chapter 1 is "We Grow Old".  Chapter 2 is "Soul and Body".  Chapter 3 is "Keeping Going" and Chapter 4 is "We Look Forward".

Mr. Packer contrasts the way our culture views retirement with the true Biblical view of what it means to retire.  Our culture promotes the folks who are of retirement age to just give up responsibilities and let others do for us.  But the author contends that as Christians, while our bodies definitely slow down and not everything functions as it did in our younger years, we still do not need to be put out to pasture, so to speak.  We still can be as active as our bodies and minds allow us to be in sharing the Lord with others.  

Our growth as a Christian should not end when we reach retirement age.  We still have much to look forward to as Jesus tells us that He has gone ahead to prepare a place for us when our bodies here are no longer able to function.  We still need to be about studying our Bibles (not just reading them), encouraging others, spending time in prayer with our Father...the list goes on.

I will be 75 in a few months and this book was such a great source of encouragement to me...especially because of the timing of my reading it.  I had been sick and had a major fibromyalgia flare in the middle of being sick.  Strongheart was having some eye related surgeries.  I was definitely feeling the impact of our bodies not functioning like they used to.  But then as I read this wonderful book I smiled because the things Mr. Packer encourages us to do are things that I can't live without doing!  It's not about the here and's about looking forward to our Blessed Hope and what He has in store for us.

Another interesting fact that I didn't know until I was discussing the book with our pastor is that J.I.  Packer was in his 70s when he developed glaucoma to the point that he could no longer see to read or write.  He lived to be 93...and died just five days before his 94th birthday.  


  1. It sounds like it was both inspiring and encouraging. I like the idea of your book table at church.

    1. The book truly was both, Mari. A great reminder of how He can continue to use us. Our pastor is an avid reader, so he put a bookcase in one of the rooms and filled the shelves with some of his books. Then he watches for when Ligonier and Union Press are having sales and he orders in several books and puts them on the table in the foyer. If there is one that we want we just put money in the offering basket and mark it Book Fund. He always says, "and if you don't have the money, just take the book." I've been able to obtain so many good books that way.

  2. This sounds like a book I really should read. I'm right with you, my friend, except you are one month my elder! (smile) I've got it on my wish list. It is so true that often the older generation are thought to be no longer able to contribute in a meaningful way. But God has a purpose until He calls us home. Great review.

    1. month your elder! I have a brother-in-law who is five months my elder. Anyway, this is really a worthwhile book to read. Thank you for your kind words regarding the review.

  3. The older I get the more I learn and grow!! Especially in retirement, I guess I have more time to delve into learning!

    1. Exactly, Karen! But so often that is overlooked by the younger generations. We can continue to learn and serve the Lord until we are Home with Him.

  4. Sounds like a good book that all of us retirees should read. I do appreciate J.I. Packer. Thanks for the review, Dianna.

    1. It's definitely a good book...and especially as we age. This was the first of J.I. Packer that I have read but I certainly enjoyed his wisdom in this book! You are welcome for the review. xx

  5. I read this several years ago but should reread it--especially now that I am even older than I was then. :) That truth has been coming to my attention a lot here recently--that God has ways to still use us, even if it's different from what it was in the past.

    1. He always has ways to use us, regardless of our age. We just have to be willing to accept that it may be in different ways in our later years. Thanks for stopping by, Barbara.

  6. How difficult it must have been for that dear man to lose his eye sight to the point where he couldn't read or write for all the years he still lived. Thank you for the review of this amazing book.

    1. You are quite welcome for the review, my friend.

  7. Thank you very much for your beautiful and encouraging contribution.
    The best wishes go to you.
    Hug from Viola

    1. You are quite welcome, Viola. I hope you enjoyed the lady's channel.
